Chapter 1366: Yu Chen

Name:Star Odyssey Author:
Chapter 1366: Yu Chen

Regardless of the family or its power, none of them would have a shortage of disruptive youths, as it was impossible for all children to be elites. This was similarly true of the Celestial Frost Sect. Since he had been sent to the Yinshan Mountains, it seemed that Mo Goahe did not have a good reputation in the Celestial Frost Sect. However, it should not be related to his strength, as he was clearly a Hunter.

His strength was enough for him to stand among the most powerful of his peers in the Fifth Mainland, and he would even have been able to enter ZENITH’s top twenty.

“Let’s go. I’ll take you to Uncle Si to report in.” The fatty enthusiastically patted Lu Yin’s shoulder and started to lead him into the base as the other youths all dispersed as well.

The Yinshan District base was quite ordinary, and it was far removed from the exquisite and enchanting structures of White Mountain that the White Dragon Clan used. The base actually looked to be made up of ordinary buildings that had been built into the mountains themselves.

Lu Yin was led to the highest level to meet Uncle Si, who was in fact the gate master, Zhuo Si.

Lu Yin hurriedly greeted the older man. “Junior Linjiang Yi greets the gate master.”

From what Long Kui had said, Lu Yin was aware that Zhuo Si was a lazy person who was not concerned with the responsibilities that he had been given, but Lu Yin had not expected the man to be as indolent as what met his eyes. The Envoy was lying by a window, drinking while enjoying some snacks. The man was pouring himself a drink while holding a book that Lu Yin did not recognize in his other hand. There was a self-satisfied look on the man’s face that was difficult to attribute to a powerhouse. Also, it was clear that he did not care at all about the battle that had involved nearly a hundred people who were under his command.

“Uncle Si, this is the newly arrived brother who is reporting in. Starting today, he’ll be one of my underlings under the command of my Wang family!” the fatty shouted loudly.

Lu Yin looked up and observed Zhuo Si.

Zhuo Si finished off his glass of wine before turning to look at the fatty and glaring at the youth. “What ‘underling’? What do you take this place for? This is Humility’s Gate!”

The fatty just sneered, “Yes, yes. Uncle Si, hurry up and check his identity. I want to get my new brother cleaned up.”

Zhuo Si sighed and looked over to observe Lu Yin. “Lift your head.”

Lu Yin looked up and looked back at Zhuo Si.

The moment he saw Lu Yin’s face, Zhuo Si’s pupils slightly shrank before quickly returning to normal. He waved a hand dismissively. “Alright, fine. From now on he’s part of Humility’s Gate’s Yinshan District.”

An emblem appeared from nowhere in the man’s hand. It was the emblem of Humility’s Gate.

“Take care of your brother and don’t forget your last lesson,” Zhuo Si said casually.

The fatty’s eyes grew cold. “Uncle Si, don’t worry. That bastard Mo Gaohe won’t succeed again. Next time he tries to mess around, I’ll teach him how to write death.”

Zhuo Si waved a hand, and the fatty pulled Lu Yin back and they walked out of the room.

After the two youths left, Zhuo Si frowned and stared out the window at the distant clouds. It was impossible to know what was on his mind.

Lu Yin had assumed that the fatty would lead him to the Yinshan Mountains, but instead Lu Yin was instantly taken to Yinshan City and to a brothel called Inner Scent.

Everywhere Lu Yin looked he saw people gorging and feasting. There were countless scents in the air, and two exquisite beauties quickly joined Lu Yin. It was a dazzling place.

After nearly dying in the morning when traveling with Long Xi, Lu Yin would never have expected to spend his evening in such a place.

He swallowed. This place made him nervous!

It was readily apparent that the fatty was a frequent patron of Inner Scent. He had brought several of his close companions to accompany him, and ended up completely forgetting about Lu Yin. When the fatty returned to his senses, he saw that Lu Yin was still drinking where he had been left, but the two women who had been with him had left.

“Brother, what happened? They didn’t satisfy you? You got some other pastimes? Just let me know. While Yinshan City isn’t a very good place, it still has everything you could need to eat, drink, and have fun. Tell me what you want to do, and you can find it here.” The fatty patted his chest in a reassuring manner, causing the fat on his face to jiggle.

Lu Yin showed a bitter smile. “I’m tired of playing. I don’t want to play around anymore.”

The fat man was stunned for a moment and he stared at Lu Yin before finally giving him a thumbs up. “That’s absolutely amazing! Hahahaha, brothers, next time you see Mo Gaohe heading out to play, just say that to him; we’ll make him speechless!”

“Make him speechless!” everyone toasted as they celebrated.

Lu Yin did not know what they were all so happy about, but the fatty must have believed that Lu Yin was putting on an act, yet that was not the case at all.

“Brother, just take a few days off whenever you’re tired. There’s no way you don’t want to mess around for a day! You’re not a eunuch.” The fatty patted Lu Yin’s shoulder while encouraging him before moving on to talk to someone else.

Lu Yin pursed his lips and looked outside.

Almost all of the visitors to Yinshan City were cultivators from far away, and quite a number were part of Humility’s Gate: wastrels who had been shipped off by their own powers.

According to the fatty, Yinshan City had been founded by previous generations’ wastrels who had been went to the Yinshan Mountains to send them away. They had wanted a place where they could play however they wished.

After quite a few hours, the fatty and the others were still not done for the day. They were leading Lu Yin down a street. “Bro, I’m going to show you around Yinshan City.”

“No thanks. I’ll go do some window shopping by myself” Lu Yin said.

The fatty refused that, “That won’t work. Yinshan City isn’t some place where you can casually stroll around. My people, Wang Dashuai’s underlings, are limited to the northern part of the city, while Mo Gaohe’s people can’t leave the southern region. Don’t break the rules, as doing so will trigger a fierce fight.”

He suddenly remembered something and gritted his teeth. “A while ago, there was a new guy who didn’t know the rules, and he went to the south and ended up being absolutely humiliated by Mo Gaohe. He left Yinshan District the very next day, and even left Humility’s Gate, all because of that monster Mo Gaohe. Do whatever you want, but don’t cross him.”

Lu Yin nodded. “Thank you, Brother Wang.”

The fatty waved a hand. “Bro, stop being so polite. Your Linjiang family is friends with my Wang family, and even though we haven’t met before, there’s a relationship with the White Dragon Clan, so we’ll take good care of you here.”

“Wang Dashuai, haven’t you already done enough to be ashamed of? You’ve already lost any bit of respect you might have had in the Middle Realm.” A pleasant female voice spoke up from behind, though the tone was full of scorn.

The fatty and Lu Yin both turned around to see a beautiful woman close behind. Her eyes gazed at them with contempt and disdain.

She was beautiful. She wore a bold style of clothing, and she exuded a sense of strength. She had slender legs and dazzlingly white skin.

The fatty’s expression instantly changed when he saw the woman, and a smile appeared on his face that looked worse than if he had started crying. “Yun- Sister Yun, when did you get back?”

The woman completely ignored Wang Dashuai while focusing on Lu Yin with a frown. “You new here? Have we met before?”

The fatty quickly spoke up, “Sister Yun, he’s Linjiang Yi, and he’s from the Linjiang clan. He’s a new arrival to my Yinshan District.”

Lu Yin stared at the woman. While he was confident that he had never seen her before, he felt an unexplainable sense of disgust for her. He had no idea what caused the feeling.

The woman was surprised. “From the Linjiang family?”

She turned serious as she looked at Lu Yin. She felt that this person was quite familiar, but she simply could not remember from where.

Lu Yin smiled and introduced himself, “I’m Linjiang Yi.”

“Have we met?” the woman asked.

Lu Yin tried to remember. “Maybe, I also feel that you seem familiar.”

The woman was not able to remember where she might have seen Lu Yin, so she turned to stare at the fatty again. “I heard that you fought Mo Gaohe again. Don’t be making trouble! You’re really an eyesore.”

The fatty quickly replied, “No, no. I wasn’t the one making trouble! That guy was trying to cause problems on his own by having evil thoughts about Sister Yun! Isn’t that simply wanting to die? He doesn’t even know where he stands! Other than bai Shaohong, there’s no one in the entire Celestial Frost Sect who’s worthy of you, Sister Yun.”

The woman snorted before moving past the two youths and leaving them behind.

After she left, the fatty cursed vehemently, “What the hell?”

Lu Yin was taken aback. He had assumed that the fatty liked the woman, so what was he upset about? This was a complete turn-around.

“Bro, you need to remember that in the Yinshan Mountains, you can offend anyone except that woman,” the fatty warned.

Lu Yin grew curious. “Why?”

The fatty explained, “She’s Wang Yun, and she’s another person from my Wang family. Her background’s complicated, but Mo Gaohe came here in order to chase her.”

“So why is she in the Yinshan District?” Lu Yin asked. This seemed a bit strange, as this woman was clearly not a wastrel like the others he had seen.

The fatty replied, “I’m not sure about the specifics, but I heard she screwed up somehow and was sentenced to serve twenty years in the Yinshan District.”

Twenty years was not a great deal of time for a cultivator, but the fact that the woman had been sent to this place as a punishment was enough to show that her crime had not been a minor one. However, the punishment that she had received and the time on it also showed that she had a very profound background that was able to have her punishment be much milder than should have been given.

There was no danger in the Yinshan Mountains, and Yinshan City was simply a resort.

While Lu Yin was casually touring about Yinshan City and chatting with the fatty, in a dark part of the Middle Realm, the Celestial Frost Sect’s Elder Qing Xing lifted his hand after his communication crystals vibrated. A pair of dark, narrow eyes appeared in an image.

“The target has joined Humility’s Gate, so the price has changed. It’s going up five times.”

Elder Qing Xing grew angry. “Your Realmless assassins weren’t able to do their job, and so he had the opportunity to join Humility’s Gate; why should we pay more for your incompetence?”

“You provided inaccurate information. The target is not weak, as if he were, he would have died long ago.”

“Don’t you have your own intelligence network?” Elder Qing Xing angrily demanded.

“If we need to use our own intelligence operatives, then the cost will still end up five times higher than originally quoted. We did not hold you accountable for the bad information we received, and we should have demanded compensation.”

Elder Qing Xing’s voice grew cold, “People claim that Realmless is the most trustworthy organization, I can’t see it.”

“Elder Qing Xing, you should watch your words, or else Realmless will give you cause to regret them.” The long and narrow eyes grew darker and more intimidating.

Elder Qing Xing’s eyes flickered. He said, “Give me some time to consider this.”

“Understood.” With that, the image disappeared.

Elder Qing Xing clenched his fists. If not for his Junior Progenitor’s goal, why would he ever be in contact with Realmless? Those vile assassins were capable of doing anything, and dealing with them was playing with fire. Still, he had no choice.

After thinking for a bit, the elder used his communication crystals to call someone else, and soon an image appeared of an innocent looking girl. She was clearly nothing more than a girl, yet Elder Qing Xing grew incredibly respectful when he spoke to the girl. “Miss Yu Chen, Realmless is demanding five times the original price. I’m not sure how the young master would like to proceed.”

The girl’s tone was light, “That’s because we gave them faulty information. Realmless is asking an appropriate price. However, since he joined Humility’s Gate, we can no longer eliminate him by using Realmless. If we do, the Junior Progenitor will end up in trouble once Humility’s Gate investigates the matter.”

“Then please advise me, Miss Yu Chen,” Elder Qing Xing said.

The girl replied, “You no longer need to worry about this.”

With that, she ended the call.

Elder Qing Xing was momentarily stunned, and he stood silently staring at his communication crystals.

On the other end of the call, the girl immediately called someone else after hanging up with Elder Qing Xing. She was calling Mo Gaohe.

Mo Gaohe did not have a low status in the Celestial Frost Sect, but he was also not in a high position. His influence only extended to the sect’s disciples. Despite being a Hunter, his goal in chasing after Wang Yun was to use her to rise to new heights.