Chapter 2775: Taking A Walk

Name:Star Odyssey Author:
Chapter 2775: Taking A Walk

On one particular day, Lu Yin traveled through the spatial passage and entered the Three Monarchs Universe. The moment he appeared, all of the cultivators standing guard at the passage’s exit raised their guards.

"Who are you? The Three Monarchs Universe does not welcome visitors from the Origin Universe!" someone shouted.

Lu Yin had a calm appearance, and he did not react at all. He slowly looked to the south, ignoring everyone around him. Right now, he was looking at the rainbow wall, where he could sense the auras of Chen Le, Monarch Xing, Bai Sheng, and Xia Qin. The four ruling powers claimed that they were protecting the Sixverse Association, but in truth, most of their people had been sent to the Three Monarchs Universe.

"Whoever you are, return at once!" another person shouted. All three Semi-Monarchs were staring intently at Lu Yin closely. Years of battle had given them the experience to sense exceptional threats. Without that, Lu Yin would have already been attacked.

Lu Yin was surrounded, and the three Semi-Monarchs slowly moved closer, ready to attack at the slightest hint of provocation.

Suddenly, without any warning, Lu Yin vanished, startling the people who had surrounded him.

They immediately sent messages to Chen Le and Monarch Xing, reporting that a powerful individual had arrived from the Origin Universe. Lu Yin’s picture was included in the report.

Chen Le's expression changed at the sight. Lu Yin? Why is he here?

Monarch Xing was standing atop the rainbow wall, staring at the battlefield where the Aeternals were fighting. It felt like the Three Monarchs Universe was getting more and more fragile.

In the past, the Three Monarchs had been capable of blocking Aeternus by cooperating. But now, even though the number of peak powerhouses protecting their universe had increased, their universe’s situation was becoming increasingly vulnerable.

Lu Yin? What is he doing here?

"Chen Le, go check on things."

Even without an order from Monarch Xing, Chen Le had been about to go and check on Lu Yin. The Monarch did not know why Lu Yin would suddenly enter the Three Monarchs Universe.

Could he be here to take advantage of Monarch Luo's absence and attack the Three Monarchs Universe? That would be a dumb thing to do. Monarch Luo had been sent to the Endless Frontier by the Great Sovereign. If Lu Yin attacked the Three Monarchs Universe at this time, how would it be any different from slapping the Great Sovereign in the face?

An ugly expression appeared on Chen Le’s face as he hurried to the north.

Lu Yin traveled along the spatial lines and quickly arrived in the Lower King Domain, and he continued moving straight into the Upper King Domain. He did not hide his passage, and a terrifying pressure swept through the Three Monarchs Universe, leaving ripples in space.

Old Lady Mu looked up in shock when she saw Lu Yin. The strength that she sensed made her want to fall to her knees.

Since he hadn’t encountered anyone from the Three Monarchs Universe, Lu Yin felt as though he was moving through a deserted region of the universe.

He took another step forward, arriving in the Emperor Domain. One after another, the Semi-Monarchs stepped out from the Mo Courtyard, all warily eying Lu Yin. They were led by none other than Old Greenpeel.

When Chen Le successfully became a Monarch, Old Greenpeel had become the leader of the Mo Courtyard.

However, at this moment, the old man’s palms were sweaty. He felt far too much pressure from Lu Yin. Just a glance was enough for the old man to know that it was impossible for any of his people to stop this young man. And yet, that was exactly what they needed to do.

Lu Yin completely ignored the people from the Mo Courtyard. Were Semi-Monarchs any better than ants to him?

He glances around. The Emperor Domain was truly a massive place.

Lu Yin arrogantly flaunted his strength. As he traveled through space, he shattered the void, which created a terrifying spatial storm that swept across the entire Emperor Domain, Upper King Domain, and the Lower King Domain.

Everyone trembled. Even if they could not see what was happening, they could still sense an invisible power that seemed to belong to a god.

"Luo Shan still hasn’t returned yet?" Lu Yin asked as he glanced at the people from the Mo Courtyard who stood before him. He said nothing more, and the Semi-Monarchs made no attempt to initiate a conversation.

Old Greenpeel softly replied, "No."

"He’s too slow," Lu Yin commented in a contemptuous tone, though no one dared to object. They all listened to him in silence.

Lu Yin clasped his hands behind his back and looked around again. "Is this the Three Monarchs Universe? This place can’t even compare to our Origin Universe’s Outerverse. This place is tiny—it’s no wonder why Luo Shan wants to take over my Origin Universe. It’s too bad he doesn’t have the strength to do so.

"Aside from you, are there no decent powerhouses in this universe? You have no hope at all of ever reaching the peak. You all aren’t even qualified to speak with me."

Old Greenpeel and the other Semi-Monarchs clenched their fists. "May I ask why Dao Monarch Lu has come here?"

Lu Yin arrogantly replied, "Do I need a reason to be here?"

All of the people from the Mo Courtyard felt stifled by Lu Yin’s every word. If not for their fear of Lu Yin's strength, they would have attacked him long ago.

Lu Yin was in the Three Monarchs Universe to put on a show and to demonstrate how he could suppress the entire universe. He could do so in Luo Shan’s absence, but when the Monarch returned, Lu Yin would do the same thing again.

Chen Le nodded, took another pointed stare at Lu Yin, and then left.

Monarch Xing glanced around at the Semi-Monarchs from the Mo Courtyard. "Return."

Everyone felt incredibly relieved, as none of them wanted to stay around Lu Yin, who was too strange. He clearly was not a peak powerhouse, but he behaved even more arrogantly than a Monarch. Where was his confidence coming from? The more that a person acted like this, the harder it was to offend them.

Everyone left, and Lu Yin was soon accompanied by only Monarch Xing.

The woman remained as calm as ever. Lu Yin's arrogant and domineering attitude was useless in front of her, as if he were punching cotton.

"Why are you here?"

Lu Yin clasped his hands behind his back. "Like I said, I came to look around."

"Then I'll give you a tour," Monarch Xing calmly replied.

Lu Yin arched a brow. "Alright."

He had said that he was here to look around, and it appeared that he was going to do just that.

Monarch Xing demonstrated no hostility, and Lu Yin could not be the aggressor in the Three Monarchs Universe. As long as he was not confronted, how could he continue to act hostile?

Even when Lu Yin tried to provoke Monarch Xing, such as by speaking ill of Monarch Luo, or by making wild claims about how he wanted to kill Monarch Luo, Monarch Xing was never bothered or upset. This left Lu Yin uncertain of how to proceed.

The woman was exactly how Chen Le had described: she only cared about her own Starlight Universe.

However, Lu Yin could not bring that universe up, as doing so would expose his alternate identity.

Monarch Xing led Lu Yin around, and he visited many locations across the Three Monarchs Universe, including some that were not open to the public.

"I’ve heard that you are Luo Shan’s wife and that he has two wives. For someone as powerful as a Progenitor, why are you willing to share Luo Shan with another?" Lu Yin asked.

Monarch Xing calmly replied, "I'm used to it."

"You don't have any children?"

"It’s unnecessary."

"What if he dies? He would not leave any descendants behind."

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust."

"You aren’t at all worried? Luo Shan is fighting on the Endless Frontier, which is far too dangerous. I nearly died there."

"It's up to fate."


Lu Yin pursed his lips. Did this woman completely lack all emotion?

"What’s that over there?" Lu Yin asked as he pointed to Qianmian.

"A stone tower."

"Is it a library?"

"You could call it that."

"Let’s go take a look."

This stone tower was an important location in the Emperor Domain, and it was specifically guarded by an old woman who was a Semi-Monarch. The list of people who were allowed entry was personally determined by the Three Monarchs.

It had been quite difficult for Lu Yin to enter the stone tower as Xuan Qi, as Chen Le had to vouch for him. However, he needed to visit the stone tower again to get revenge for Gu Yue. It did not matter that Lu Yin already knew about Gu Yue’s history, as “Lu Yin” shouldn’t know that information, and he could not risk exposing his identity as Xuan Qi. That was why he needed an excuse to “discover” the information.

The old woman standing guard at the stone tower dropped to her knees as soon as she saw Monarch Xing approaching with Lu Yin. "Greetings, Monarch Xing."

Lu Yin walked straight into the tower without even glancing at the old woman, who did not dare to move to stop him.

Monarch Xing followed Lu Yin inside. There was truly nothing in the Three Monarchs Universe that could stop Lu Yin.