Chapter 2642: Probe

Name:Star Odyssey Author:
Chapter 2642: Probe

Luo Lao'er proceeded to carry out the transaction.

While this was happening, in a dim place, weary eyes slowly rose up to look at a glowing screen. "What shitty timing, I'm exhausted."

The person had been planning to rest for a few days, and for that reason, he was considering rejecting the deal. However, after getting a good look at the screen, the persons eyes lit up. "Luo Lao'er?"

The person stepped forward, their breath quickening. "It really is Luo Lao'er. He's finally shown himself. This time he wants information on Zi Jing? How odd He doesnt want more information about spies? Just what is he up to?"

After a brief internal conflict, the person started to respond to Luo Lao'er.

Anxiety was causing Luo Lao'ers stomach to churn. This transaction was important to Lu Yin, and it also involved the You family. He could not afford to mess things up.

"Brother-in-law, the price that he's quoting for what you want is insane," Luo Lao'er commented.

Lu Yin calmly responded, "That's fine."

"Brother-in-law, there is information about Sister Zi Jing, but how is it so comprehensive? Theres even some pieces about Zi Jing's childhood. How did they get that?" Luo Lao'er exclaimed.

Lu Yin frowned. He would not have been surprised if Luo Laoers contact had current information on Zi Jing, but it was astonishing that there was information about her childhood. That was not a simple matter, and it was proof that whoever Luo Laoer was interacting with wielded considerable influence in the Transcendent Universe.

Elsewhere, a man was excitedly staring at a screen. "Almost there! Almost there! Don't hang up! Don't you dare end this call!"

He was trying to determine Luo Lao'er's location and gather information about him. This opportunity was too rare to let pass by.

As for Lu Yin, he was still processing the information that he had just received regarding Zi Jing. He could not decide just what the information broker was doing. The person had to know that they were dealing with Luo Lao'er, who had been involved in Monarch Mu's disappearance. When it was discovered that Luo Lao'er was in the You family's territory, what would the information broker do with such details?

Finding the information broker immediately through the transaction was impossible, which meant that Lu Yin could only try to shift trouble elsewhere. By letting out something important, like Luo Laoers location and all of its implications, Lu Yin was hoping to find the information brokers trail.

Lu Yin terribly missed his die's Possession ability. It allowed him to instantly scan through a persons memories with no effort. It eliminated so much trouble and complications.

Possession was like being given the answer key to a test. Working backwards from the end point was far more efficient than having no idea where to even start.

"The Ziyou Realm! Hes actually in the Ziyou Realm!" In the dimly lit place, a man's face flushed with excitement. "So, it's the You family. Yes, the You family controls the Bureau, so its no surprise that they would buy information about spies. However, I also can't rule out that it might be someone else from the Bureau, especially that Xuan Qi. After all, he was the one who captured that last spy, though theres no confirmation that hes the one paying for information about spies.

"Its also possible that the You family could be exploiting him. He was invited to the Transcendent Universe by the You family, so it would not be a surprise if he's become their puppet.

"However, Xuan Qi would never buy any information about Zi Jing. They were lovers when they arrived here Only the You family has a vested interest in such a thing, as Zi Jing is a key researcher in the most confidential cultivation technology thats being studied. So far, that whole matter has been kept secret from the You family."

The man paced back and forth. His eyes had gained a feverish glint, and there was no trace of his previous exhaustion. The You family, Monarch Mu, Transcendent Universe, the Three Monarchs He looked back at the screen, focusing on the location that had been revealed in the Ziyou Realm. "I'll risk everything!"

As for Lu Yin, he had already sent Luo Lao'er back to Aeternus Nation. Everything that he could do had already been done, so all that remained was to wait. Lu Yin did not actually know what the information broker would do next. It was possible that nothing would happen and that the person would focus solely on trading information, but it was also possible that the person would do something.

There was no way for Lu Yin to seize the initiative, so he could only throw out some bait.

The fact that Luo Laoers contact sold information suggested a lack of resources. Information as important as what this person sold could be sold to the Three Monarchs Universe for a very high price. Lu Yin hoped that he would not be disappointed.

The information broker did not disappoint Lu Yin. The man was indeed in dire need of resources, and he was willing to trade with anyone, even spies, as long as he received the resources that he needed.

At this moment, the man had just been given some truly priceless information. As long as he could sell it, he would receive all the resources he would ever need. It was too much temptation to resist.

"Child, when did it become your place to lecture me?" Forgotten Ruins God snorted with disdain.

"I was merely curious," replied Arch-Elder Zen.

"Leave your curiosity in your coffin! If you want to get anything out of me, bring Lu Yin here. I'll answer any question he asks me, hehe." Forgotten Ruins God released her attack, and the universe beyond the rainbow wall was turned upside down. Surprisingly, she had gone after Arch-Elder Zen.

Arch-Elder Zen might have been the last of the four powerhouses to reach the peak, but that by no means meant that he was the weakest. With the Tri-Yang Ancestral Qi Technique, even Bai Wangyuan was wary of Arch-Elder Zen.

After arriving in the Three Monarchs Universe, Arch-Elder Zen and Forgotten Ruins God had traded blows more than once. While the most recent exchange was significantly more powerful than normal, the exchange still ended quickly.

"Old people like you are no fun. Id rather visit the Origin Universe and find Lu Yin. I wonder how he's doing? I kind of miss him." Forgotten Ruins God let out a delicate laugh as she turned to leave the Three Monarchs Universe.

Arch-Elder Zen arched a brow. "If you dare to leave this universe, Aeternus will never enter this place again."

Monarch Luo shot a glare at Arch-Elder Zen. The Monarch was desperate for Forgotten Ruins God to leave, but Arch-Elder Zen would not allow her to go make trouble for Lu Yin.

"Try me." Forgotten Ruins God's voice faded away.

Arch-Elder Zen's expression grew somber, and he launched a powerful attack beyond the rainbow wall.

Countless spacecraft shot out from the wall, smashing into a similarly endless sea of corpse kings. The ocean of scarlet eyes struck fear into all who saw them.

Beams of light shot out. Each spaceship was shrouded with monarch essence, and the universe was illuminated with vibrant colors.

Suddenly, the battleships ceased fire. The various captains were all staring blankly at their screens, which were suddenly displaying the words Monarch Mu is here. The statement sent tremors of shock through all who saw them.

Every single screen on countless vessels was displaying the same four words. Inside the rainbow wall, the phrase also appeared on every technological device.

Monarch Luo quickly arrived inside a spaceship. "Head back."

He then sent his contact information to the person who had sent the message.

Well talk here, was the reply sent.

Monarch Luo remained calm and asked everyone else aboard the ship to leave. "You should be able to hear me speak."

"It's an honor to speak with you, Monarch Luo," a mechanical voice replied. It was impossible to distinguish the persons gender.

Monarch Luo stared at a screen. "You want to talk to me, but you do not want me to know who you are, and this is the only way for you to ensure that. Are you the one who captured Monarch Mu?"

"Monarch Luo, you misunderstand me. I just happened to learn of Monarch Mu's location, so I came here to tell you."

"Whats your price?"

OMA's Thoughts

Translated By: OMA

Edited By: Neshi/Nyxnox

TLC'ed By: OMA