Chapter 2817: Waste Of My Time

Name:Star Odyssey Author:
Chapter 2817: Waste Of My Time

Within his Miniature Cycle of Reincarnation, the golden armor of Triumphant Brawl disappeared from Chu Jian's body. While his face was a bit pale, Chu Jian looked as though he had just woken up and was excited and eager to see something.

His Miniature Cycle of Reincarnation was primed to eventually become the same Great Cycle of Reincarnation as his master’s. At this moment, the Great Sovereign was helping Chu Jian finally comprehend the Great Cycle of Reincarnation, the Cyclic Universe as a whole, and what Chu Jian’s master referred to as the power of laws.

Chu Jian was able to see the laws of the universe with his master’s help, and with the matching Cycles of Reincarnation, Chu Jian could even tap into the power that he was seeing.

This was the ultimate power. Who could stand up to it? Not to mention Lu Xiaoxuan, Chu Jian was confident that he could even face the Three Sovereigns and Nine Sages at this moment. His master was helping him, and the Great Sovereign would not allow anyone from the Origin Universe to act willfully during her tea ceremony.

Lu Yin could see the same thing, and from his perspective, he saw Chu Jian raising a hand to touch the sequence particles that came from the Great Sovereign. Lu Yin arched a brow. If his Investiture of the Gods was seen as a cheat by the Sixverse Association, then what Lu Yin was seeing was actual cheating; the Great Sovereign was personally helping Chu Jian, which was unquestionably cheating.

If not for Heaven's Sight, Lu Yin would not be able to see any of what was happening.

This thought caused Lu Yin’s expression to darken. He had expected the Great Sovereign's teachings to offer Chu Jian enlightenment, which would transform his strength in some manner. If that happened, Lu Yin would do nothing to stop the process, as it would still be Chu Jian’s strength. However, this manner of borrowing strength was cheating.

Truthfully, what angered Lu Yin the most was that his time had been wasted and his expectations had been for nothing.

He had hoped to see Chu Jian achieve an epiphany. Even if it would not be enough to help Chu Jian in the current fight, Lu Yin felt that it would be fine to see what Chu Jian could gain. However, reality was too disappointing.

Lu Yin’s fists clenched, but just as he was about to take action, a wisp of blade qi slashed through the air above the tea ceremony, striking at where the arrogant Great Sovereign’s sequence particles were falling towards Chu Jian’s inner world.

No one understood just how high the Great Sovereign’s mastery of sequence particles had reached. This blade slash could not slice through the sequence particles, but it instead slipped between where the Great Sovereign’s sequence particles and Chu Jian’s Miniature Cycle of Reincarnation were connected. Like so, it prevented the Junior Sovereign from being able to borrow the Great Sovereign’s sequence particles.

The sight of the sudden attack startled everyone.

People glanced around and quickly saw Mu Ke slowly sheathing his saber. "I happened to have an epiphany after hearing the lecture."

These ten simple words made everyone envious. How could anyone achieve an epiphany so quickly?

People who were unable to see sequence particles did not give the matter much thought. After all, Mu Ke’s slash had targeted the space above Chu Jian’s inner world, and it had not been aimed at the Junior Sovereign or his inner world. Only those who had reached the level of touching upon the laws of the universe were able to understand that Mu Ke had sliced through the connection between the Great Sovereign’s sequence particles and the Miniature Cycle of Reincarnation. That attack had been shockingly powerful.

Not just anyone could influence the Great Sovereign sequence particles, and the strength that Mu Ke had just revealed altered what everyone knew of his strength.

Even Mu Shen was taken aback. Mu Ke’s strength far exceeded Mu Shen’s expectations.

Lord Xu, Great Elder Shan Gu, and the others at their level took a long look at Mu Ke. The man’s strength was beyond exceptional.

Xu Wuwei was particularly startled. He had believed himself and Mu Ke to be at about the same level, and he had even thought that Mu Ke was the slightly inferior one. However, Xu Wuwei could not deny that the attack that he had just seen was beyond his own abilities. Mu Ke’s mastery of the laws of the universe was far superior to his.

Lu Yin looked over at Mu Ke in a daze. Had the man just helped Lu Yin?

He was again reminded of the miniature saber that he had received during the Lost Clan’s Shangsan Festival, and a smile spread across Lu Yin’s face. Sure enough, Mu Ke was Lu Yin’s senior brother!

Mister Mu had told Lu Yin that the Great Sovereign would not attack Lu Yin directly, so the moment that the Great Sovereign had tried to cheat to help Chu Jian, she had been stopped by Lu Yin’s senior brother. Master‘s disciples are all very reliable.

Chu Jian stared at Mu Ke in a daze, and then he looked back at the Great Sovereign.

How was Chu Jian supposed to deal with Lu Yin without the Great Sovereign sequence particles?

Even as the Junior Sovereign was asking himself this question, the Investiture of the Gods disappeared from above Lu Yin's head, which caused the dazzling golden light to also vanish.

Chu Jian looked over at Lu Yin, only to see Lu Yin move forward and instantly appear directly in front of the Junior Sovereign. "What a waste of my time."

A finger rose and pointed at Chu Jian.

Progenitor Chen had created his own universe when he reached the seventh level of the Cosmic Art, which had allowed him to place genuine stars in the Fifth Mainland.

Lu Yin’s breakthrough to the seventh level of the Cosmic Art also required him to simulate the universe, but he had moved that universe into himself, creating an independent universe.

Everyone would achieve a different breakthrough upon reaching the seventh level of the Cosmic Art. While it might appear that there was but one path in the universe, there were countless people, and human creativity was endless.

The seventh level of the Cosmic Art was the true beginning of the Cosmic Art.

Lu Yin finally understood, and that was what had spurned on his breakthrough. He had experienced a transformation, and he was also finally able to clearly see the path that he needed to take.

He would transform each of the various powers that he had cultivated into its own star in his independent universe, where they would shine for countless years. He intended to complete his own universe.

However, this would be an exceedingly long process.

Divine energy had formed a star from the very beginning. This was True God Wei Yi’s method. At this moment, the other powers in Lu Yin's heart were rising up into space and being transformed into stars as well. This was Lu Yin’s method.

The Great Sovereign's lecture continued, but Lu Yin opened his eyes and raised his head.

At that moment, he looked at the Great Sovereign and saw surprise in the woman’s eyes.

As it turned out, even the Great Sovereign could be surprised.

Lu Yin slowly walked over to the ninth seat. At this moment, everyone was immersed in the Great Sovereign's lecture. Aside from Lu Yin, only one person had retained their faculties: Bai Xian'er.

As Lu Yin slowly sat back down, he appeared calm. He listened to the Great Sovereign’s lecture as her voice entered his ears. This was something that he might only be able to experience once in his entire life.

Lu Yin had only been allowed to attend this tea ceremony because he was representing the Origin Universe in the Sixverse Association. It was very likely that he had been invited by the Great Sovereign so that Sage Yuan and Chu Jian could humiliate Lu Yin, but unfortunately, both of them had been far too weak to accomplish anything.

"Brother Xiaoxuan is truly amazing," Bai Xian'er commented.

Lu Yin was surprised to hear her. "You can speak?"

Bai Xian'er's smile was as alluring as ever. She looked elegant, possessing a noble and sacred beauty, yet there was also something about her that made her feel as approachable as the girl next door. "The Great Sovereign is my master, so of course I can speak."

Lu Yin grew curious. "When did you become a disciple of the Great Sovereign?"

"Only recently." Bai Xian'er smiled.

Lu Yin stared at the woman, and she openly returned his gaze.

While Lu Yin had not recovered Lu Xiaoxuan’s memories, Lu Yin himself had already interacted with Bai Xian'er a few times. However, each time, Bai Xian’er felt ephemeral.

No matter if it was in regards to scheming or cultivation, Bai Xian'er had never fallen behind Lu Yin in any way. In fact, he always felt as though he was being outmaneuvered by this woman.

Even if Lu Yin had felt that he could eventually overpower Bai Xian'er after their first meeting, something about the woman had always felt unreal.

Could he really overpower Bai Xian'er? Lu Yin did not actually know just what Bai Xian'er cultivated, nor what her connection to Destiny was. After he had acquired Heaven’s Sight, the first thing he had wanted to look at was Bai Xian'er.

Remembering this, Heaven’s Sight activated on Lu Yin's forehead, and he focused on Bai Xian'er.

She gave him a small smile. "Have you obtained Heaven’s Sight, Brother Xiaoxuan? You now cultivate the power of the God of Death, Destiny, and Wu Tian—all of the Three Realms. Of the Six Dao, you have the First Mainland’s stellular energy and the Third Mainland’s Wielder - Indestructible. Also, you are a member of the Fifth Mainland’s Lu family, which means that you possess the powers of three of the Six Dao.

"The Three Realms Six Dao once represented the infinite possibilities of the Origin Universe, and you alone possess six of those nine powers, Brother Xiaoxuan. In the current universe, there is no one capable of suppressing you unless they are a peak powerhouse. You greatly surpass Junior Brother Chu Jian."

Lu Yin gave the woman an odd look. "What about you?"