Chapter 2683: Xuan Qi’s Fame

Name:Star Odyssey Author:
Chapter 2683: Xuan Qi’s Fame

Luo Lao'er immediately recognized the lens as the one that he had used and left in the Three Monarchs Universe.

It immediately became clear where the lens had come from; Monarch Luo and He Ran were cooperating and trying to target the You family together.

Monarch Luo was getting involved in the internal affairs of the Transcendent Universe. On one hand, he truly did suspect that Monarch Mu's disappearance was connected to the You family, and on the other hand, the man likely enjoyed the idea of helping He Ran.

As long as He Ran defeated Bai Qian, Monarch Luo would have an ally at the top of the Transcendent Universe.

Realizing the mans motivations left Lu Yin looking down on Monarch Luo. The Three Monarchs Universe was truly too weak, to the point where Monarch Luo wanted to help He Ran. Judging by the mans actions, he had absolutely no intention of conquering the Transcendent Universe. Clearly, the man lacked both the strength and the foundation to make such an attempt.

On the other hand, despite not yet being a peak powerhouse himself, Lu Yin was already plotting to take over the Transcendent Universe.

At this time, someone from the You family arrived and asked Xuan Qi to visit the Ziyou Realm.

This request came on the same day when He Ran finished her own preparations to deal with the You family. Lu Yin suspected that both parties had people under surveillance.

You Fang wanted to speak with Xuan Qi for a very simple reason; the man wanted Xuan Qi to announce that He Ran was suspected of being a spy.

Lu Yin was stunned by the request. "You want me to say that I suspect He Ran of being a spy?"

You Fang nodded. "The woman is ruthless and has gained complete control of the Ruling Council. The longer she is my enemy, the more likely she is to gain the support of Lord Wei. There is no way to sway her position with normal methods, which means that this is the only way. I want to deal with her head-on and settle things in one go."

Lu Yin was quite surprised. Did You Fang know what He Ran had asked Xuan Qi to do? Or were the two sharing strategies?

He Ran had asked Xuan Qi to frame the You family, while You Fang had asked Xuan Qi to accuse He Ran of being a spy. Both sides were targeting the others reputation.

Could it be that He Ran's attitude towards Xuan Qi and You Fang's willingness to cooperate with him were both founded on his reputation for catching spies? It was certainly possible.

"Xuan Qi, theres no longer any need to hide things. While I don't need you to openly support Bai Qian, you have a responsibility to hunt down and capture spies. Theres no need for you to stay close to He Ran now. I want to give her an ultimatum," You Fang solemnly stated.

Lu Yin remained hesitant. "Are you sure?"

"Its the only way," You Fang replied, "Without this, it will be too late for us to do anything when the ruler of the universe lets the Ruling Council vote. The victor doesnt really matter, but we need to be able to influence the ruler so that we can join the sequence particle research. Only then can we help you get Zi Jing out.

"Xuan Qi, once the sequence particle research is finished, the Transcendent Universe will have powerhouses equal to the Cyclic Universes Three Sovereigns and Nine Sages. This will be an amazing accomplishment, and throughout the entire Sixverse Association, only my You family is qualified to participate. You can also join by cooperating with us, which is something that others can only dream of. If you want to continue, then don't hesitate. Neither He Ran nor Bai Qian actually matter, and their only value is when Lord Wei appears."

Lu Yin grew serious. "Let me return and think about this."

"What is there to hesitate about?" You Fang felt puzzled.

Lu Yin looked at the man. "Fame is something that can only be used once, as its gone the moment you fail."

You Fang laughed. "If you can succeed, then once is enough. How do you expect to ever reach the peak with this sort of attitude?"

Lu Yin gave a bitter smile. "I understand that, you don't need to worry. I will do this, but its important to consider all the details to avoid being exposed. What you are asking for is suspicions that He Ran is a spy. This is no joke."

You Fang nodded. "Of course, but time is very tight. The ruler may order the Ruling Council to vote at any moment, and if our plan is discovered, the vote could even happen today, to prevent us from influencing He Rans position. The moment she wins, no matter how certain you may be that shes a spy, we will not be able to do anything to her."

Lu Yin nodded. "I know."

Lu Yin returned to the Red Zone.

In a single day, Lu Yin had made four trips between universes, and he had received the same task from two different people. There was no way to predict how things would turn out.

Between He Ran and You Fang, Lu Yin could only choose to help You Fang.

You Fang's intelligence allowed him to draw conclusions based on results, rather than logic or reasoning. By looking at the beginning and the end, You Fang was able to fill in the details, and Lu Yin had no idea how close the man was to guessing Xuan Qis true identity.

Lu Yin led many of the Voidforce Universes Bureau to the Transcendent Universe and then headed straight to the Ziyou Realm, where they were blocked by members of You family. You Teng asked Xuan Qi to leave the Transcendent Universe, as the Bureau there no longer needed him.

However, Xuan Qis response shocked the entire universe. "He Ran is a spy of Aeternus. I, Xuan Qi, will carry out the responsibilities of the Bureau, and I ask the You family to assist me in arresting He Ran."

The declaration shocked You Teng just as much as the rest of the Ziyou Realm, and the matter instantly spread, stunning the entire Transcendent Universe.

Countless people stared blankly at displays throughout the universe, watching as Xuan Qi shared various speculations and suspicions that had led to the suspicions that He Ran was a spy of Aeternus, and everyone felt confused.

He Ran herself was naturally watching these events as well, and she was so taken aback that she even forgot to sit down. Her eyes glazed over, and she felt terribly confused. Why? Why is Xuan Qi accusing me of being a spy? Why?

Uncle Mo was beyond furious. "Madam, I'm going to kill him!"

You Fang arrived at the edge of the Ziyou Realm. The You patriarch appeared solemn as he addressed Lu Yin. "Xuan Qi, are you certain that He Ran is a spy? This is no trivial matter, and you cannot make such claims on a frivolous basis."

Lu Yin raised his head up high. "I am absolutely certain. I ask Bureau Director You Fang to help me capture this spy."

"Very well, since you have confirmed this matter, my Transcendent Universes Bureau will naturally arrest He Ran. However, if it is later revealed that He Ran is not a spy, you will need to give both me and the Transcendent Universe an explanation." With that, the man charged forward with a surge of black energy, making his way straight towards He Ran. On this day, the You family officially moved against He Ran.

Lu Yin watched as You Fang eagerly raced towards He Ran, and Lu Yin also moved out. Suddenly, everyone in the area felt a terrible sense of danger that made their scalps go numb. You Fang spun around to look in a specific direction, as he had just sensed the arrival of a very powerful individual.

A scream tore from Lu Yins throat, and the space around him shattered. You Fang whirled around, but by the time he managed to see where Xuan Qi had been standing, the youth had already disappeared. Not even You Fang had been quick enough to see how Xuan Qi had disappeared.

Nearby, Boss Guan was horrified, and he hastily retreated as he stared in disbelief.

"What just happened?" You Fang shouted. This was completely unexpected. Someone had clearly just attacked, but because it had happened too quickly, You Fang had not been able to react at all. It was almost as though whatever had happened had simply ignored time.

Boss Guan was still shocked. "The Acting Bureau Director disappeared!"

You Fang's eyes flickered. "It must be He Ran! She sent people here to attack and kill Xuan Qi in an attempt to eliminate any witnesses! Bureau members, move out! Capture He Ran!"

With that order, the Transcendent Universe completely erupted, especially in and around the Ziyou Realm. The countless tiny bestowal art carriers gathered together and merged with each other to slowly form a massive bestowal art carrier that followed behind You Fang.

There were bestowal art carriers in every corner of the Transcendent Universe, and at this moment, all of them started to move and combine any nearby carriers.

The You family had secretly built up their strength and resources for countless years, and at this moment, they revealed everything.

He Ran stood atop her stairs, staring at a display. "Have Wen Shi stop them."

Uncle Mo's expression had grown dark. The You family was using the accusation that He Ran was a spy as an excuse to openly attack them. This was brazen, and in many ways, even more shocking than He Rans act of slaughtering half of the Ruling Council.

Had the You family gone insane? Why would they do this? They had been so upright for countless years and had never acted in such an improper manner before.

No one could understand what You Fang was trying to do.

He Ran was still wondering why Xuan Qi had accused her of being a spy when suddenly, news that someone had discovered Luo Ren's lens in the Ziyou Realm broke out.

This information roused He Ran. "Uncle Mo!"

Uncle Mo barked an order, "Begin!"

OMA's Thoughts

Translated By: OMA

Edited By: Neshi/Nyxnox

TLC'ed By: OMA