Chapter 2692: The Final Victor

Name:Star Odyssey Author:
Chapter 2692: The Final Victor

Looking behind him, Lord Weis eyes flickered, and his Thought Manifestation reappeared.

The entire Transcendent Universe once again experienced the terror of being under someones absolute control.

You Fang looked up. Lord Wei's power was truly unfathomable. The You family had failed in their attempted rebellion, and they would never get another chance to try again in the future.

In a corner of the universe, Uncle Mo stepped out and stared up at the starry sky with fear etched on his face.

Suddenly, the Thought Manifestation created a curved cyclone that flew right in front of Uncle Mo. After a moment, it took on the form of Lord Wei.

When Uncle Mo saw Lord Wei, he offered a respectful bow. "Greetings, my lord."

"He Ran is missing. Have you found any clues?" Lord Wei asked.

Uncle Mo's expression turned ugly. "No. Ke Jian was struck dead by a single palm attack. It was so powerful that it is beyond even this lowly ones abilities. It must have been a truly powerful expert who took her."

Lord Wei calmly ordered, "Give me your energy converter."

Uncle Mo's expression changed once more, and he stared at Lord Wei. "My lord, I hope to search for He Ran with my current level of strength. I will definitely find her, I"

"Give me your energy converter." Lord Wei frowned. Lord Wei himself could not find who had caused He Rans disappearance, not to mention someone weaker and with less resources than him.

Uncle Mos black energy converter had been given to him by He Ran, but He Ran had received the energy converter from Lord Wei. With He Ran missing and no way to track her down, Lord Wei could not waste a black energy converter on such a person.

Uncle Mo gritted his teeth. He could guess what Lord Weis thoughts were. Asking Uncle Mo to return his black energy converter was no different from giving up on He Ran. No, Uncle Mo could not allow his master to just disappear like this. He needed to find and bring her back. However, how could he do that without a black energy converter?

Uncle Mo placed his hand over his heart, and black energy appeared and shrouded his body. He instantly tore the void open and tried to escape. Only by keeping his current power could he hope to find He Ran. Without a black energy converter, Uncle Mo would no longer be a peak powerhouse, and how could he hope to find his mistress without such strength?

Lord Wei let out a snort of contempt. "You don't even know how to choose life over death."

As he spoke, his Thought Manifestation struck Uncle Mo's mind, and the man felt as though his head had shattered, causing him to freeze on his way towards the spatial tear. He spat out a mouthful of blood before collapsing.

Lord Wei looked down from high above. "Because of your wholehearted dedication to He Ran, I will spare your life."

While speaking, the man waved a hand, and the black energy converter detached from Uncle Mo's chest and flew into Lord Wei's hand.

Uncle Mo grew desperate. "My lord, please, let me look for my master! I will definitely find her!"

Lord Wei merely tossed a white energy converter down to Uncle Mo. "Then go find her."

The mans body transformed back into Thought Manifestation, and he disappeared.

Uncle Mo struggled to grab the white energy converter. While it was far from enough strength to search for He Ran, the man understood that he had been left alive because Lord Wei hoped that he could at least dig up some clues regarding He Rans disappearance. Anything that he found would need to be reported to Lord Wei.

Uncle Mo would not give up. He had to find his mistress.

Lord Wei took the black energy converter from Uncle Mo so that he could give it to Bai Qian. "From this day onwards, you will rule over the Transcendent Universe instead of He Ran. This energy converter is to help you do that. Also, I have eliminated the threat of the You family for you."

Bai Qian showed her gratitude. "Many thanks, my lord."

Lord Wei looked at Bai Qian. "I first started to value you not because you have the perfection of He Ran, but rather because you possess potential for cultivating. Do not disappoint me."

Bai Qian's eyes flashed. "I understand."

It was not long before Lord Wei officially announced to the Transcendent Universe that Bai Qian had become their leader and that she was taking charge of the universe.

People from all parts of the universe traveled to pay homage.

You Fang stared at a display and bitterly commented, "I never expected that she would be the final victor."

A person he had always regarded as nothing more than a pawn had been elevated above all others, while the You family had been cast down into the abyss. As for He Ran, no one knew if she was alive or already dead. The balance of power in the entire Transcendent Universe had changed very abruptly.

The You family had actually gotten Sovereign Shao Yin to help them, only to be countered and defeated by Lord Wei. The ruler of the Transcendent Universe should be just as powerful as the Three Sovereigns.

This was a demonstration of the power that one of the Sixverse Associations member universes ruler held. Even if it was the ruler of the Transcendent Universe, a place that did not focus or excel at cultivation, the man was still both mysterious and unpredictable.

After Lu Yin returned to the Voidforce Universe, he quickly went to meet with Xu Heng, Xu Leng, and several others so that they would not worry about him. After that, he returned to the Transcendent Universe. It was time for him to learn about that places current situation.

He returned to the same area with the staircase covered with blooming flowers, but this time, the one sitting at the top of the stairs was not He Ran, but rather Bai Qian.

One person looked down, while the other looked up.

The unpredictabilities of life were truly wonderful. Lu Yin had not expected Bai Qian to actually win. He had been quite worried about her earlier, as he had tried to contact Bai Qian before capturing He Ran but had failed to get through.

"Xuan Qi, thank you for your help. The You family has been defeated, and from now on, you are the Bureau Director of the Transcendent Universes Bureau branch." Bai Qian gave a small smile as she looked at Lu Yin with sparkling eyes.

Lu Yins eyebrows climbed high. Did this mean that she had made their partnership clear to everyone? In that case, the You family already knew that he had worked against them. Could they have told Sovereign Shao Yin that Xuan Qi had killed Shao Qingfeng?

In fact, the You family had even taken He Rans attempted framing into account, though they had no idea who had actually planted Luo Qians lens in the Ziyou Realm.

At this moment, there was no question that they knew.

After thinking about the situation for a moment, Lu Yin looked back up at Bai Qian. "Where's He Ran?"

"I don't know. Shes gone missing."

Lu Yin found that to be a pity. "Thats too bad. She was pretty good to me."

Bai Qian responded with a small smile. "Pretty good to you? It seems that you think very highly of her."

Lu Yin shrugged. "Absolutely. Anyways, what should I call you? Madam Bai Qian?"

Bai Qian said, "Whatever you wish. You can call me Big Sister Bai."

Lu Yin smiled and then looked to the side. "I didn't expect to see you here, Mr. Zuo."

Zuo Gong stepped out and smiled as he addressed Xuan Qi. "Madam thought it fit to give me the opportunity to protect her."

Lu Yin nodded. "Zuo Gong, I didn't expect you to be capable of using a black energy converter. You truly are a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger in this universe.

"Merely using a black energy converter is far inferior to what the Bureau Director will eventually achieve when you become a peak powerhouse."

Zuo Gong felt very grateful towards Xuan Qi, as the old man had vaguely guessed that part of the reason for his sudden rise to power was related to the youth. After all, Xuan Qi and Bai Qian had a truly mysterious relationship.

Lu Yin soon left, as there was nothing more that needed to be said.

He made his way to the Ziyou Realm, as he wanted to confirm the You family's knowledge. You Fang might have already guessed some things, but it appeared that Lord Wei still knew nothing. This meant that the You family had not said anything, and thus, Lu Yin needed to visit them. The most important matter was Shao Qingfengs death. It was clear the You family had not informed Sovereign Shao Yin that Xuan Qi was the murderer, as Lu Yin had not received any threats from the Sovereign.

When he met with the members of the You family, things were quite different, and even the people involved had changed.

What surprised Lu Yin the most was You Lele. Completely gone was her previous lazy and messy appearance. The clean and tidy appearance and clear eyes made her look like a completely different person.

"If I didn't know any better, Id assume that you were impersonating You Lele," Lu Yin teased.

You Lele calmly stared at Xuan Qi. "Weve been waiting for you for a long time."

Lu Yin replied, "You knew that I was alive?"

OMA's Thoughts

Translated By: OMA

Edited By: Neshi/Nyxnox

TLC'ed By: OMA