Chapter 468: Sword Unsheathed (IV)

Name:Star Gate Author:
Chapter 468: Sword Unsheathed (IV)

Xu Feng panicked when he lost the boxing gloves. Mysterious power blasted forth as he roared in fury. He wanted to dodge Li Hao’s blow, but he’d already sealed off the premises and used the Heart Protector to reinforce the icy blockade...

There was no time to run and no place to run!

Off in the distance, Light Sword staggered to his feet and threw himself into the air. “Li Hao, a thousand mysterious power stones...” he shouted in resignation and anguish.

Li Hao’s momentum continued unabated, as if he hadn’t heard the incomplete sentence. He struck with a blow that held four combined auras and deployed the Incantation of the Blade of Blood to the utmost! All of the sword energy within Stellaris surged out as well, transforming into strength. He struck!

What mysterious power stones?

Do you think I care?

Go to hell!


Countless ice cubes exploded when his sword descended. Stellaris also seemed enraged that this person had continuously suppressed it. The sword erupted with heretofore unseen resplendence!

The sword descended!

The Gold Armor that’d just reached the city walls looked in the sword’s direction with a keen glint in his eyes. That was the legacy of the Sword Sovereign!

Xu Feng roared, flaring his mysterious power once more. It flooded out of his body to form an ice shield, wanting to stop the sword stroke.


Blood poured out of Xu Feng as the shield of ice exploded. The sword continued to descend. Xu Feng punched at Li Hao, but his arm disintegrated when it hit Li Hao!

Incredulity dawned in Xu Feng’s eyes and he looked at Li Hao. “You do know... that I am from the Xu Clan!” he said after a moment. Pieces of flesh were falling off his face, as did the rest of his body. However, he didn’t cry out with pain or despair. He was only taken aback. “Do you... know the Xus??”

The person in front of him was killing him! Not everyone dared provoke the Xus, even in the central region. Neither the nine ministries nor the royal family dared to easily kill a Xu. Not even the three great organizations dared! Where did this guy find the balls to do so??

“Cough cough cough...” Li Hao spat out a mouthful of blood and punched with a final rumble that completely broke his opponent into pieces! He swung with a punch, and another punch! He punched thirty-six times until Xu Feng was a pulped mass. Li Hao spat derisively. “The Xus huh? Are they as glorious as my Li Clan?”

Pah! Who do you think you are? I haven’t boasted about my family background yet, how is it your turn? Do you know who the Lis of the eight great families are? Do you know how strong my ancestor was?? Wanting to compete in family background with me... Pfft, up yours! Your family ain’t worth shit unless you’re the imperial majesty or the Human King’s family!

Dead silence reigned. Xu Feng was dead. His body had been desecrated by his furious opponent and minced to a pulp!

Li Hao dismissed the armor and revealed his true form. He smiled at the supernaturals around him and waved at the three great organizations. “Nice to meet you. I am Li Hao of the Lis in Silver City, Li Hao of the Five Styles discipline. Greetings to all!”

No one answered him. He Yong grinned in the air—well done! His expression immediately changed drastically—shit, I can’t hold this! He immediately landed next to Li Hao. The ice cubes had vanished and the Heart Protector had fallen to the ground. He ignored all that and grabbed the young man’s hand, transmitting, “Save me!”

The remaining Battle Heaven soldiers struck with a ferocious surge! Under the Gold Armor and three Silver Armors’ leadership, Black Armors charged like dark tidewaters. Ghastly shrieks rang unceasingly wherever they struck.

The supernaturals were swiftly defeated; it wasn’t enough for them to retreat to the plaza. No one considered that they would have to take the second passageway again if they exited the city. They all pelted for outside the city!

The Gold Armor stopped only when he reached the edge of the plaza. A vicious glint shone in his eyes as he looked at the scattering supernaturals. What a pity that the passage of time was merciless and the army was long dead. This turned the city outskirts into a haven for bandits instead!

What a pity, what a pity...

Losing his physical body and soul meant losing everything. Even he could not walk out of the ancient city’s range. He could only watch as the trespassers celebrated surviving a calamity.

“Return to your posts!” The remaining soldiers withdrew upon this order to defend the inner city.

Powerhouses outside the city gasped for air, all of them slightly terrified. The sudden change in situation and the Gold Armor’s strength exceeded their expectations. Red Moon was suddenly down to only their three leaders. All of their Solars and one Nova had died to one sword stroke. Before that, the army’s greatest battle accomplishment was killing a mid Solar. Was this city truly alive again?

Hou Xiaochen breathed out silently and looked at the inner city with resignation. He’d been beaten several times in a row today! He Yong and Hong Yitang... you bastards!


Fear and horror suffused the perimeter of the ancient city. Although the powerhouses had run fast enough when the Black Armors charged at the behest of the Gold Armor and three Silver Armors, most of the wandering cultivators and weaker supernaturals weren’t that fast.

Nearly two thousand were initially present on the expedition team. Several hundred had died in the first round of battle, Li Hao killed more than one hundred through his guerrilla warfare, and the last battle had caused another round of deaths. By now, the supernaturals were thoroughly routed and the casualties too many to count.

When the Gold Armor stopped near the plaza and returned to defend the city, Hou Xiaochen couldn’t help but sigh inwardly as he looked around him. People died in the pursuit of riches!

A sizable portion of the expedition team was supernaturals, but now there were at most five hundred left. Their losses had been heavy and the surviving supernaturals seemed scared out of their wits. Making it out of this particular encounter alive didn’t mean that they’d continue to do so!

Once superhumans were terrified to the point where their mentality collapsed, it was hard to take another step forward. Besides, was exiting the ruins that straightforward?

It’d been only one day since the expedition started—the doors wouldn’t be open until tomorrow night at the earliest. It would also require those on the outside to facilitate the opening. They’d already said that they would not open the doors before then. If the third day dawned, the doors would open themselves even if there was no help from outside.

There were two more days of this hellish torment to come!

Hou Xiaochen looked around him; it’d taken such a short period of time to further whittle away at their Novas. Red Moon had just lost another, leaving Blue Moon, Green Moon, and the horrified peak Solar Violet Moon.

The Parity King was still present on the Yama side, but he seemed to have lost a certain group of people that normally served under his banner. Thank goodness he still possessed two more Novas. That meant all three Novas in his group were alive.

On the Celestial side, they’d lost an elder, leaving two remaining. No one knew if the dead elder had fallen prey to one of the Silver Armors.

On the wandering cultivator side, there’d been Xu Feng, Yuan Xinwu, and a total of five Novas. It was a decent number, but now there were three. Xu Feng was dead and another one fell victim to one of He Yong’s fists.

Light Sword was standing by himself not too far away. The look in his eyes continuously shifted; no one knew what he was thinking.