Chapter 497: A New Era (I)

Name:Star Gate Author:
Chapter 497: A New Era (I)

“Isn’t Earthturner a bit out of line to act like this?” transmitted a shocked Liu Long to Li Hao. “Even if he hides his true strength, he shouldn’t send his daughter and disciples out to work for a living when he’s a Solar!”

It’d gotten to the point where they waited every month to be paid! Liu Long hadn’t given thought to his wages in years. This was... a laughable situation.

Li Hao chortled and looked at Hong Qing, then at the others. “You don’t stop Martial Uncle Hong from randomly picking up orphans off the side of the street? It’s hard enough for martial masters to cultivate themselves, much less raise other people as well.”

“It’s alright,” Hong Qing giggled. “Some of them are really cute. They swarm around me when I’m home and call me big sis. You know, leader, sometimes they’re very interesting.”

“We were picked up off the side of a street too,” Hong Hao piped up. “If it wasn’t for the Sword Sect... Master pitied us and took us in, teaching us how to read and write and practice martial dao. Those who could not train were instructed in other aspects. They could thus make a living for themselves even if they left the mountain.

“There aren’t many adults in the sect these days, most of us are kids. Many who grew to adulthood left the mountain to eke out a livelihood in the vast Silver Moon. Some became officials, some joined the Inspectorate. Others started their own business or worked for others. Most who leave the Sword Sect are willing to give back to it. A lot of people send money back to the sect once they start earning money, keeping only what they need for themselves...”

Hong Hao looked at Li Hao. “Therefore, we support all of master’s decisions and preferences. If it wasn’t for his casual care back in the day, where would any of us be now?”

There hadn’t always been a Sword Sect in this world! This faction was just a function of one person’s outpouring of generosity in taking in a group of people. After Earthturner Sword accumulated some money, he gradually enlarged his operations until he formed the Sword Sect.

Therefore, there weren’t many powerhouses in the sect. Apart from his senior disciple Hongxiu breaking through to Solar, there weren’t many Sunflares in the entire sect. The martial masters were even worse off as there wasn’t a single Dominator.

Such a roster of strength was less than the Light Island of old, the faction that Yuan Shuo had easily destroyed before the first expedition. Hong Yitang didn’t purposefully search out Heaven Favored or martial dao geniuses. He simply went with the flow and taught those he took in if they were suited for martial dao.

Thus, Sword Sect members were an even-keeled, peaceful bunch with solid foundations. Their skills weren’t all that stunning; there would’ve long been some Dominators among them if they were that remarkable.

Hong Yitang’s expectations for them weren’t that high either. He just wanted them to be able to protect themselves in an era of chaos. It was enough that they didn’t commit wrongful acts when they left the sect. As for whether or not they admitted they were a Sword Sect member, changed their background, or joined another faction—he didn’t care.

Liu Long listened quietly. “Has the sect taken in a lot of people over the years?”

“I don’t know.” Hong Hao shook his head. “Sometimes people come, sometimes people go. Master doesn’t stop them. People can leave whenever they want. We can go out and work once we’re of age, get married, or do whatever. Master doesn’t levy that many rules on us. He’s an easygoing guy and rarely leaves the sect apart from accepting some Night Watcher missions. But it’s got to be at least... eight thousand kids over twenty years, if not ten thousand?”

Who remembered? There were steady waves of people coming and going; currently, there were roughly one thousand people in the sect. While many came back to visit, there were those who never returned after they left.

Hong Hao was used to this. If they left permanently, so they left. At least there were still plenty of people willing to come back and give the sect some support. Much of their daily supplies and necessities were sponsored by people who visited.

“My strength is mediocre in the central region. Here, I can help Silver City at times. Although there is no war in Silver Moon and the three great organizations have been exterminated, I worry that they’ll seek revenge sooner or later...”

He’d decided to stay. Liu Long hadn’t made up his mind at first, but the night’s conversation had helped him come to a decision.

“Then stay!” Li Hao nodded.

“Are you sure about heading to the central region?” Liu Long breathed out.

“I’ll hold off on that for a little bit. We have a lot of resources at the moment, so I should digest them all first. Even if I go, it won’t be for others to hunt me or to go to my death. If I go, I go to kill!”

His eyes narrowed as hatred sharpened his tone. Who was he going to kill? Ying Hongyue was his first choice! Some hatreds were unable to be erased—that of his parents’ and best friends' death. Even his parents’ bodies were gone. This kind of hatred would be hard to wipe out even if the four seas were emptied. My heart will not rest until Red Moon is no more!

Liu Long could stay, but he could not. Since Red Moon’s people would not come, he would go to them. But not right now. He would continue to strengthen his body, blood qi, organs, and build the five bridges. He would then use the Mind Fruits to enhance his aura and practice the Weeping Willow Sword to its utmost. It would be best if he could comprehend the wood aura as well. If not, he was even of the mind to consume the Goldensky Lotus and strengthen his other auras first.

As for whether or not that would cause an imbalance when he eventually grasped the wood aura... that was a problem to solve in the future. Thus, he had a lot to attend to at the moment. He didn’t have that much free time. Hou Xiaochen could leave in such a dashing manner because he was strong. He was so strong that he would still be a titan in the central region. The same did not hold true for Li Hao.


The Demon Hunters headed for White Moon City right after breaking their fast when the sun rose. It was October 1st.

They crossed through Rift Canyon again—there was barely anyone there. Everyone else had either left or died. There were only a few Night Watchers or Silver Moon Guards on duty at the entrance to the ruins.

When Li Hao and his people crossed Rift Canyon, they happened to run into a frazzled Hao Lianchuan. The man quickly rushed over when he saw the Demon Hunters.

“Are you going back to White Moon City?” he panted.

“Yes, where are you going, director?”

“To chase down the remnants of the three great organizations!” he huffed. “We haven’t stopped all night. There are so many Red Moon members and a lot of them have run. More than a thousand Red Moon supernaturals have gathered from the nineteen northern provinces. Many died and quite a few more ran off. I need to lead the team to the north of the province as I hear some have escaped into Ash Mountain...”

“Forget the mountain.” Li Hao frowned. “You can ignore that area.”