Chapter 2833: Come Back Soon

Name:Star Odyssey Author:
Chapter 2833: Come Back Soon

Big Sis looked up and saw her own memories, which caused her eyebrows to rise. "This path has never been walked before. Even during the Heavens Sect era, it would be difficult to see such a scene. Very few people were capable of truly breaking free from cultivating with stellular energy."

She looked at the mountain behind the Heavens Sect. "Little Seven has found an incredible person."

Lu Buzheng, Destina, and the others all looked at the mountain as well. They understood just how rare it was for someone to become a Progenitor by walking down a path completely independent of the Origin Progenitor’s. In the Heavens Sect era, the most well-known ones had been the God of Death and Destiny. Gu Yizhi and most of the other Three Realms Six Dao had only managed to break free from cultivating with stellular energy after they had already reached the peak.

Wu Tian was regarded as an outlier among the Three Realms Six Dao. He had only ever cultivated with stellular energy, but he had also managed to reach the pinnacle.

Shao Chen was taking an unprecedented path, and it was impossible for anyone to imagine what his future would hold.

Kui Luo was arrogant, and he served only the Lu family, showing contempt for the four ruling powers and even their Progenitors like Bai Wangyuan. However, even he had been convinced of Shao Chen’s ability, admitting that the headmaster had surpassed him despite the short amount of time since Shao Chen had become a Semi-Progenitor. It was easy to imagine just how shocking Shao Chen’s path truly was.

Throughout both the Heavens Sect era, when human cultivation reached its greatest heights, and the Daosource Sect era, when masters had appeared for all of the Nine Mountains and Eight Seas, very few people like Shao Chen had ever appeared.

The rainbows of memory formed the mortal world, and the mortal world refined Shao Chen’s heart. This was his tribulation.

The headmaster took a single step to cross over the Chiliagonist’s memories. The man paused for a moment before moving on to Leng Qing's memory. Shao Chen was walking through their memories, which caused him to feel as though he was a part of their lives. This was a tribulation that only Shao Chen could experience.

No one stopped the man, as no one knew what might potentially happen if they tried to stop the headmaster from challenging his tribulation. After all, this was a Progenitor’s tribulation, and if the reaction was the same as a stellular tribulation’s, then no one would be able to survive interfering with the tribulation.

The headmaster was walking through the path of the mortal world. Every time he took a step through the red dust, his demeanor took on more and more of the mortal world’s characteristics.

Finally, he came to a stop at the bottom of the Heavens Sect’s Stairway to Heaven. There, all the rainbows of memories moved towards Shao Chen. From a distance, it looked as though the mortal world was bowing to the man.

The ripples spread out further and further, until it encompassed the entire Frostwave Weave. The mortal world spread out, and rainbows of memories rose up and bowed down. It was a shocking sight.

Kui Luo gritted his teeth and forced himself to his feet. He cleaned the blood from his mouth. He finally broke through.

With one more Progenitor, the Heavens Sect could hold out for a bit longer.

Shan Pu and Shan Fangyi glanced at each other in shock. Was this a cultivator from the Origin Universe? This sort of breakthrough was unheard of. There were so many possibilities. It was no wonder why this universe had once been the true peak of human power. Compared to the rigidity of the Cyclic Universe’s Three Sovereigns and Nine Sages, the Origin Universe was far stronger.

The ripples continued out from Frostwave Weave and enveloped the entire Outerverse, and then they crossed the Astral River and entered the Innerverse.

This was a Progenitor’s tribulation that would shock the entire Fifth Mainland.

Shao Chen’s breakthrough required him to walk through the endless mortal world. His tribulation was so pervasive that, for a moment, the entire battle stopped.


At the Cyclic Universe, in the Great Sovereign’s Tea Ceremony, Lu Yin had no intention of fighting against Sovereign Shao Yin. He simply wanted to return to the Heavens Sect.

He had assumed that, with Lightstream’s ability to reverse time and the Wordless Heavenly Book’s ability to block sequence particle-level attacks, no one would be able to stop him from leaving.

However, Lu Yin had forgotten about one person: True God.

Lu Yin’s Semi-Progenitor tribulation had shocked the Sixverse Association, the Seven Skygods, and even the True God himself.

Too many bizarre things had taken place during Lu Yin's Semi-Progenitor tribulation. There had been things that were completely out of reach for Semi-Progenitors, and even Progenitor-level experts might not qualify to encounter such things. Furthermore, Lu Yin had brought out something that even True God or the Great Sovereign were interested in.

Once Lu Yin’s tribulation finished, the True God had immediately enveloped the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths with his divine energy so that no one could leave.

Oddly enough, the Seven Skygods, who had previously been determined to kill Lu Yin, did not try to attack him after his stellular tribulation even once.

Lu Yin had no idea if the Seven Skygods still wanted to kill him, nor did he know that he had stunned True God with his tribulation. Instead, Lu Yin only knew that he was unable to leave the battlefield.

Divine energy permeated the void, and Heaven's Sight revealed an endless amount of sequence particles. While Lu Yin could create an isolated region of the universe within which he could tear the void apart, it was very difficult for him to find the opportunity to do so.

However, indifference, selfishness, and numbness were also emotions. And inevitably, people with those outlooks could change as well.

The Chiliagonist clutched his head while wailing. He looked up at the headmaster with bloodshot eyes. "What have you done? Get rid of it! I don't want this pain! I don't want to suffer!"

The headmaster shook his head. "Completely pathetic."

"You are seeking death!" The Chiliagonist raised his hands to lash out at the headmaster.

From the other direction, a shadow appeared as the camphor bug fell towards Shao Chen.

Ancestor Tortoise appeared from the side, slamming into the camphor bug.

On the bug’s back, the black-armored man jumped down, his mace heavily falling upon Ancestor Tortoise’s shell. Compared to Ancestor Tortoise, the man was so small that he might as well be a mote of dust drifting about a tree.

However, the black mace started to grow larger and larger. In an instant, it surpassed the size of both the camphor bug and Ancestor Tortoise, nearly reaching the size of the Heavens Sect itself as it slammed down upon Ancestor Tortoise.

The members of the Mavis family watched in horror as the mace fell. This weapon had grown even bigger than Ancestor Tortoise.


There was a deafening noise as Ancestor Tortoise was smashed back. It instantly retracted its head.

The black-armored man with the massive mace snorted contemptuously. "Just wait for your love tap! I have to deal with that old thing that created a new path of cultivation first. Such people cannot be allowed to live."

The mace shrank back down, and the man turned to attack the headmaster with the mace.

Halfway through the man’s swing, Big Sis suddenly appeared with her Thundering Hammer battle technique, which she smashed against the mace.

There was another bang, and both people retreated in unison.

"I am a captain of the True God Guard, Chong Gui. The fact that you can match my blow means that you deserve to be acknowledged. Tell me your name!" the black-armored man yelled.

Big Sis sneered. "Your mother."

"True. If you can beat me, you can become my mother!" Chong Gui answered with a laugh, completely ignoring the fact that he had just been insulted. His mace rose up to attack again.

Big Sis retaliated with Thundering Hammer.

The two mighty attacks collided.

Chong Gui grew excited. "You are not even a Progenitor, and yet you can match my blows! This is fascinating! Come on, come on, come on! This is a collision of love!"

Big Sis was disgusted, but she was also wary of her opponent. He was extremely difficult to deal with, as every one of his attacks contained a strange force.

She had been in seclusion, preparing to break through to become a Progenitor, but she had been abruptly disturbed by this battle. At this moment, she realized that it would have been much better if she had finished her breakthrough. She suspected that none of these captains of the True God Guard were simple opponents. On top of that...

She glanced at a distant point in space. A powerful enemy was hiding there.

As Big Sis looked over, Old Mo revealed himself. "Lu Buzheng, you little Lu brat! You need to pay back all that you owe me!"

OMA's Thoughts

Translated By: OMA

Edited By: Neshi/Nyxnox

TLC'ed By: OMA