Chapter 2618: Annihilating Shaman God

Name:Star Odyssey Author:
Chapter 2618: Annihilating Shaman God

Ling Mu sighed. It was not fair to blame Cheng Feng for Tu Shuangshuang’s escape. How could he hope to deal with someone who could not be trapped even with one of Sovereign Ninth Lotus's power vessels? "Spread out and start searching now! Right, where is the Bureau? Why haven't they sent anyone over yet?"

Little Lian clenched a fist. "The Bureau is responsible for dealing with spies, but they did nothing to protect Brother Cheng Feng! I will need to have them reprimanded."

Even if Little Lian had not said anything, Ling Mu had already been planning to do the same. Tu Shuangshuang had appeared at Broken Cliff, but there had been no sign of the Bureau. They were completely useless. While the Bureau did not have a good reputation, they needed to at least do the bare minimum.

After everything concluded, Ling Mu would make sure to report everything to Sovereign Ninth Lotus. Then, the Bureau would be punished properly.

At the same time, on a planet covered with a corrosive green liquid, Lu Yin came to a stop. Behind him, a dark shadow appeared from a twist in the void before also coming to a stop.

"You’ve been following me for a while now. What do you want?" asked Lu Yin.

"Who are you?" a voice echoed from the shadow.

Lu Yin was startled to hear a familiar voice; he was being chased by Shaman God!

Lu Yin had never considered that Shaman God would be the one pursuing him. Well, to be more accurate, he had been chased by Shaman God's avatar in the Voidforce Universe. Investigating Cheng Feng had actually caused Lu Yin to uncover one of the Seven Skygods’ avatars!

Lu Yin turned around to stare at the dark shadow. Sure enough, he had not been chased by an actual person, but rather by a strange doll. It was one of Shaman God's dolls.

When Lu Yin encountered Shaman God’s avatars in the Fifth Mainland, the Skygod had never demonstrated such mastery of space. Had that been because there had never been the opportunity, or had Shaman God been unwilling to do so for some reason?

Wait, maybe it had been revealed. When Shaman God had fought against Xia Ziheng, the puppet had used several moves that had seemed completely incomprehensible, but it had been readily apparent just how dangerous they had been. Those attacks might have involved mastery of space. After all, Shaman God had been able to hide a sourcebox array in the void, which was proof that the Skygod possessed at least some control over space.

"Speak. Who are you?" the doll asked in its eerie voice. It strutted about as though everything was already within its control.

Tu Shuangshuang, who was actually Lu Yin in disguise, suddenly released a surge of voidforce energy that swept toward Shaman God’s doll.

The doll let out a disturbing laugh. "Gaga! You want to die!"

As the voice fell, Lu Yin's five senses became scrambled. His sight suddenly came from the back of his hand, and he found himself looking backwards. His sense of smell came from the side of his leg, and he was instantly overwhelmed by the stench of the corrosive green liquid. As Shaman God’s doll slowly approached, a sense of inescapable foreboding overwhelmed his mind.

Lu Yin carefully observed the void, and so he was able to watch as Shaman God’s doll pushed the spatial lines aside. This old monster had perfect control of space. No wonder some of Shaman God’s movements had seemed to defy conventional logic. Among the spatial lines, Lu Yin could see multiple rows of sourcebox arrays.

Wherever this Skygod went, hidden sourcebox arrays were carried along with it.

The doll gave Lu Yin an odd look. "Child, it seems that you're looking at things that shouldn't be seen."

Lu Yin glared at the doll and then raised a hand. His bone pike instantly appeared, and a flood of voidforce energy engulfed the area as the pike shot towards the doll.

Shaman God’s doll was badly startled by the sight of the bone pike connecting to the spatial lines. This attack could not be avoided, but how was that possible? Could a power vessel actually control space?

The bone pike relentlessly pursued the doll, as Lu Yin held nothing back. When facing any of the Seven Skygods, holding back was asking to die.

When Lu Yin had last encountered one of Shaman God’s dolls in the Perennial World, he had been forced to exhaust every last trick he had, aside from Progenitor-level abilities, and yet he had still failed to stop Shaman God’s doll. Just a Semi-Progenitor avatar had single-handedly succeeded in almost completely wiping out the Seven Courts’ Yu family. This was true arrogance.

Shaman God’s doll frantically moved along, utilizing the spatial lines that Lu Yin could see, but the bone pike followed right behind it.

If anyone else was present, they would only see both the bone pike and the doll frozen in place, though both would become somewhat illusory at times. This was because they were simultaneously frozen in place and moving. No one could approach either one.

"I knew that he was useless! He thinks he's so clever, but now that something has come up and there are complaints about us, he's nowhere to be found!" Xu Yue complained.

Ghost Three was instead feeling quite worried. "The acting Bureau Director isn’t in trouble, is he? Who knows how many of Sovereign Ninth Lotus’s disciples might have arrived? If any Void Morphora-level powerhouses came along, the acting Bureau Director might not be able to escape."

Old Dian remained calm. "You are underestimating Spiral Domain. With that technique, not even a Void Morphora can capture the acting Bureau Director."

Boss Guan nodded. "He won't be in any trouble."

"He tried to be clever, but we’re the ones who ended up being scolded for it!" Xu Yue complained, still annoyed.

Xu Ji said, "Spies won't easily trust people, not even their fellow spies. They’ll always be on guard. Either Cheng Feng is too cautious, or-" He glanced around at everyone. "He's simply not a spy."

Xu Yue replied, "I don't think he's a spy. Why wouldn’t he be afraid of Cheng Kong going after him for capturing Tu Shuangshuang and turning her in?"

"That’s not necessarily the case." Old Dian considered. "If there's a larger plan in place, then sacrificing Tu Shuangshuang could simply be a part of it. The acting Bureau Director's actions already indicate the direction that he’s taking, so let’s just wait. He’ll update us soon enough, after he judges the current situation."

Soon enough, Xu Ji received a message from Xuan Qi. "Let’s go back to Broken Cliff."

"He's still at Broken Cliff?" Ghost Three exclaimed.

Old Dian mused, "It seems that things aren’t over yet. Since Sovereign Ninth Lotus’s disciple is looking down on our Bureau so much, let's go confront her."


Broken Cliff had become empty. Cheng Feng was safe for the moment, and Tu Shuangshuang had escaped once again, which meant that there was no longer any reason for people to stay at Broken Cliff. The nearby areas were scoured for traces of Tu Shuangshuang, and the surrounding region was turned upside down in the process.

"Brother Cheng Feng, you don’t need to worry. Tu Shuangshuang will definitely be caught," Little Lian said with clenched fists.

Cheng Feng smiled. "I know. Little Lian, it looks like you’ve grown up after your time in the Sixverse Academy."

"Really?" Little Lian felt quite pleased.

Jiang Xiaodao grimaced. "Cheng Feng, you must be scared right now, aren't you? Do you still have the courage to sing? Little Lian came here just to hear you sing."

Ling Mu became irritated with Jiang Xiaodao. "Let's rest for a bit first."

Cheng Feng spoke up, "It's fine. Little Lian took the effort to come here, so how could I disappoint her?"

Turning back to Little Lian, he smiled again. "What would you like to hear, Little Lian?"

"Is it really alright?" Little Lian blinked and then glanced over at Ling Mu.

Ling Mu sighed in resignation. "It’s fine. What do you want to hear?"

Little Lian was not ordinary even among Sovereign Ninth Lotus’s disciples. People like Ling Mu and Cheng Feng addressed the Sovereign as Sovereign Ninth Lotus, while only Little Lian referred to the Sovereign as Master. It was a completely different relationship, and it was also why no one dared to ignore Little Lian's requests.

Little Lian's eyes lit up. "I want to hear Star Hymn!"

Cheng Feng laughed. "Alright, I'll sing Star Hymn.”

"That's great! Jiang Xiaodao, let's go outside!"

"Why wouldn’t we listen to him from right here?"

"When Brother Cheng Feng is singing, people aren’t allowed to get close, so let’s hurry up and go!"