Chapter 2810: Chu Jian’s Challenge

Name:Star Odyssey Author:
Chapter 2810: Chu Jian’s Challenge

Aside from a few people, everyone attending the Tea Ceremony was in a daze.

Xu Jie, Xu Yue, Jiang Xiaodao, Little Lian, and all of the rest who were observing found themselves unable to react.

Xuan Qi was Lu Yin? The legendary Dao Monarch of the Origin Universe? It was unbelievable.

No one had ever considered this possibility, and it shattered all that they knew.

Bai Wangyuan clenched his fists as he stared at Lu Yin. This was the end. Their plan had been doomed from the very beginning, as they had been deceived before they even started.

Jiu Yao was beyond terrified. He had tried to frame Lu Yin as a spy at the Great Sovereign's Tea Ceremony. Jiu Yao was no Progenitor, so he could easily imagine the fate that awaited him.

Lu Yin looked at his group of accusers. "Bai Wangyuan, Wang Fan, your four ruling powers and Sovereign Shao Yin are trying to slander me, which is ridiculous. If I, Lu Yin, were a spy, I would have never cooperated with your four ruling powers. If I were a spy, the Sixverse Association would already have suffered countless losses. Can you explain that away?

"As for you, Jiu Yao." Lu Yin did not hate Bai Wangyuan and the others for wanting to frame him, nor did he hate Sovereign Shao Yin for his scheming. They were already Lu Yin’s enemies, which made such actions normal and expected.

No, what Lu Yin detested most was a traitor like Jiu Yao.

"Because the Progenitor of Combat died protecting humanity, I offered you the opportunity to join the Heavens Sect and even become the gatemaster of the Bloodlines Heavenly Gate. However, you have betrayed me for the four ruling powers and Sovereign Shao Yin. How can you be worthy of being a member of the Heavens Sect?

"Do the four ruling powers really think that they can deal with me by convincing a loser to turn traitor?"

Jiu Yao’s strength fled. He no longer had the courage to even try to defend himself, and his terror rose to even greater heights than ever before.

Suddenly, he made contact with a gaze so powerful that it illuminated the universe. Right after that, his body slowly started to disintegrate, starting with his feet, and moving upwards towards his head. A terrible pain assaulted him at the same time, but no matter how badly he wanted to scream in agony, he was incapable of producing a single sound.

Everyone stared at Jiu Yao, watching as his body slowly disappeared from the bottom to the top, speechless. This cruel death was the Great Sovereign’s punishment.

There was no need for any details to be addressed, as the Great Sovereign was able to sort everything out.

Jiu Yao was the most miserable person involved, and he was dealt with first.

The entire process lasted long enough for a stick of incense to burn, and everyone just stayed still as they witnessed Jiu Yao’s death as he suffered in agony, but never uttering a single sound. They watched as he slowly disappeared from the world.

From this day forward, Jiu Yao ceased to exist.

Lu Yin wanted to stop things, shocked by how the Great Sovereign was handling this matter. He watched as sequence particles passed by, causing Jiu Yao to disappear. Slowly, he was transformed into blue smoke that left along with the sequence particles. For some time, Lu Yin just stared as he tried to understand what was happening to Jiu Yao. However, even at the end, Lu Yin had failed to see anything clearly.

He was unable to understand what the Great Sovereign had done.

Not even Heaven’s Sight allowed Lu Yin to discern what had happened. This was not because Heaven’s Sight was insufficient, but rather because, at the core, Lu Yin was still only a peak Envoy.

Everyone attending the Tea Ceremony remained silent.

Only after everything finished did Mu Shen speak. "Great Sovereign, Sovereign Shao Yin and the four ruling powers attempted to frame Lu Yin as a spy. How should this matter be dealt with?"

Everyone turned to look at the Great Sovereign.

She was high above all others, dominating the sky. Despite her femininity, her majestic presence was awe-inspiring and suffocating. Everyone had no choice but to look up at her.

Sovereign Shao Yin did not dare speak a word in his own defense. There was no point in saying anything at this point in time.

"Shao Yin, you will serve on the Endless Frontier for 10,000 years. You will not return until your time has expired."

The Great Sovereign was able to punish anyone, and no one would argue.

People glanced at each other. While fighting was not permitted at the tea ceremonies, after seeing the attempt to frame Lu Yin as a spy of Aeternus, as well as the Junior Sovereign’s antagonism, no one believed that this was not a matter of the Cyclic Universe targeting the Origin Universe.

However, what of it? With the Great Sovereign’s suppression, such matters were irrelevant.


The Great Sovereign demonstrated her attitude with a single word.

Lord Xu and the other rulers of the universes did not say anything. The battle was intended to be between Chu Jian and Lu Yin, who were roughly of the same age. So even though Chu Jian had already broken through and become an Ascendant and Lu Yin had not reached that same level, people still regarded it as a fair match.

Bai Xian'er looked up, her eyes lighting up as she stared at Lu Yin.

Let me see where you are now.

Chu Jian was the Cyclic Universe’s perfect Junior Sovereign. All who knew of him knew that he quickly mastered whatever he learned and achieved perfection in all things.

His reputation was even greater than many peak powerhouses.

Even if the Cyclic Universe’s Three Sovereigns and Nine Sages were mentioned, the Junior Sovereign would never be overlooked.

Even so, no one seemed to know anything at all regarding Chu Jian’s combat strength.

Lu Yin had once looked into it, only to learn that the Junior Sovereign had reportedly never fought within the Sixverse Association. Despite that, it was impossible for Chu Jian’s incredible reputation to be groundless. There had to be a reason, even if no one knew what it was.

"I know that you have already defeated Chu Yuan. He was the only Dao Chosen that your Origin Progenitor ever met. However, I am the Great Sovereign’s disciple. You and I are not on the same level, Lu Xiaoxuan, and today, I will show you the distance between the heavens and the abyss." As he spoke, Chu Jian lifted his arms and caused a bow and arrow to take shape in a very natural manner. Everyone watching had a strange feeling, as though something had been taken from their hearts.

An arrow was loosed, piercing the sky as it shot towards Lu Yin.

Lu Yin had not expected the first attack to be an arrow fired from a bow.

"The Seven Divine Arrows?" someone exclaimed.

Lu Yin paid attention. The Seven Divine Arrows? This seemed to be the battle technique of Arrow Sage, one of the Nine Sages. It was said that not even the Seven Skygods could avoid this attack and that the arrows could only be forcefully blocked or intercepted. These arrows were not ordinary weapons, as they used humans’ seven emotions to form the arrows. They were peerlessly sharp and completely unstoppable. When the arrows pierced a person’s heart, they would instantly create emotional flaws.

Arrow Sage had used his Seven Divine Arrows to dominate the Endless Frontier, as it was a battle technique that was acknowledged as far superior to Chen Le's Monarch Arrow.

The arrow was clearly just an arrow, and it did not even move very fast. However, because the arrow had been formed from the seven emotions, as long as a person possessed emotions, it was impossible to evade this arrow. This was Chu Jian’s opening attack.

From his seat, Arrow Sage's eyes lit up. He could not deny that the Junior Sovereign was indeed perfect. Chu Jian’s Seven Divine Arrows was far more powerful than what Gong Yu was capable of unleashing. This was not merely due to a gap in cultivation, but more so because of a gap in comprehension.

This arrow would be difficult for an opponent with the same cultivation as Chu Jian to avoid, and Arrow Sage was completely confident in Chu Jian’s Seven Divine Arrows.

After all, there was indeed a gap in cultivation levels, but Chu Jian was the one who held the advantage. Lu Yin was the one in the weaker position.

Everyone watched as the arrow shot towards Lu Yin. The greater one’s understanding of the Seven Divine Arrows, the more they understood just how terrifying Chu Jian’s attack was.

A smile appeared on Lu Yin’s face as his hand rose and a finger pointed out.

Arrow Sage’s eyes narrowed. He had come to admire the heir of the Lu family, especially after seeing the young man’s boldness in forcing his way through the Heavenly Gate. Unfortunately, the youth was simply too arrogant.

As Chu Jian had mentioned, the current Heavens Sect was not the same as the ancient Heavens Sect, and Lu Yin was not a true Dao Monarch. He wanted to counter the Seven Divine Arrows with a single finger? How ridiculous.

The tip of the finger struck the tip of the arrow, but the sight that everyone had anticipated of Lu Yin's finger being destroyed did not play out. Instead, the arrow disappeared.

The attendees of the tea ceremony were silent. Everyone stared blankly, but it was clear that there was not even a mark on Lu Yin's finger. What had happened to the Seven Divine Arrows technique?