Chapter 2471: Dao Monarch

Name:Star Odyssey Author:
Chapter 2471: Dao Monarch

Since Lu Yin had asked Arch-Elder Zen to leave his semi-retirement to stand guard over Shenwu Continent, Qing Ping had taken charge of the Hall of Honor’s affairs.

Lu Yin had not seen Qing Ping ever since his senior brother had returned to the Fifth Mainland after becoming a Semi-Progenitor. Lu Yin wondered how he had been doing.

"Senior Brother, who’s currently in charge of the Interstellar Supreme Court?" Lu Yin and Qing Ping sat on the trunk of a tree, facing each other.

Qing Ping had changed. He felt less mysterious and more carefree now. His temperament had changed and become more similar to Arch-Elder Zen’s. It was a change brought about by Qing Ping’s elevated status.

The former Chief Justice of the Interstellar Supreme Court was clearly not suited to run the Hall of Honor.

"Mu En," Qing Ping replied.

Lu Yin nodded. "Judicial Commissioner Mu En is quite suitable for that role."

Qing Ping looked at Lu Yin. "If the true universe persists with its current state, technology will eventually replace cultivation as the path to strength. The changes can already be seen."

"I know, but don't worry. It will be taken care of soon," Lu Yin replied.

This answer startled Qing Ping. "You can fix it?"

Lu Yin smiled. "I'm 70% confident in success."

Qing Ping nodded and dropped the subject.

"Senior Brother, the next Heavens Assembly is a month from now. Make sure that you’re on time," Lu Yin commented before leaving.

Not only was Qing Ping given this news, but it was also spread to the Fifth Mainland’s various Semi-Progenitors, as well as to the Perennial World.

However, there was an additional bit of news that quickly reached the Perennial World, and it quickly caught the attention of Bai Wangyuan and the other Progenitors in particular.

"Dao Monarch?" Progenitor Long exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, that’s the word from the Fifth Mainland. Lu Xiaoxuan intends to refer to himself as Dao Monarch and no longer represent the Heavens Sect," Wang Fan stated.

"An Envoy calling himself Dao Monarch! How ridiculous." Progenitor Long sneered.

Bai Wangyuan was not particularly concerned, and he said, "Leave him be. Even if he calls himself the Origin Progenitor, it won’t matter. He rules the Forsaken Land, which means that he can ignore all of our objections. However, the day he takes the title of Dao Monarch for himself, he will also have to pay the corresponding price. We may not have been accepted by the Sixverse Association, but they also have not been ignoring us. The title of Dao Monarch holds a special meaning to the Sixverse Association, and if Lu Xiaoxuan wants to carry that burden, then he is welcome to it."

For Bai Wangyuan and the others, the crisis in the Fifth Mainland regarding stellular energy remained unresolved, which meant that their entire cultivation system had collapsed. Lu Yin's self-given title had no impact on the four ruling powers or the Perennial World.

This was the situation as a month passed by. After that, the Heavens Assembly started.

This particular Heavens Assembly was a far smaller affair than the Heaven Sect’s previous assembly, which was when the Dao Chosen had been selected. Everyone, including Semi-Progenitors, was currently in a weakened state, and thus they could only rely on their physical strength to travel through outer space to reach the Heavens Sect. The vast majority of cultivators were in low spirits and were absolutely not in the mood to appreciate the magnificence of the Heavens Sect.

People could not understand why Lu Yin had called for a Heavens Assembly at such a time.

The rumors that claimed that Lu Yin wanted to call himself Dao Monarch had spread to not only the Perennial World, but also throughout the Fifth Mainland, and these rumors left many people puzzled.

What was the reason for holding a Heavens Assembly and claiming the title of Dao Monarch when the crisis concerning the Fifth Mainland’s stellular energy remained unresolved? Was this all simply for Lu Yin’s own reputation?

Many people approached Lu Yin about the matter, but his only response was that the Heavens Assembly would proceed as planned. Not once did he confirm any of the rumors.

Step by step, he ascended the astral stairs. Cultivators stood on both sides and watched him, though confusion and befuddlement filled their eyes.

Lu Yin looked up at the statue of the Origin Progenitor. He hoped that the answer provided by the Book of Destiny would truly save the Fifth Mainland. After all, if it did not work, he had no other ideas on how to try to proceed. The only other option was to break through to the Progenitor realm and reshape the universe, much like how the Rune Progenitor had given rise to the rune civilization or how Gu Yizhi had created battle force and domains.

Within the Technocracy, a figure stepped out from the New Corridor. It was Bai Wangyuan.

"We believe!"

"We believe in the Dao Chosen!"

"We believe that Dao Chosen can solve disasters!"

"The Dao Chosen is invincible!"

"The Dao Chosen is invincible!"

"The Dao Chosen is invincible!"


In outer space, Bai Wangyuan's expression turned grim. He heard the countless voices echoing out as they called out Lu Yin's name. This boy’s influence through the Forsaken Land far exceeded Bai Wangyuan’s imagination. It even greatly surpassed the Lu family’s influence in the Perennial World during their rule. Just what had Lu Yin done to become the embodiment of an entire generation’s faith?

Suddenly, Bai Wangyuan remembered something, and he took a step forward, instantly appearing directly outside the Heavens Sect.

Outside the Heavens Sect, the jiao stared at the point where Bai Wangyuan had arrived, and the beast bared its fangs and claws.

Ancestor Tortoise withdrew its head and turned around so that its rear end faced Bai Wangyuan.

Lu Yin looked over. Sure enough, the man had arrived. Lu Yin shot a glance at the Second Nightking.

The old man roared, "Dao Chosen, you are no longer fit to be Dao Chosen."

Countless people fell silent, staring dumbfounded at the Second Nightking. Was he rebelling?

Lu Buzheng was just as shocked as many others. Had the Second Nightking lost his mind?

The Second Nightking continued to shout, "The title of Dao Monarch is much more befitting."

People’s eyes grew wide, and then cheers began to erupt, "Dao Monarch!"

"Dao Monarch!"

"Dao Monarch!"


The Progenitor of Bloodlines was taken aback. Dao Monarch? He had known that Lu Yin would eventually become a Dao Monarch, but this was too soon, no?

Lu Buzheng glanced at the Second Nightking, finally understanding just what was going on.

Destina frowned. Dao Monarch. The title had finally reappeared.

"Silence!" An authoritative shout echoed throughout outer space.

Everyone looked over and saw Bai Wangyuan stepping forward, a grave expression on his face as he stared only at Lu Yin. "The title of Dao Monarch is not something that you can claim for yourself!"

"Progenitor Bai, are you here to cause trouble in our Heavens Sect?" the Progenitor of Bloodlines asked sternly.

Bai Wangyuan only stared at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin stared straight back. "Bai Wangyuan, are you provoking our Heavens Sect?"

Bai Wangyuan replied in a low voice, "The title of Dao Monarch represents the entire Fifth Mainland, which includes my Perennial World. My Perennial World does not approve of you proclaiming yourself to be the Dao Monarch."

"Who asked for your opinion?" Kui Luo suddenly shouted back.