Chapter 2837: Domineering

Name:Star Odyssey Author:
Chapter 2837: Domineering

When the man revealed himself, the sequence particles that filled the sky were instantly thrown into disarray. This person brought his own terrifying sequence particles, and he was even able to briefly push the Great Sovereign's sequence particles back.

Everyone stared blankly. Just who was this?

Lu Yin’s breathing quickened as he looked at the face that was so similar to his own. He could not even begin to describe his emotions at this moment. All the exhaustion that had built up since the start of Lu Yin’s cultivation journey came to a head at this moment. He had stepped out of Earth, and since then, he had climbed up, step by step, to his current height. He had experienced many things: both life and death crises, as well as schemes and plots. If not for his incredible luck, he would have died countless times over.

The moment that the man appeared, Lu Yin’s entire body relaxed. He swayed on his feet, nearly collapsing to the ground.

The stranger looked at Lu Yin, a big smile on his face. The domineering glint in his eyes transformed into admiration, self-blame, pity, and many more complex emotions as he looked at Lu Yin. "Hold on a bit. Members of my Lu family cannot fall in front of outsiders.”

Lu Yin nodded and met the stranger’s eyes with determination of his own. "I know, Ancestor."

He had thought of addressing someone else as "Ancestor" for far too long. He had referred to many people as "Senior," but he had dreamed of truly being able to call someone “Ancestor.” It was a term that meant that he could rely on that person, trust them, relax, and let go of everything.

The man who had appeared was none other than Lu Yuan, one of the Three Realms Six Dao of the Heavens Sect era. This was the founding ancestor of the Lu family.

The Great Sovereign's eyes landed on Lu Yuan, but she revealed no sign of surprise. Lu Yuan had actually arrived right after True God left, but he had not immediately revealed himself. Lu Yuan had watched his descendant. The Great Sovereign had known what the man had been thinking.

She had targeted Lu Yin and condemned him in an attempt to force him to surrender, which would humiliate Lu Yuan.

However, the descendant of the Lu family was determined, and Lu Yuan was proud of Lu Yin. Realizing this left the Great Sovereign uncomfortable.

"Lu Yuan."

Lu Yuan turned back around to glare at the Great Sovereign. "What’s with the shrieking? Can’t you see me reminiscing about old times and reconnecting with my family?"

"Tai Chu is already dead, and yet you still dare to act so arrogantly?" the Great Sovereign shouted angrily.

Lu Yuan sneered. "Do you want to die? Just who do you think you are? You’re just a crazy bitch."

"You are too brazen!"

"What? If you want to hit or insult me, I’ll go along with whatever you want. If Master hadn't stopped us, do you think you could have ever scolded me?”

"If not for Tai Chu's protection, you would have never had the chance to rise up! The others are much better than you."

"You know what? Shit, if not for Master stopping us, we would have followed through with our plans to beat the piss out of you. Wu Tian even prepared a stick for it, and that crazy broad Destiny managed to figure out where you were going to be. Da Huang came here to find you. There was a rare moment of unity between us disciples, as we all just want to beat you for a bit of fun. If not for Master, we would have beaten you stupid," Lu Yuan stated in a mocking tone.

The Great Sovereign flushed with rage. "Ridiculous!"

"Honestly, we almost got into a fight when we were preparing, as we couldn’t decide who would get to hit you first.

"Actually, the God of Death won. In order to slap you, that guy developed a battle technique called the Mask of Death. He developed it just to be able to slap you without you noticing him. Well, at least he was sure that it would work. I don’t even know how long he prepared for it, but his eyes were red with excitement.”

The Great Sovereign was stunned. She could not say if Lu Yuan was telling the truth or not. When she thought back to the past, all of Tai Chu’s disciples had been polite and well-behaved, aside from Lu Yuan. Destiny had been extremely cunning, but ideal in all other aspects. Wu Tian had been very disciplined. While the God of Death had been rather gloomy, he had been a polite child, nothing like what Lu Yuan was insinuating.

Mu Shen and others listened to the ancient gossip in silence.

By the time that Mu Shen had come into contact with the Heavens Sect, Gu Yizhi and the others had already become the Three Realms Six Dao, and Mu Shen had not been informed of their pasts.

Lu Yin felt proud when he saw Lu Yuan brazenly insulting and taunting the Great Sovereign. After being suppressed by the Great Sovereign for so long, Lu Yin felt like this was finally a win for him. He finally had someone backing him.

"You are speaking nonsense. Everyone in the Lu family is just as rude and rude as you. If you dare to do this again, I will make you pay the price."

"Fuck off. He's still a child."

"You!" The Great Sovereign was furious.

Lu Yuan just laughed. "Did you get confused, you crazy bitch? Look at yourself for a bit. How are you worthy of condemning my descendants?"

The man then grabbed Lu Yin. "Let's go."

With that, they left. No one at the Tea Ceremony could even react.

Lu Yin stared at the golden mountain, sensing the powerful auras in that place. A strange, yet somehow familiar feeling arose in him. They called him “young master” with just as much sincerity as Master Shan and the others. These people were utterly devoted to him.

He was the young master of the Lu family. No matter how long they may have been separated for, he would always be the heir of the Lu family.

On the golden mountain, many people from the Lu family bowed to Lu Yin, including some who appeared quite old. This was their demonstration of respect for Lu Yin, for the Lu family’s young master who had struggled all alone in the Origin Universe, for his efforts to return the Lu family to their home. He deserved the entire family’s respect.

The Lu family was truly powerful. There were no fewer than six Semi-Progenitors on the golden mountain, and everyone on the mountain was far more powerful than their peers. Even so, all of these outstanding geniuses had respectful expressions on their faces, and both the men and the women bowed to Lu Yin.

As for Progenitors, in addition to Lu Yuan, there were the auras of two more Progenitors.

One felt somehow obscured and hidden, while the other felt violent.

Lu Yin took a deep breath and then suddenly released his own powerful aura. This was the aura of a Semi-Progenitor who was capable of fighting against a sequence powerhouse like Sovereign Shao Yin. His inner world, Infinity, shone, making Lu Yin look like he was standing at the center of the universe.

Everyone from the Heavens Sect bowed low. "We welcome the Dao Monarch’s return."

"We welcome the Dao Monarch’s return."

"We welcome the Dao Monarch’s return."


Arch-Elder Zen and others could feel Lu Yin's aura, and they knew that their Dao Monarch had broken through to become a Semi-Progenitor. He was now more powerful than ever.

Lu Yin's aura startled the people on the golden mountain.

They had bowed to Lu Yin because he was the one who had led them back home, and also because he had struggled on his own for years in order to do so. He had survived the forces of the Perennial World. On top of that, they viewed Lu Yin as Lu Xiaoxuan, and they greatly respected Lu Xiaoxuan due to his identity as the young master of the Lu family.

However, when Lu Yin fully released his aura, the strength that he exposed was comparable to a Progenitor’s, which startled his entire family.

Even Lu Yuan was caught off guard. He had seen Lu Yin resisting the Great Sovereign’s sequence particles, but at this moment, when the ancient Progenitor directly felt Lu Yin’s power, he could not help but be stunned. How could a Semi-Progenitor be so powerful? This was even more impressive than Lu Yuan’s generation, and they had had the Origin Progenitor as their master.

Just what had this child cultivated?

This was the question currently in the minds of everyone in the Lu family.

Lu Yin was simply far too strong for his cultivation, and he even managed to suppress the violent aura of the Lu family Progenitor.

The golden light of the Lu family posed no threat to Lu Yin. He was also a master of that golden light.

At this moment, high in the sky, more than a dozen Progenitors from the Heavens Sect, the Lu family, and more gathered together. All of them bowed to Lu Yin from a distance. Even with Lu Yuan at his side, at this moment, Lu Yin was the center of all focus.

What Lu Yin had done for the Fifth Mainland could not be overshadowed by Lu Yuan, even if Lu Yuan was the Dao Monarch.

Lu Yuan also did not want to replace Lu Yin and take back the position of Dao Monarch. Since everyone referred to the child as Dao Monarch, it was fine to let him keep that position.

This child is the greatest pride of my Lu family. Throughout all the long ages and endless years, who else can compare to him?

Two figures suddenly appeared, and one of them charged at Lu Yin, wrapping him in a fierce embrace.

Lu Yin instinctively wanted to break away, but the person who was holding him gave Lu Yin an extremely familiar and warm feeling with his sudden hug. The sensation was so unexpected that Lu Yin actually forgot to break free.


Lu Yin was startled, and he stared blankly at the man.

OMA's Thoughts

Translated By: OMA

Edited By: Neshi/Nyxnox

TLC'ed By: OMA