Chapter 2736: Returning To Its Rightful Owner

Name:Star Odyssey Author:
Chapter 2736: Returning To Its Rightful Owner

Long Xi saw the strange eye and shot to her feet in shock. "This- Is this our ancestor's strange eye? You?"

"Don't misunderstand. I had nothing to do with Progenitor Long's death. I just happened to find this eye after he died. You seem quite worked up. Is this useful to you?" Lu Yin was curious.

Long Xi breathing quickened. "This is our ancestor's Progenitors world."

Lu Yin was caught off guard. "His Progenitors world?"

He had never considered this possibility. Logically, when a person died, their Progenitors world should disappear with them. However, Lu Yin was immediately reminded of the Rune Progenitor and Progenitor Hui. Were those two dead? If so, then why were the powers that they had created still present? And if they were not dead, then where were they?

It seemed like a paradox, and the only reasonable answer was that neither the Rune Progenitor nor Progenitor Hui were truly dead.

Lu Yin certainly hoped that that was the case.

"This really is Ancestors Progenitors world. My father once mistakenly said that this will open the path to the Progenitor realm for our White Dragon Clan, and with it, we are guaranteed to eventually reach that level," Long Xi said.

Lu Yin stretched out his hand. "It's yours."

Long Xi stared at Lu Yin blankly.

Lu Yin smiled. "Im giving it to you, so why are you hesitating?"

The eye had clearly belonged to Progenitor Long, and while Long Xi wanted to say something, Lu Yins actions made her feel protected and cared for.

The strange eye was invaluable, so why was he just giving it to her?

She slowly stretched out a hand, but she only touched the strange eye. "Are you really giving it to me?"

"What else? I put so much effort to visit you here in the Higher Realm. What? Did you think that I came here just to insult Bai Wangyuan?" Lu Yin said.

Long Xi smiled. She had not laughed in a very long time, but at this moment, there was a happy smile on her face. It was as though the years of misery had been stripped away.

The sight of Long Xis smile made Lu Yin feel good. The strange eye was useless to him, and he felt a sense of threat just by holding it. While he had confirmed that the eye had no intelligence, it still made him very uncomfortable to hold it. It was also completely useless to him, so there was no reason to not give it to Long Xi.

"I don't know how to use it," Long Xi said suddenly.

This surprised Lu Yin. "Why not? Dont you want to use it for your own cultivation and become a Progenitor?"

Long Xi said, "Its not that I don't have such ambitions, but that this just doesnt suit me. Also, it belonged to Progenitor Long, so if I use it"

She hesitated and left the thought unsaid. Lu Yin did not press the matter. "Its your choice. Its useless to me, and Progenitor Long left it for the White Dragon Clan."

Long Xi somber told Lu Yin, "No matter who is able to use it, my White Dragon Clan will definitely remember this favor. If the Lu family returns from their exile, my White Dragon Clan will offer an explanation to you for what happened."

Lu Yin left, not taking Long Xi's words to heart.

As for answering for the Lu familys exile, the only one who could bear that burden was Progenitor Long. With the man dead, how could Lu Yin get revenge on the White Dragon Clan any longer?

Both Grand Elder Ni Huang and Long Laogui were completely unqualified to have had anything to do with the Lu familys exile, and Lu Yin was not someone who would target innocent bystanders.

However, that did not mean that he had a desire to help the White Dragon Clan. Rather, he wanted to help Long Xi.

The White Dragon Clans life or death was none of Lu Yins business.

After Lu Yin left, Long Ke arrived to speak with Long Xi. "What did Lu Yin come here for?"

Long Xi casually replied, "He told me a joke."

Long Ke frowned. "Don't be ridiculous."

Long Xi turned to look at Long Ke. "He asked our White Dragon Clan to go to the Fifth Mainland."

Long Ke shook his head. "How delusional. Grand Elder Ni Huangs breakthrough is sure to succeed, and my White Dragon Clan is still part of the four ruling powers. How could we submit to him? How absurd."

The patriarch promptly left.

Soon after, Grand Elder Ni Huang also stopped by, similarly curious as to the purpose for Lu Yins visit.

Again, Long Xi revealed nothing.

"This humble one represents the Flow Universe."

"This humble one represents the Sky Spider Universe."

"This humble one represents the Lilliput Universe."

"This humble one represents the Big Stone Universe."

There were five escorts present, representing five of the parallel universes that made up the Endless Frontier.

Cang Bi glanced at the escorts. He had heard of the Majestic Universe. Typically, that universe did not have any fights between powerhouses.

He had also heard of the Big Stone Universe and the Sky Spider Universe before. Rumors claimed that there were powerful sky spiders in that universe, and the Aeternals fought against the spiders more than humanity in that universe.

Unfortunately, the sky spiders also fought against humans, and they were very difficult opponents.

Lilliput Universe? There did not seem to be any powerful enemies in that place, which made it an appealing destination for Cang Bi.

As for the Big Stone Universe, the Semi-Monarch would not go there even if he was beaten to death. He had heard that a peak powerhouse had once died in the Big Stone Universe, and it was important to never visit such a universe.

The Semi-Monarch was ready to make his decision.

At this moment, someone approached from the distance, though they arrived almost instantly.

This person was none other than Lu Yin.

It was the third day since he had spoken to Chu Jian, which meant that it was time to go to the Endless Frontier.

As soon as Lu Yin arrived, he looked straight at Cang Bi. "Are you taking me to the Endless Frontier?"

He did not know what procedures were followed to get to the Endless Frontier and had only been told to meet at this location in the Three Monarchs Universe. And here, Cang Bi was the most powerful person present at the meeting point.

Cang Bi frowned. This person did not seem to have any monarch essence at all. "Who are you? You are not from our Three Monarchs Universe, are you?"

Lu Yin was familiar with Cang Bi, as the man was an old acquaintance. Cang Bi was also the only Semi-Monarch present, which meant that he should be the one leading them to the Endless Frontier.

"No," Lu Yin confirmed.

Cang Bi was surprised. "Then where are you from?"

Lu Yin frowned. "I asked you, are you taking me to the Endless Frontier?"

"How dare you be so rude to Master Cang Bi!" Someone jumped forward in an effort to suck up to the Semi-Monarch. Many others did the same, and they all scolded Lu Yin. They were headed to the Endless Frontier, and they all wanted to try to gain the goodwill of a powerhouse in order to be a bit safer on the battlefield. As a Semi-Monarch, Cang Bi was the person that everyone wanted to rely on.

Cang Bi gave Lu Yin a cold glare. "How uncouth.

"Send him to Big Stone Universe. He can learn how to behave properly there."

One of the representatives behind Cang Be respectfully agreed, "Yes, Lord Cang Bi."

Cang Bi held his head high. This was well within his authority. He was a Semi-Monarch powerhouse in the Three Monarchs Universe. Aside from the Three Monarchs themselves or Lord Chen Le, who could ignore his words?

This brat dares offend me, and while I cant do anything to him because hes being sent to the Endless Frontier, I can at least ensure that he will never return.

Lu Yin was convinced. Big Stone Universe? Apparently Cang Bi really was the one who would lead the way.

The Endless Frontier consisted of sixty-two parallel universes, and Cang Bi had just said that Lu Yin would be sent to Big Stone Universe. That universe should be a rather dangerous portion of the battlefield. Did this mean that it was possible to choose which parallel universe you were sent to?

Thinking of this, Lu Yin approached Cang Bi, but as soon as he started moving, two people blocked his path, yelling, "Boy, get back! Lord Cang Bi doesn't want to see you."

Another person spoke up as well. "If you don't want to die right away, step back and dont bother Lord Cang Bi."

OMA's Thoughts

Translated By: OMA

Edited By: Neshi/Nyxnox

TLC'ed By: OMA