Chapter 2538: Evolving Relationship

Name:Star Odyssey Author:
Chapter 2538: Evolving Relationship

Zi Jing did not deny Lu Yin's allegation. After several near-death experiences, the temptation of having a Progenitor submit to her had been enough to shift her personality.

Lu Yin stared off into outer space as he considered things. "How much longer until the antimatter particle sequence is developed?"

Zi Jing shook her head. "I can't answer that. It could go fast or slow. This research has already been divided into several dozen areas, and all of the Transcendent Universe’s greatest minds have been put on this project. The Energy Research Group I was part of was supposedly disbanded, but the truth is that the members were all reassigned to other research groups. The research did not actually stagnate during my absence, and instead was only temporarily paused at a certain stage. With my return, it only took a few months to reach a breakthrough in the research progress.

"This is the fruit of the Transcendent Universe never slacking off over many years. All I actually did was confirm their research."

"Yet without you, no matter how thorough their research, it would have been useless. They can’t conduct an experiment without performing it on an entire universe, and when it comes to analyzing a universe, I don't believe the Transcendent Universe can fully analyze even the smallest universe in a short amount of time," Lu Yin said.

Zi Jing denied nothing.

"Continue as you are. As for how long I'll stay hidden within the Sixverse Association, I’ll head back after I gain a full understanding of them. If possible." Lu Yin smiled. "I'll take this research with me."

The comment did not surprise Zi Jing at all. She understood Lu Yin quite well. "Even if you take the research with you, even if you take the entire research group with you, the Fifth Mainland doesn’t have the ability to complete an experiment. The Fifth Mainland doesn't even have the capability to fully analyze a universe. Even the Transcendent Universe has only managed to analyze itself and the Cloudflow Universe so far, and just those two are already the result of countless years of effort that can be traced back to the time of the Daosource Sect, or even further."

"It doesn't matter. If the Fifth Mainland can't do it, then I'll just get the Transcendent Universe to do it for us," Lu Yin replied as he looked at Zi Jing. "From now on, we are in a cooperative relationship."

Zi Jing looked at Lu Yin. This evolution of their relationship was too sudden, and she needed time to adapt to it. She could also refuse to accept the change and simply continue to help Lu Yin for the time being, and then follow him back to the Fifth Mainland when he returned, holding him to his promise to protect her. Zi Jing believed Lu Yin would keep that promise. However, could she accept that future? She thought back to the excitement of the researchers when the experiment had succeeded, as well as the miserable state of the indigenous creatures of the Cloudflow Universe, the powerful Cloudflow’s despair, and the perfect woman’s words.

"I look forward to cooperating with you," Zi Jing replied softly.

Lu Yin smiled. Zi Jing would not be nearly as valuable to him if she was willing to leave with him. Far more valuable was a Zi Jing with ambition who wanted to establish herself in the Transcendent Universe. Lu Yin respected Zi Jing's choice and would not have interfered regardless of her decision. However, with how the Transcendent Universe had changed her, he would simply allow things to run their course. After all, it was Zi Jing's choice.

Zi Jing was soon led away. Considering her importance to the Transcendent Universe, it was a very rare opportunity for her to be allowed to meet with Lu Yin in the Singularity Universe.

Developing ambition required strength. It would be too difficult for Zi Jing to climb to the top of the Transcendent Universe on her own, even if she did manage to master a cultivation technology that was beyond what others could comprehend. It would simply take far too long. However, Zi Jing was no longer alone in the Transcendent Universe. There was also the enigmatic Bai Qian, whose position Lu Yin did not understand. With Bai Qian's help, Lu Yin was curious to see just how far Zi Jing could go.

She was too weak at present.

After Zi Jing was sent away, You Teng returned and commented, "I’ve never seen her treat anyone so well. She actually allowed you two to meet."

It was obvious that “she” referred to the perfect woman, He Ran. Within the Transcendent Universe, even Ke Jian and You Teng, whose white energy converters gave them the strength of Semi-Progenitors, needed to show respect to that woman.

"Let's go. I'll take you to the Arboreal School," You Teng said.

Lu Yin expressed his gratitude, "I'll have you trouble you, Senior."

You Teng smiled before leading Lu Yin towards the Arboreal School. As they moved along, the man asked, "Do you know much about the Arboreal Realm?"

Lu Yin shook his head. "I've heard of it and seen some battles fought by people from the Arboreal Realm, but I don’t know much about it."

"The Arboreal School’s requirements involve picking something called a Wood Fruit. This is the same requirement that all cultivators from the Arboreal Realm must meet. The grade of the Wood Fruit that one can pick essentially reflects a person’s future achievements. Also, the Arboreal School is known to be the school with the fastest pass or fail process in the Sixverse Academy..." You Teng started explaining how the Arboreal School worked.

Lu Yin wondered why You Teng was saying so much. Was it because of Zi Jing?

It would normally take just a short amount of time to travel to the Arboreal School, but You Teng slowed their pace so that he could share more information about the school with “Xuan Qi.” However, everything the man shared was likely available in the jade slips given to new students upon their arrival in a school. Lu Yin had already gone through the process twice before, and he was certain that things would be the same in the Arboreal School.

At that moment, a man appeared before the students. Lu Yin looked over to see the man. He had an unremarkable appearance that contrasted with an extraordinary aura. As the man drew closer, a hush fell over the area. It was as though the man’s mere presence commanded respect, despite the total lack of words or actions.

Lu Yin felt a familiarity from the man, both from his appearance, as well as the faint presence of voidforce energy that clung to him.

"Xu Ji. It's a pleasure to meet you," the man spoke calmly as he looked at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin was surprised. "You’re Xu Ji?"

Xu Ji nodded. "And you are Xuan Qi."

Lu Yin nodded. "I've heard of you. Xu Xiangyin mentioned you frequently."

"He probably compared us," Xu Ji said.

Lu Yin nodded.

Xu Ji frowned. "Even in the Voidforce Universe, there are few who can compare to me. The fact that he compared you to me means you must be truly outstanding."

Lu Yin chuckled. "You seem quite confident."

Xu Ji stared at Lu Yin while saying, "You are already half a citizen of the Voidforce Universe. I hope you'll become even more outstanding in the future. Grow enough that you can make me feel a bit of pressure. Otherwise, it will be too boring."

Lu Yin nodded. "I’ll do my best."

"Hey, Xuan Qi! Stop talking and pick a Wood Fruit!" Someone finally lost their patience.

"Stop talking and pick one first."

"If he can't pick a Wood Fruit, he won't be able to stay here."

"Don't joke around. That’s Xuan Qi! He’s already made it onto the list of future powerhouses. How could he possibly fail to pick a Wood Fruit? Didn’t you see Shao Qingfeng and He Shu pick a tri-chromatic fruit?"

"Zhi Xiao shouldn't have been any worse than those two, yet he only got a di-chromatic fruit. How worthless."

"That's because he’s from the Lost Clan. The Lost Clan is exclusive and they don’t bother with interacting with other universes. If not, given Xuan Qi's talent, they would have started fighting to have him a long time ago. Who knows, maybe he’ll pick a penta-chromatic fruit."

"Don't joke around. How could that even be possible?"

"Hurry up and pick a Wood Fruit. I need to get back to cultivating," someone urged.


"Shut up," Xu Ji coldly ordered as he looked around.

Everyone immediately fell silent.

Xu Ji turned to look back at Lu Yin and said, "Only by picking a tri-chromatic fruit can you qualify to enter the Arboreal Sanctuary, which is a mysterious place in the Arboreal Realm. I hope you can go there as well."

It was clear that Xu Ji had already qualified to go.