Chapter 2571: Threat

Name:Star Odyssey Author:
Chapter 2571: Threat

The four ruling powers were not truly united. Without a common enemy, they had immediately started to turn on each other.

Monarch Luo asked Xia Shenji, "Are you referring to the other Progenitors who are part of your four ruling powers? Will they be willing to come here?"

Xia Shenji replied, "That is a matter for Sage Yuan to handle."

Monarch Luo took a deep breath. "I know what to do."

He looked back at Xia Shenji and added, "If you do manage to return home, our previous agreement will still stand."

"Of course. I won't let the Lu family go," Xia Shenji said, killing intent flickering through his eyes.


The Heavens Sect once again welcomed Progenitor Long to the Fifth Mainland. It was his fifth visit, but this time, he was accompanied by Bai Wangyuan.

As usual, Progenitors were received by Arch-Elder Zen.

Bai Wangyuan got straight to the point. "Things are getting increasingly urgent. The pressure that the Sixverse Association is facing is constantly increasing, and they can barely hold on any longer. We are no longer asking you to restart the war, only to offer some assistance to the Three Monarchs Universe. If you still have any concern at all for the overall situation, don't refuse. We can make a new treaty with you, agreeing to not enter the Fifth Mainland for as long as you support the Three Monarchs Universe."

Bai Wangyuan appeared serious about a new treaty, but Arch-Elder Zen shook his head. "The Heavens Sect only has a single Progenitor, which is me. Even if we count Lu Yin, as he is comparable to a Progenitor, we can't offer much support to the Three Monarchs Universe. On the other hand, your four ruling powers have many Progenitors, which means that you can easily send one or two. Why do you need our help?"

Progenitor Long said, "Aeternus is not run by fools. They are forcing the Three Monarchs Universe to face a crisis, but it might just be a ruse to divert our attention there before they launch a massive attack on the rear battlefield again. We cannot take such a risk."

Bai Wangyuan stared intently at Arch-Elder Zen for a moment before saying, "The Sixverse Association wants us to help by sharing the Aeternus’s pressure, but that does not mean that we must take on the entire burden. We merely need to take on a portion of it. This is why only two Progenitors need to go to the Three Monarchs Universe, while the others remain here to guard the rear battlefield. As long as we provide support for the Three Monarchs Universe, Sage Yuan will have no reason to force us to fully enter the war again. Isn't this what Lu Yin wants? Or are you expecting our Perennial World to take on everything?”

"Arch-Elder Zen, you’ve lived since the Daosource Sect era, and you’ve also become a Progenitor. You possess great insight and should not have the same perspective as a child like Lu Yin." Geett the latest novels at

"What's wrong with having the same perspective as this child?" Lu Yin's voice rang out as he emerged from a spatial tear and confronted Bai Wangyuan.

Bai Wangyuan's voice dropped low, "Young man, your vision is too narrow. You cannot see the bigger picture, but I don't blame you. If what you value is mere gains and losses, then so be it. Let us agree to another treaty. As long as you or Arch-Elder Zen lend your support to the Three Monarchs Universe, we won’t enter this Fifth Mainland."

Lu Yin looked at Bai Wangyuan and then glanced at Progenitor Long. "Who will make this treaty with me?"

"It will be me, of course," Bai Wangyuan replied.

Lu Yin chuckled. "Can you represent all four ruling powers?"

Bai Wangyuan frowned. "When we agreed to the truce, you and I agreed to the treaty. From that moment until now, the four ruling powers have never taken the initiative to attack you. You have even been allowed to ban specific people. You have been given all control."

"And yet you guys did everything you could to kill me, like telling Nutjob Lu about me, or luring me into the trap that you set up in the Lu family’s treasury so that Nutjob Lu could attack me. Or even sending that old man, Sage Yuan, here to the Fifth Mainland. Bai Wangyuan, your promises are less than worthless. Enough of this nonsense." There was no hesitation as Lu Yin scolded the Progenitor.

"Zhi Yi, escort Senior to Mount Lang to look around. The scenery there is splendid. Also, have Zhao Ran brew tea for the two of you," Lu Yin instructed.

Zhi Yi offered a respectful bow. "Yes, Dao Monarch."

She continued to assist the Progenitor of Bloodlines as the two left again.

Despite the few words that had been spoken, the sight of the Progenitor of Bloodlines leaving left both Bai Wangyuan and Progenitor Long unable to speak for a long time. An esteemed Progenitor had reduced to such a state, and for what? Was it worth it?

"The Progenitor of Bloodlines could have lived out his final days in peace. Even after having his Progenitor's world destroyed, he still possessed enough strength to enjoy the rest of his life," Lu Yin clenched his fists as he continued, "But because of that old bastard, Sage Yuan, who brought corpse kings here, Senior lost all of his remaining strength, and he could die at any moment now."

Lu Yin looked at Bai Wangyuan. "Tell me, how am I supposed to trust the Sixverse Association? Do you still think that they don't pose any threat to my Heavens Sect? Should I change my opinion just because you, Bai Wangyuan, say I should?"

Bai Wangyuan wanted to retort, but no words came out. The example of what had happened to the Progenitor of Bloodlines left the Progenitor with absolutely no room to argue. He silently cursed Sage Yuan for the man’s unnecessary meddling. If the Sixverse Association had wanted to use Aeternus, then they should have made sure to eradicate that brat. Unfortunately, not only had they failed to accomplish anything, but they had even given Lu Yin ammunition to use against Bai Wangyuan.

"Alright, please leave now. We won't be getting involved. I don't know about this Sixverse Association, Three Monarchs Universe, or whatever. All I know is that the Fifth Mainland needs to be protected. I, Lu Yin, only care about the Fifth Mainland and the Heavens Sect," Lu Yin said as he dismissed the two men.

There was nothing more to discuss, so Bai Wangyuan and Progenitor Long left.

Arch-Elder Zen commented, "It seems that your assumptions are true. They never mentioned anything about bringing Xia Shenji back."

Lu Yin replied, "They’ll bring it up later. Right now, they just wanted to reassure me. Senior, Shenwu Continent is about to face a crisis, so I’ll have to trouble you to make a trip there."

Arch-Elder Zen stepped out to leave the Heavens Sect.

However, as soon as the man entered outer space, he found Bai Wangyuan and Progenitor Long were still waiting. "What else do you need to say? There's nothing further to discuss. Go back."

Bai Wangyuan stared at Arch-Elder Zen as he said, "Why do you follow a child like Lu Xiaoxuan? You've already repaid your debt to the Lu Family."

Arch-Elder Zen opened his mouth to answer, but before he could say anything, his expression froze. He looked towards Shenwu Continent. "This is bad!"

Bai Wangyuan immediately moved to block Arch-Elder Zen’s path. "There's no need for you to go anywhere. It's already too late."

Arch-Elder Zen's expression turned ugly. "You dare to attack Shenwu Continent?"

Bai Wangyuan stood in place and clasped his hands behind his back as he replied, "Since you refuse to assist the Three Monarchs Universe, then you need to allow Xia Shenji to return. We can then spare two people to support the Three Monarchs Universe."

Lu Yin suddenly appeared. "The older you get, the more shameless you become, Bai Wangyuan. Don't you already know that Xia Shenji was banished to the Three Monarchs Universe?"

Bai Wangyuan and Progenitor Long's faces turned pale. This question proved that Lu Yin already knew that Xia Shenji was in the Three Monarchs Universe. Their determination to open the passage on Shenwu Continent had revealed their motivations to Lu Yin. Since Lu Yin had already figured things out, then what was happening on Shenwu Continent?

At this moment, there were four individuals locked in a standoff above the Tower of Resonating Light on Shenwu Continent. They were Mu Xie, Progenitor Smoke, Wang Fan, and Specter Progenitor.

Wang Fan stared at Mu Xie and Progenitor Smoke in astonishment. "How did you two know that we would attack Shenwu Continent?"

Energy from his ?arīra twined around Mu Xie as he answered, "Leave. With us here, you can forget about accomplishing anything here."