Chapter 495: The News Spreads in All Directions (III)

Name:Star Gate Author:
Chapter 495: The News Spreads in All Directions (III)

In the wake of Silver Spear’s death, his innumerable enemies had come calling. Martial masters of Silver City had stepped forward to protect his son, as did the great personages of the city. The Silver character in Silver Spear was also the Silver of Silver City!

He had been Silver City’s pride and glory. Thus, the older generation of martial masters in Silver City had fought for his son again and again. This was a very different experience from Li Hao’s childhood.

“Chief, I might go to the central region,” Li Hao breathed out. “I’ll be further away from Silver City. I summoned you here from Silver City, but now I might leave again. I’m getting farther away from home! Th.ê most uptodate novels are published on n(0)velbj)n(.)co/m

“Martial Uncle Hong is strong and I can tell that some of his ideals are to make what changes he can. If he thinks you’re suitable to go with him, I think you can give it a try.”

Hong Yitang had extended an olive branch to Liu Long. Li Hao had heard it, and was possibly meant to hear it. Liu Long wouldn’t gain much following Li Hao around as the young man ran through the world. His personality and mind intent would not improve from killing more. Sometimes, a kind of faith and motivation were needed in addition to battle experience.

Hong Yitang would need the help of people like Liu Long if he wished to establish his little utopia. He wouldn’t be able to accomplish it by himself.

Water was gentle. Liu Long comprehended the water aura because his own personality wasn’t that of violent might. This was a tender mind intent—his waves veered on the ferocious side because Li Hao and Yuan Shuo had given him that suggestion, but it wasn’t necessarily the most suited for him.

Liu Long frowned and didn’t say a word.

“Are you worried about Sis Liu and the others?” Li Hao asked. “If you’re worried about them, bring them with you. Or if you trust me enough, they should come with me.”

He didn’t want Liu Long to come with him, but rather Liu Yan and the others instead. That drew a surprised look from the man.

“They can only go to the Sword Sect if they follow you, chief,” Li Hao continued. “That is a safe place good for retirement. But their personalities aren’t like yours! I can see it—whether it’s Brother Chao, Jian, or Sis Liu, none of them are willing to spend a lifetime cowering in Silver City. They want to rush out onto the battlefield and vent the resentment in their hearts. They bear bitterness, just like I do, and don’t know how to release it.”

Celestial had slaughtered Wu Chao’s entire family, but even now he’d yet to take revenge. Yama had killed Liu Yan’s husband. Although Hu Po was dead, she didn’t seem to have let that go. Chen Jian’s history was unknown, but he seemed to be having a good time in the Silver Moon Guards.

These people might be more suited to travel the land with him. Residing in danger might inspire them more, whereas Liu Long wished to stand guard over Silver City. They were people with different personalities.

“Are you really going to the central region?” Liu Long asked instead. “You have room to improve here too...”

“I haven’t made up my mind yet.” Li Hao gave it some thought. “Maybe I’ll wait a bit longer for news from my teacher. I’ll go if he still doesn’t come back. I was too weak to go with him before, so he left alone. But now that I have some skill to my name, how can I just sit by while Red Moon chases him?

“Only chief and my teacher were willing to take a stand for me when I was at my most helpless and surrounded with the most danger. Once chief is settled in, I’m going to go look for my teacher!

“Chief fought Red Moon cultivators for me that day, despite knowing the danger.” Li Hao smiled. “Teacher risked his life to kill a Solar. My parents are dead and my best friend was murdered in front of my eyes. I have no other ties apart than you two! Martial Uncle Hong’s heart is boundless and majestic. I may not be as benevolent as him, but I know that a drop of kindness should be answered by a spring of gratitude!

Some guessed that Hou Xiaochen might’ve killed Xu Feng—actually, it wasn’t a guess, but the truth. This was the common sentiment. The three great organizations wanted to be active in the eastern provinces, which was Xu territory. There was no need for those organizations to pit themselves against the Xus.

It was rather Hou Xiaochen who was completely unscrupulous, unprincipled, and wouldn’t necessarily care about much. The general public was ninety-nine percent sure that he was behind Xu Feng’s death.

Hou Xiaochen’s brutal reputation spread throughout four corners of the land as a terrifying fellow to be wary of. No one knew what the inside scoop was, but everyone knew that Silver Moon’s official authorities had barely lost any personnel. They’d only lost two of Hu Qingfeng’s men.

Something was afoot here, a fact easily detectable by those sharp enough to keep their wits about them. Another piece of news traveled out at the same time—out of the Seven Moons, Violet Moon of Red Moon was not yet dead. She was being held in the Inspectorate dungeons, not the Night Watcher headquarters, as it was the Inspectorate who’d shut her away. The Inspectorate was spreading the news so that Orange Moon would turn herself in!

Otherwise, it would soon pass judgment on Violet Moon. As one of the leaders of the three evil organizations, she would ninety-nine percent be sentenced to death. There had never been an instance of a powerhouse from the three great organizations being tried and sentenced, Silver Moon might set the precedent.

These pieces of information swiftly spread through the land, crossed the North Sea, and entered the central region! Even the heart of the dynasty was in a hubbub over the happenings.

Hou Xiaochen chose this timing to announce that he was heading to the central region to take up his post. He had accepted the Night Watcher redeployment order and was going to be a deputy director at central headquarters.

That sent another wave through the land. The man who’d just intimidated the world had forsaken forming his own kingdom and raising the flag of independence in Silver Moon. He’d given up being a traitorous king. Instead, he would take up his post at Skystar City. How astonishing!

Everyone’s attention immediately shifted from those who’d died to Hou Xiaochen. That person was coming to the central region!


In the far off Skystar City.

Lights were on throughout the night at various agencies when they received word.

“While Hou Xiaochen has agreed to redeployment... who will actually dare make use of him?”

“That’s right, it’s a huge problem as to where he’ll be placed.”

“The three great organizations won’t show him mercy. He was so ruthless as to kill more than a dozen Novas, one hundred Solars, and thousands of supernaturals in Silver Moon. As expected of one of the three commanders, he reeks of blood!”

“Heh, we’ll just sit by and watch two tigers fight. The Night Watchers need to resolve their internal conflict. Yellow Dragon’s wanted to control the agency for a while now and I think the one in charge was weaker than him. Now that reinforcement has come, I think Yellow Dragon has the biggest headache!”

“Haha, that’s true! But I wonder if the Ministry of Finance will erupt with anything. Hou Xiaochen was too brazen and arrogant as to kill one of the Lius!”

“......” No sleep could be found throughout Skystar City tonight. News from the border, from the savage wasteland swept throughout the dynasty. Some were hopeful, some were indifferent, and yet others clenched their fists with fury!