Chapter 2675: Impact

Name:Star Odyssey Author:
Chapter 2675: Impact

"It doesn't matter whether you believe me or not. I’ll take you to meet the other people from the Cloudflow Universe, and then I’ll help you attack the research facility. I’ll even tell you that I simply want to use you to distract the Transcendent Universe’s attention so that I can achieve my own goals," Lu Yin stated bluntly.

The woman continued to stare at him. "You’re looking for something in that same place?"

Lu Yin nodded. "That’s right, and while I can go in on my own, the Transcendent Universe will know that it’s me. So, I need someone to serve as a distraction. As for you, if you really want to save Cloudflow, this will be your only chance. I’m quite familiar with that research facility, and I can at least agree to help you. After you see Cloudflow, it’ll be up to you whether you continue to cooperate with me or not.”

The woman thought for a while and then said, "I want to see my companions first."

Companions? Lu Yin stared at the woman. That was an unusual term to use for people she had never seen before.

He put his hand back on the woman’s shoulder and took her back to the Transcendent Universe.

As for the people from the Cloudflow Universe who were already in the Transcendent Universe, You Fang naturally knew where they were.

While the people from the Cloudflow Universe believed that they were hidden from the Transcendent Universe, in reality, they were being used as test subjects. Zi Jing’s teacher was using them as part of a research project. In order to advance the research, experts from the Cloudflow Universe had been specifically allowed to leave their marks on spatial coordinate seals for the Transcendent Universe, giving the natives the ability to move between the Cloudflow Universe and the Transcendent Universe. The Transcendent Universe deliberately ignored the Cloudflow Universe cultivators and let them continue to attack the hidden research facility to try to free Cloudflow.

The Transcendent Universe was deliberately torturing the people of the Cloudflow Universe, and even more so, torturing Cloudflow himself. This was all done in the pursuit of even more perfect data for their research.

As soon as the data was no longer needed, everyone from the Cloudflow Universe would be eliminated.

However, it was not like the people of the Cloudflow Universe had any choice in the matter. The moment their universe was conquered, every last person in the Cloudflow Universe had been deemed subhuman.

This was the fate of the weak.

Every time he saw people from the Cloudflow Universe, Lu Yin was reminded of the Origin Universe. He could not allow his home universe to be conquered, and he would never allow his family and friends to become subhumans. That was simply not an option.

As they made their way to find the people from the Cloudflow Universe, Lu Yin repeated the first question that he had asked upon meeting the woman again. "Why don't you help them?"

With the experience that the woman had built up over her years of fighting on the bestowal art carrier, she was certainly capable of protecting some of the people who had been around her.

The woman calmly replied, "All of us will just die sooner or later. Helping them would only prolong their suffering."

The resigned answer reflected the woman's helplessness.

Lu Yin said nothing further as he led her to the others from her universe.

The cultivators who believed themselves well hidden in the Transcendent Universe actually stood out like bright lights in the darkness. Every move they made was observed. It was truly pitiful.

Before long, Lu Yin and the woman met up with all the others from her universe. The people were initially unwilling to cooperate with Lu Yin, but after he shared some of his knowledge of the Transcendent Universe, as well as Cloudflow’s location, they started to believe him. Rread latest chapters at

However, while the people were willing to believe Lu Yin about the research facility, they did not trust him at all. It was true that he was not from the Transcendent Universe, but he also was not from the Cloudflow Universe. After so many years of desperate struggle, the Cloudflow Universe natives had lost their ability to trust any outsiders, and they instead felt that everyone simply wanted to use them.

They intended to use Lu Yin to locate Cloudflow, and this was why Lu Yin was upfront with them about wanting to use them himself. For people like them, trust or sympathy meant nothing.

Negotiations and planning took several days, but they eventually decided on the day to attack the research facility.

During these negotiations, Lu Yin also learned the woman's name: A-Mei. It was a perfectly ordinary name.

The night before the attack, A-Mei found Lu Yin and then proceeded to disrobe. Her actions startled Lu Yin, and he quickly stopped her.

The woman was clearly disappointed. "Am I not pleasing to you? In that case, I’ll go find someone else for you."

"Wait a minute! What are you trying to do?" Lu Yin asked. If he were honest, while A-Mei was not a particularly beautiful woman, she was far from ugly. She was rather attractive and had very delicate features. Additionally, her years of struggling on the battlefield had given her a certain resilience that set her apart from most other women.

"Alright, Xiao Hai, there’s no need to be so serious. If they want to die, just let them. How much data have we been able to put together?"

Xiao Hai replied, "This is Teacher's project. I can’t share his secrets."

"Fine, just mess around by yourself, but if you see something fun, call us."

Xiao Hai nodded, though his eyes never left the display. "Do they have people with innate gifts this time?"

After this comment, a mysterious smile started to spread across his face. No one saw his smile, let alone the laughter in his eyes. This was a side of Xiao Hai that no one knew about, not even his teacher. At this moment, Xiao Hai’s eyes looked exactly like those of the information broker that Luo Lao’er had dealt with.

There was a loud bang, and the attack commenced.

Out of everyone in the Transcendent Universe, only the people from the Cloudflow Universe were aware of the existence of this particular research facility. It was a secret from everyone else.

These people were like rats in an experiment. The research facility would prepare everything before each attack, and they would set up obstacles, organize the resistance that the attackers faced, and more. These attacks only served to gather more data for them.

This was something that none of the cultivators from the Cloudflow Universe were aware of, and it was even less likely for A-Mei to know anything about this. Only Lu Yin was privy to this information.

He felt disappointed when he saw the Cloudflow Universe’s cultivators charging straight into the research facility. Had these people never even considered the possibility of leaking information about this research base? Even if they could not actually do it, as long as they even contemplated the idea, the research on the attacks from the people from the Cloudflow Universe would be terminated. There was no way He Ran or others who knew about the research facility would ever risk letting its existence be exposed.

If Lu Yin were from the Cloudflow Universe, he would definitely test it just to see how the Transcendent Universe would react, but unfortunately, these people have never even considered such a possibility. They were focused solely on rescuing Cloudflow and did not consider the danger they faced or anything else.

As he glanced around, Lu Yin raised a hand to touch the horns on his forehead. They were the mark of people from the Cloudflow Universe. The moment Lu Yin moved forward, he would be quickly noticed by the hyper-analysis mode as someone who was not from the Cloudflow Universe. This meant that he had very little time to work with.

A-Mei was constantly staring at Lu Yin.

He looked over at her and said, "Let's go."

He then lifted a foot and stepped forward. An energy that looked like flowing clouds appeared around his body. This was something that he had practiced specifically to confuse the hyper-analysis mode, but it would only work for a very short amount of time. He needed to locate and disable the hyper-analysis mode as quickly as possible, as otherwise he would be exposed.

Sixteen levels beneath the surface, Xiao Hai observed the attack up above with both interest and disappointment. "There’s nothing at all unexpected or surprising about this attack. Can’t these pieces of trash at least find themselves a halfway decent expert? It’d be best to give them a little surprise; I’ll let them get to the seventeenth floor. Seeing the sadness and despair in Cloudflow’s eyes is always interesting.”

Suddenly, something unusual appeared on the display, and Xaio Hai’s expression changed. Was there an outsider present as well?

A terrifying pressure fell upon the research facility, and it was split in half all the way down to the fifteenth level.

Lu Yin had found the hyper-analysis mode, and it was all thanks to You Fang. The man had shared a description of the device with Lu Yin, as well as an approximate location. Without that, it would have been impossible for Lu Yin to pinpoint the location so quickly.

Xiao Hai's scalp went numb. This was not good!

He quickly called for help. Someone who was not from the Cloudflow Universe had arrived with this attack.

All of the other nearby researchers were either dead or injured. Only a few were even conscious.

Lu Yin's domain erupted, stunning everyone in an instant, including Xiao Hai.

The hyper-analysis mode disappeared, which allowed Lu Yin to breathe a sigh of relief.

The people from the Cloudflow Universe were moving slowly after witnessing Lu Yin open the research facility all the way down to the fifteenth level. This was something that they had never done during any of their previous attacks. Just how strong was this person?

"What are you all still standing around for? Move! Do you want me to hold your hand?" Lu Yin roared.

The people from the Cloudflow Universe quickly reacted, and they raced towards the sixteenth level through the tear that Lu Yin had opened up in the ground. All their efforts over the years had not been in vain. They had already learned that the base had seventeen levels, and that Cloudflow was held captive on the lowest level.