Chapter 2726: Indifference

Name:Star Odyssey Author:
Chapter 2726: Indifference

Luo Zang stared blankly at Monarch Mu, unable to accept Lu Yin’s words.

Monarch Mu's face grew pale. "I told you the truth. I didn't lie to you."

Lu Yin stood back up. "Right now, you are aware that your son is staring at death, and also that I already know about Luo Shan's plan to cooperate with Sovereign Shao Yin. I really should believe you, as no matter how I look at things, there’s no reason for you to lie to me about Luo Shan. However, I’ve learned all about you, including your childhood, and so I know that you don’t actually care about Luo Zang at all. In fact, you don’t care about anyone.”

"That’s nonsense!" Monarch Mu roared.

Lu Yin proceeded to share many details of Monarch Mu’s life, particularly events from her childhood.

The woman’s face grew increasingly pale as she listened. The stories that Lu Yin was sharing demonstrated the kind of person she truly was: uncaring of familial bonds, conniving, and completely ruthless.

"When I consider your current situation, there are only two possibilities that would explain why you are still keeping Luo Shan’s secrets," Lu Yin paused for a moment as he stared at Monarch Mu, "One, you are being controlled by him in some manner, which is to say that you basically are him. In that situation, asking you to betray him is no different from asking him to betray himself, which would naturally be impossible."

Monarch Mu looked furious, and her eyes blazed fiercely.

"Two, you are certain that he can save you," Lu Yin stated slowly.

After Lu Yin finished speaking, Monarch Mu's expression remained as angry and fierce as ever, but her expression only made Lu Yin increasingly certain that the second option he had mentioned was a valid possibility.

"You do your best to not reveal any flaws in your act, but it is difficult for anyone to perfectly control themselves. Even extremely peak powerhouses are unable to completely control their emotions. You are putting on an act. The second option is true!" Lu Yin leaned in closer as he spoke.

Monarch Mu smiled, revealing contempt and ridicule. "You are just like Luo Shan."

Lu Yin grew puzzled, and Monarch Mu laughed. "Both of you are just as suspicious as the other. I have already told you the truth, yet you simply follow your own suspicions. In that case, why even bother asking me at all? The more suspicious you are, the more you prove your own cowardice!"

Lu Yin's eyes flickered, and Luo Zang’s other arm was crushed, causing him to scream.

Monarch Mu's face fell. "Xuan Qi, I have already told you everything that you’ve asked. If you don't believe me, then just kill him. He has done nothing to offend you. If you want to kill him, then finish him quickly. Why torture him?" Discover new chapters at

Lu Yin casually waved a hand, and a tremor ran through Luo Zang's body. He slowly crumpled to the ground, disbelief filling his eyes. There was no breath in him any longer, as he had truly been killed.

Luo Zang had never believed that he would die. After all, Monarch Mu was also present, so there was no reasonable risk of dying. He had been so close to Monarch Mu, so how had he still died? He had even been put down quickly, as the last words he had heard before death had been Monarch Mu saying, “Finish him quickly.”

Monarch Mu had also not expected Lu Yin to react so decisively. She stared at Luo Zang's body in a daze, unable to react for some time.

Lu Yin indifferently commented, "You’re next. The garbage you spout accomplishes nothing more than stalling for a bit of time. I’ll ask you again. What kind of person is Luo Shan?"

Monarch Mu turned to stare at Lu Yin. There should be overflowing killing intent in her eyes. Her son had just been killed in front of her, so she should hate Lu Yin. However, at this moment, what was hidden deep in her eyes was not killing intent or hatred, but rather anxiety and rage, as well as a touch of fear of her own death.

"Are you still deceiving yourself? I already know exactly the kind of person you are. While Luo Zang was your son, you never once truly cared for him at all. He never cared about the lives of others, and he even killed five people just to vent his anger. In the same manner, you don't care about his life. Whether he is dead or alive is nothing more than a method for evaluating me to you. Now, I’m using this to prove your values," Lu Yin casually explained.

Monarch Mu stared intently at Lu Yin. "Mu Qi betrayed me."

Mu Qi was Old Lady Mu’s name.

Lu Yin nodded. "It wasn’t really a betrayal. She’s known about my existence for quite some time, and she even knew from the beginning that you were taken by me. However, she’s never told Luo Shan anything. At the time, I wondered why. Even if she was afraid that Luo Shan would dig into her own, personal affairs, it was a matter of your life and death, as well as the prosperity of the entire Mu family, as they rely on you. Even back then, she had to have known that the existence of Luo Zang would not guarantee your Mu family’s prosperity, which should have meant that she wanted you to live more than anyone else.

Monarch Mu's eyes flickered as she blankly stared. She had never anticipated such a turn of events. All of her plans and schemes were now ruined. This Investiture of the Gods required voluntary participation that came from the heart. How could one scheme against such a thing?

"You have but one chance, Monarch Mu. Will you accept being conferred as a god?" Lu Yin asked.

Monarch Mu took a deep breath, and her head slowly dropped as she struggled internally.

Lu Yin knew that the woman was already trying to concoct some new plan, but there was no hiding from the Investiture of the Gods. If she wanted to act against him, she would not accept being conferred into the Investiture of the Gods, as it would fail and she would be killed without hesitation.

Monarch Mu’s head suddenly rose back up so that she could look at Lu Yin. "What of me? What will become of me after I am conferred as a god?"

Lu Yin looked down at her from high above. "You’ll be free."

"You won't control me?" Monarch Mu asked while staring into Lu Yin's eyes.

Lu Yin said, "No, though you can only choose to believe that.

"Monarch Mu, do you accept being conferred as a god?"

Monarch Mu's breathing grew ragged, and her face flushed red. Not once did she even glance at Luo Zang’s body, and instead she simply stared at the ground.

"Monarch Mu, do you accept being conferred as a god?" Lu Yin shouted.

Monarch Mu looked back up at him. "Give me a moment! I need some time! Give me a day to adjust my mental state for this situation!"

The tension left Lu Yin's eyes. This woman was truly planning to betray Luo Shan. Before he had revealed his Investiture of the Gods, she had wanted to plot against him. This was proof that she had genuinely believed that Luo Shan possessed the means to save her. However, when faced with the Investiture of the Gods and only a single option that would allow her to live, as well as Luo Zang's corpse lying nearby, still warm, she gave in.

Those who did not care for the lives of others cared about their own the most. This was true for Old Lady Mu and Luo Zang, and Monarch Mu was no different.

She did not dare to take any risks when it came to her own life, and she needed time to adjust her mentality to genuinely betray Luo Shan.


At this same time, in the Perennial World, there was a small branch of the Wang family. Wei Rong had recently become a son-in-law to this particular branch of the Wang family.

"This son-in-law asks to meet with Father-in-law!" At the base of a mountain range, Wei Rong offered a respectful bow.

"What's wrong?" A voice fell from the mountain. It belonged to the branch patriarch, Wang Gui.

Wei Rong answered respectfully, "This son-in-law has something to report and would like to explain the matter to Father-in-law."

"Come up."

Wei Rong quickly ascended the mountain range and arrived behind Wang Gui. The patriarch was standing at the top of the mountain range, staring in the direction of the Wang family’s main branch.

Wei Rong bowed. "Father-in-law."

Wang Gui answered indifferently, "What do you need?"

He did not approve of Wei Rong at all, but his daughter cared for the young man, which left Wang Gui with no choice but to accept the young man. What was there to say about the family’s son-in-law? He was certainly smart, but he was unable to accomplish anything and was completely useless.