Chapter 480: Judgment (II)

Name:Star Gate Author:
Chapter 480: Judgment (II)

The Night Watchers naturally possessed their own web of internal cliques and factions. Some were pro-independence, others were war hawks, some were hotly ambitious. There were characters from all walks of life as not everyone was willing to work for the dynasty or nine ministries after coming into their own power.

If we’re so strong already, is there a need to risk our lives for others?

Yellow Dragon was a heavyweight in the Night Watchers, one of the deputy directors in headquarters. He was also a deputy director at the central Inspectorate. Meanwhile, the general director of the central Night Watchers was a deputy director at the central Inspectorate. That put the two on the same footing in terms of rank, but with one principal and one deputy, the general director’s ranking was still higher.

It was due to this bizarre concurrent post that caused the two to be at slight odds with each other. Yellow Dragon felt that his standing was no less than the general director’s and nursed certain ambitions since he had mighty talents under his banner. The Nova Hu Qingfeng was one of his.

“How strong do you think Yellow Dragon is?”

Hu Qingfeng didn’t dare not respond, but was also deeply afraid of irritating Hou Xiaochen if he didn’t answer correctly. He hesitated before transmitting, “Very strong, I think... I think... he is as strong as Director Hou.”

“Is that so? How about Earthturner Sword?”

“I’m... not sure about that. From the methods displayed... perhaps... a little weaker?”

“Earthturner Sword unsealed his strength. I am the same level as him, do you understand?”

“Yes!” Fear deepened in Hu Qingfeng’s eyes. This he already knew as they’d discussed it before. These people were all terrifying to the extreme. They were already so strong, yet had not fully unsealed all of their strength. He could barely wonder if they’d all exceeded Nova. It was possible as the methods they employed didn’t seem available to Novas.

“I’ll most likely head to the central region after exiting the ruins. I’m considering whether I should accept the position of deputy director at central headquarters. Are you willing to follow my lead? I don’t know many people there and am unfamiliar with the central region, so think about it.”

“......” Hu Qingfeng’s mouth dropped with shock. What the heck? You don’t want to kill me? And... you want to win me over to your side?

“Dir... Director Hou. I don’t understand...”

“There’s nothing to understand. I will be newly arrived and need some helpers since I don’t know anything. I can’t go around telling people I’m strong, can I? Everyone will treat me like a joke! Assistance from others is required in some aspects. As an initial Nova, you’re not weak and can pitch in a thing or two.”

A light danced in Hu Qingfeng’s eyes, but his blood ran cold when he saw the smile on Hou Xiaochen’s face. He didn’t dare entertain any other thoughts and transmitted, “Director Hou... my... position in headquarters... isn’t that high. Apart from the directors at headquarters, there are several who are much stronger than me, as well as the five commanders-in-chief... I am just small fry who runs errands compared to them...”

“That’s exactly who I want!” Hou Xiaochen laughed. “I’ve studied your file and you have many negatives. You like to exaggerate your accomplishments, bully the weak and fear the strong, you’re timid as a mouse, and your talents do not match your ambitions...”

Hu Qingfeng flushed with indignation at his words, but had to force down his fury when he thought of Hou Xiaochen’s strength. This was pure and simple humiliation!

“But I looked into things and found that you’re not that bad. You have your positives, such as complete obedience to those who are much stronger than you...”


“We do!” They quickly responded. They did, they were to become turncoats! This was a role they were familiar with.

“Right, your two men...” Hou Xiaochen transmitted to Hu Qingfeng. “Take care of them yourself!”


“Huh what?” The director’s expression was calm. “They’ve done their fair share of evil deeds, just like Yu Xiao. After suddenly receiving power, they conduct themselves like they’re gods. You take care of them yourself, I can’t be bothered.”

A variety of expressions ran through Hu Qingfeng’s face before he ultimately transmitted, “Alright!”

“This will count as your official declaration of loyalty!” Hou Xiaochen grinned. “I’ll make a record of it and if you refuse my orders in the future, I’ll write you up for murdering your colleagues and collusion with the three great organizations, then execute you. Do you understand?”

“......” Hu Qingfeng didn’t dare say a word as he cursed to himself, but he somehow felt more reassured. It was better when he was being threatened—it felt more safe somehow. Otherwise, the entire issue sat uneasily with him.

Hou Xiaochen ignored the two. It didn’t matter if they decided to lose their sense of reason and took some action. He looked into the distance, at Li Hao and the two men beside him. “I’m going to take a look to see if the ruins doors will open tonight.” He suddenly left. “There’s no need to stay here anymore!”

His abrupt departure alarmed Green Moon and the others. However, they were at ease upon seeing that he was really gone. Hou Xiaochen’s presence induced a lot of pressure. They wanted nothing more than for Kong Jie to leave as well—that one was also stressful!

“I’m going to see if there’s another path out.” Kong Jie smiled, as if hearing their inner thoughts. “Don’t try anything, everyone. We’ll be nearby and will come for you first if anything happens. We’ll all make it out of the ruins if we stay nice and quiet. That’s the best outcome.”

He vanished on the spot as well, leaving the rest to heave sighs of relief! It was good that he was gone, but they had to be careful of any schemes brewing in the background.


At the same time.

Li Hao frowned to see Hou Xiaochen and Kong Jie disappear. What were those two doing? He was considering how to discuss future plans with them, or whether it was even possible to.

The young man glanced at the three Silver Armors—they couldn’t leave the city. Meanwhile, the expedition team hid outside the city. Just the combination of himself, Hong Yitang, and He Yong likely wouldn’t eradicate the enemy.

With everyone hiding outside the city, he would catch their eye if he approached. He might be mobbed by the group. With Light Sword also present, he didn’t have a death wish. He Yong and Hong Yitang had expended a lot of resources last time. If they had to exert themselves again... it would be quite the outlay.

He Yong sidled over as Li Hao contemplated; he looked outside the city with a chuckle. “Sneaky bastard Hou Xiaochen probably has something up his sleeves again to run off like that. Is he setting a trap or what?”

He didn’t seem to like Hou Xiaochen much—he’d been cursing the director’s name the first time Li Hao met him.