Chapter 2680: Preparations

Name:Star Odyssey Author:
Chapter 2680: Preparations

It was not long before Lu Yin left the Red Zone in the Voidforce Universe and publicly captured another spy. This once again reminded people of his existence. He could not constantly remain in seclusion, as the Bureaus responsibilities were extremely important.

For some time, Lu Yin put on a show of being very busy searching for Aeternuss spies, but in truth, he was waiting for news from You Fang.

It was not long before You Fang sent someone to contact Xuan Qi, and Lu Yin learned that He Ran had visited the Ziyou Realm and spoken to Patriarch You again. The results of the visit were no different from before, and no agreement was reached.

He Ran had reached out to You Fang in a submissive manner, telling the man that she would not go after his You family again. She had also apologized for failing to stop Monarch Luo from attacking the Ziyou Realm. Despite He Rans words and actions, You Fang had still refused to relent, and he continued firmly supporting Bai Qian. The man was not truly supporting Bai Qian, and He Ran was also aware of this, which was the true reason for her visit, but she had failed to learn anything.

Lu Yin returned to the Ziyou Realm to find out what You Fang planned to do next.

"It's ridiculous that He Ran wants me to give up so easily." When Lu Yin arrived, You Fang entertained him with the best wine and food available, and the older man did not appear nearly as somber as during Lu Yins previous visit.

Lu Yin took the opportunity to ask some questions, "What are you going to do, Senior? I mean, regarding the sequence particle research."

You Fang replied, "You don't need to worry about that. When it comes to anything related to sequence particle research, I need to be very cautious and consider things carefully."

Lu Yin nodded. "Then what about He Ran? Shes visited your Ziyou Realm twice now. Are you still supporting Bai Qian, Senior?"

You Fang smiled. "If she agrees to cooperate with me, then the value in that naturally supercedes my support for Bai QIan. Unfortunately, that is also impossible. He Ran is extremely smart, and not only will she never cooperate with me, but after visiting me, shell also report everything that I said to that person. If she doesnt, shell end up in the exact same position as Bai Qian."

Lu Yin immediately felt that something was off. "Senior, what do you mean by that? What do you say that He Ran will never cooperate with you?"

You Fang gave Lu Yin a half-smile that was not really a smile. "Young man, your mind works very quickly, so theres no reason to act stupid. Can't you clearly see the situation in my Transcendent Universe?"

Lu Yin shook his head and said with complete seriousness, "This junior cant see these things clearly, so please enlighten me, Senior."

You Fang laughed. "If you cant see it, then just forget it. Basically, the most important thing for us right now is the sequence particle research. I need to find a way to get involved as soon as possible, and that will also let me help you take Zi Jing away in the future. Nothing else is important. Important people are upset with He Ran because of Cloudflows disappearance, so as long as Bai Qian stays calm and doesn't come out for a while, she stands a very good chance of winning."

Lu Yin ignored what You Fang was saying and instead asked, "Senior, since you and I are partners, why hide things? Please tell me what is happening in the Transcendent Universe so that this junior can prepare and react accordingly."

You Fang and Lu Yin stared at each other for a long moment. "You really can't see whats happening?"

Lu Yin shook his head. "I havent had enough contact with this universe, and I have too little information to see things clearly."

You Fang nodded. "Very well, in that case, I'll tell you."

The older man took a moment to think about things. "When it comes to the little competition going on, I dont care about He Ran, let alone Bai Qian. What I care about is that person, as well as the sequence particle research. Because of that research, something needs to be done. What can be done to remind that person of my You familys existence? This is why my ancestor ordered us to participate in the sequence particle research.

"In the past, I knew that some top-secret research was taking place, but I wasnt able to find out what it was about, which was why I had no choice but to get involved in the little spat between He Ran and Bai Qian. Only by changing the outcome from the predetermined one was it possible to get one of that persons representatives to visit my home.

Can you understand this?"

Things made sense to Lu Yin. "This junior simply assumed that you hated He Ran for leading Senior Wen Shi away and leaving your Ziyou Realm isolated and helpless against Monarch Luos attack on your Ziyou Realm."

From what Lu Yin had seen, the You familys actions to deal with He Ran had already exceeded what was publicly known about them, but even so, Lu Yin had not seen anything overly impressive from the family. They were the progenitors of the Bestowal Art cultivation technology, while He Ran was nothing more than a puppet of Lord Wei. Even if He Ran represented the ruler of the universe, she was not the ruler herself. Dealing with He Ran was not an indication of the You familys ability to deal with Lord Wei.

If the You family really was trying to target Lord Wei, then their abilities must be much different from what Lu Yin had seen so far.

Did the You family really have that powerful a foundation? Or could they be backed by someone more powerful? The You family's behavior simply did not make any sense, and they were acting completely unlike when Lu Yin had first made contact with them. The change was too drastic in too short a time, which meant that something had to be wrong.

Lu Yin suddenly thought of a possibility; was it possible that he was not the only one trying to conquer the Transcendent Universe? Could someone else have the same intentions?

Additionally, You Fang was aware that Xuan Qi was from the Origin Universe, and he had even mentioned that he would like to resolve the issues between Xuan Qi and Lu Yin. However, after that one time, the man had never mentioned the matter again, not even when they had been discussing their partnership. This made absolutely no sense whatsoever. Lu Yin had suspected that You Fang might have guessed a part of the truth, and he had even been so worried that he had considered abandoning his identity as Xuan Qi. However, as time passed, You Fang had never mentioned the matter again, which had given Lu Yin a bit of relief.

However, should Lu Yin really be feeling relieved that the matter had been ignored? He found it incredibly difficult to discern the thoughts of someone like You Fang. Upon thinking of this, Lu Yin's contemplation grew deeper.

"For now, the You family is publicly supporting you. According to You Fang's words, youve already been eliminated from the competition by Lord Wei, and theres no hope of you ever seizing victory." Lu Yin sent a more lengthy message to Bai Qian, finishing with, "Make preparations to deal with the You family."

Lu Yin continued to focus on capturing spies in the Voidforce Universe after visiting You Fang, and he also visited the Three Monarchs Universe. He wanted to make sure that people saw what he was doing. At the least, he wanted to demonstrate that he had nothing to do with the current events in the Transcendent Universe.

Chen Le sent a large amount of flourishing crystals, and Lu Yin once more went into seclusion. It was time to roll his die again. Possession was truly the best way to hunt for spies.

His seclusion lasted for three months, though eleven years passed for Lu Yin. He rolled Timestop eleven times during his three months in seclusion, and he had also managed to roll Possession four times. Unfortunately, he had not managed to Possess any spies, but from the memories of the people who he Possessed, Lu Yin had found one potential spy, though it was someone who could not be investigated.

Lu Yin watched the person, and after confirming some things with Chen Le, Lu Yin identified the spy and arrested him, which reestablished Xuan Qis presence in the Three Monarchs Universe.

However, Lu Yin did not dare to be too successful in the Three Monarchs Universe out of fear of attracting Monarch Luos attention.

While Xu Wuwei had not recognized Lu Yin, there was no way that Monarch Luo would not recognize Xuan Qis true identity of Lu Yin, and this was the greatest danger that he faced in the Three Monarchs Universe.

During Lu Yins three months of seclusion, nothing major happened in the Transcendent Universe. Both He Ran and You family were planning and preparing.

After leaving seclusion, Lu Yin also called the Transcendent Universes Xiao Hai.

Ever since the secret research facility had been attacked, Xiao Hai had been on edge. In fact, even his demeanor at work had been affected, as he had become rather dull and was not nearly as dedicated to his work as in the past.

He would glance down at his hand dozens of times each day. The words that had been left there kept him from sleeping at night, and he even wanted to flee from the Transcendent Universe.

The man endured the mental torture for more than three months before finally, one day, a message appeared on his communication crystal.

OMA's Thoughts

Translated By: OMA

Edited By: Neshi/Nyxnox

TLC'ed By: OMA