Chapter 2839: This Is The Lu family

Name:Star Odyssey Author:
Chapter 2839: This Is The Lu family

Lu Yin grew so worried that he stopped breathing. "Ancestor, can you save her?"

Lu Yuan stared at Lu Yin. "Yes."

Lu Yin let out a sigh of relief and even started to sweat. His ancestor had offered such a lengthy explanation, and as it continued, Lu Yin had felt that the matter was more mystical than his previous understanding. He had even started to believe that it was impossible to ever save Ming Yan.

"However, I can't do it right now. Saving her means touching the law of Vitality, which is entirely unknown to me. I can do this, but the cost is too high. The Lu family has only just returned, and there are both internal and external matters that need to be resolved. Will that crazy woman, the Great Sovereign, attack? I can’t say.”

“Little Seven, just wait for now. I will save her when the Lu family has been completely stabilized," Lu Yuan said.

Lu Yin let out a long breath. "As long as you can save her, Ancestor."

Lu Yuan nodded and then gave Lu Yin an odd look. The man’s expression grew stranger as time passed.

Lu Yin knew that Lu Yuan had seen his unique power.

"Your cultivation is rather odd."

"I have four inner worlds."

Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows. "And in your chest?"

"A self-made universe. This is the cultivation path that I have inadvertently taken," Lu Yin said as he put Ming Yan away.

Lu Yuan nodded. "And on your forehead?"

"That's Heaven’s Sight," Lu Yin replied.

Lu Yuan's eye twitched. "I seem to sense a familiar power."

Lu Yin could not help but feel proud of himself. Before the founding ancestor of his family, he felt that he could show off a bit. "Are you referring to the God of Death’s power, or Destiny’s? Or maybe Gu Yizhi’s?"

Lu Yuan was surprised. "You’ve even cultivated the power of that traitor, Gu Yizhi?"

"Gu Yizhi may be a traitor, but his power is still very useful."

"His power is also extremely difficult to cultivate. It's a miracle that you actually succeeded." Lu Yuan sighed emotionally, knowing what Lu Yin had gone through.

Lu Yin asked, "Ancestor, how did Gu Yizhi betray humanity?"

This question instantly soured Lu Yuan’s mood, and he waved it off. "Alright, there are certain things that you don’t need to know about right away. I don’t have the energy to talk about this right now either. Let me take you to see someone."

Lu Yuan then took Lu Yin through the golden mountain. This was the Lu Sanctum, the land of Lu Xiaoxuan’s memories.

Lu Yin felt that the place seemed familiar, but he could not recall anything about it.

Lu Yuan soon led Lu Yin to the back of the mountain of the Lu Sanctum, and they arrived at a chain. His eyes following the chain, Lu Yin gazed off into the distance.

There, he saw a man bound in chains, hanging in space.

Lu Yin frowned. He assumed that this must be someone whom the Lu family wanted to punish, as why else would they be bound?

Wang Jian was supposed to still be in the Higher Realm, but he had fled as well, retreating faster than anyone else.

When Lu Tianyi and Lu Yin delivered the Lu Sanctum to the Perennial World, the only Progenitor-level creatures still present were the Divine Eagle and the Ancestor Python. Additionally, Progenitor Long’s strange eye had granted the White Dragon Clan’s Ni Huang the strength to fight against Progenitors.

When the Lu Sanctum appeared, golden light instantly enveloped the entire Perennial World.

Countless people in the Middle and Lower Realms looked upwards. The Lu family had returned.

"This place has changed a great deal." Lu Tianyi and Lu Yin were standing high in the sky, looking at the Wang family's floating mainland in the distance. Further away, they could also see the Celestial Frost Sect.

"Once, this Higher Realm held only my Lu family and the families acknowledged by us. The four ruling powers? What a ridiculous term, though it perfectly shows their petty ambitions. If they were capable of destroying Aeternus, then forget the Higher Realm—I would even help them snatch the Great Sovereign’s Nine Heavens and Ten Earths."

Lu Tianyi's words were beyond arrogant and looked down on everything. He even dared to speak disparagingly of the Great Sovereign.

Lu Tianyi was different from Ancestor Lu Yuan. The founding ancestor was absolutely domineering, whereas Lu Tianyi was both domineering and wise.

However, this was nothing to be proud of. After all, the Lu family had still been exiled. The smarter Lu Tianyi was, the more the insidiousness of the Aeternals could be seen. The Lu family had nearly been destroyed by Aeternus.

Lu Tianyi looked at Lu Yin. "Do you remember anything about the Lu Sanctum?"

Lu Yin shook his head. He then proceeded to share how Lu Xun had used the Lu Sanctum’s treasury to set a trap for Lu Yin, which had given Nutjob Lu an opportunity to try to kill Lu Yin.

Lu Tianyi nodded, conflicting emotions filling his eyes. "While it is indeed shameful that Lu Xun betrayed the family, she was also forced to endure a great deal. It was fate that she eventually died along with the Lu Sanctum’s treasury.”

"Xiaoxuan, thank you for surviving through everything."

Every last member of the Lu family, including Lu Yuan, Lu Tianyi, and Lu Qi, loved and appreciated Lu Yin. Many people were amazed by all that Lu Yin achieved, yet very few saw that all of his accomplishments represented narrowly surviving multiple disasters.

"Nutjob Lu will be dealt with by Ancestor himself. Tell me, what do you think about the Lu Sanctum sitting above all else in the Perennial World?" Lu Tianyi asked.

Lu Yin had not expected Lu Tianyi to ask this question.

The four ruling powers had taken the place of the Lu Sanctum, but in the past, the Lu Sanctum had stood above all else, suppressing the organizations that had become the four ruling powers, along with the Nong family, the Liu family, and more. They had all been confined to the Middle Realm, beneath the Lu family. That was the motivation for those people to rebel against the Lu family in the first place.

Why had the Lu family sat above all others? Why had they looked down on all others and acted so domineeringly?

Lu Yin lifted his head to look at Lu Tianyi. "There are people who say that, the greater the power, the greater the responsibility. My Lu family possesses greater strength than any others in this place, and we also shoulder greater responsibility. In this place, my Lu family is the guardian. If the day comes when the sky ever falls, my Lu family will fall before then.

"If we have greater power, why should we not rise above all others? The dignity of our status sets us apart. Even if the sky falls, we will remain standing tall. If everyone dies, we will die first. This is the responsibility of my Lu family.

"My Lu family stands tall, and we will never bend at our waists."

Lu Tianyi laughed. "Exactly, this is the responsibility of our Lu family. How many of those people who have looked up at our Lu family for so many years sincerely admire us? How many people wished for our Lu family to perish and make way for them? However, do any of them know what they need to take responsibility for if we give way?

"Without the Lu family, Bai Wangyuan and those other losers were forced to listen to whatever the Sixverse Association said. They groveled before the Great Sovereign. When have we, the Lu family, ever done this?

"The higher you stand, the straighter your spine! Xiaoxuan, this is our Lu family."

Lu Yin laughed. "Only my Lu family can take this responsibility."


1. Just a reminder that "ku" means withered/dried. ☜