Chapter 2845: Reason

Name:Star Odyssey Author:
Chapter 2845: Reason

Lu Yin had not asked this question before, but at this juncture, he had to know. If the Great Sovereign refused to release the man to the Lu family, and if she also refused to believe that Nutjob Lu was a Redback, then there would be serious problems. They had to find a way, or else once Nutjob Lu took action, the Lu family would suffer the most.

Lu Yuan’s expression was terrible. The last time Lu Yin had mentioned Nutjob Lu, his ancestor had left in a hurry. The old man had not expected the child to be so ignorant and to press the issue.

"Ancestor, I know that you don't want to speak about this, but as the Fifth Mainland’s Dao Monarch, I have the right to know so that I can handle this in a timely manner," Lu Yin stated bluntly.

Lu Yuan's expression grew strange. "Handle this?"

Lu Yin stared at his ancestor. "Kill him."

Lu Yuan’s finger twitched, and he slowly sat down.

At this moment, Zhao Ran arrived to deliver Lu Yuan a cup of tea. It looked truly bizarre, as it had bubbles and what looked like insects swimming around.

Lu Yuan stared at the tea and then looked at Zhao Ran. Did this girl want to poison him?

Zhao Ran stared at Lu Yuan with great anticipation, blinking her large eyes.

Lu Yin coughed. "Ancestor, it's delicious. Zhao Ran's tea is a specialty of our Heavens Sect."

Lu Yuan arched a brow, but then he casually took a sip. Given his strength, what sort of poison could kill him?

The tea was initially sweet, and the forms that looked like insects exploded once they entered the mouth, which gave it a very refreshing sensation. As for the aftertaste, it held an indescribable fragrance. "Good tea."

Zhao Ran was thrilled. "Thank you, Grandpa!"

"Hahahaha." Lu Yuan laughed. Being called “grandpa” by Zhao Ran's young voice was like a tonic to the old man. His eyes automatically flickered over to Lu Yin. "This child is good. Little Seven, you should learn from your father."

Lu Yin had realized that Lu Yuan, Lu Tianyi, and even his father, Lu Qi, were all of one mind when it came to certain aspects of Lu Yin’s life. "Ancestor, I already have Yan'er."

Lu Yuan sighed. "Which is precisely why I want you to learn from your father."

The man then took another sip of his tea.

Zhao Ran left in a wonderful mood. She was always quite satisfied, as long as there was someone to enjoy her tea each day.

Lowering his tea cup, Lu Yuan asked Lu Yin to sit down.

Lu Yin sat down across from Lu Yuan and waited quietly.

Lu Yuan remained silent for some time. When he spoke, it was in a soft voice. "I once had a son. Nutjob Lu is my grandson, my biological grandson."

Lu Yin’s eyes narrowed. This was not a huge surprise, as he had already known that Nutjob Lu was a truly ancient individual. The entire Lu family had known this for a long time, though they had not realized just how ancient the man was.

Even during the Heavens Sect era, Nutjob Lu had been much, much older than Lu Tianyi.

"All of the direct descendants of my Lu family are able to awaken the innate gift of the Champions’ Stage, though they might not be able to awaken the Investiture of the Gods. You know this, right?"

The man sounded helpless. He looked at Lu Yin. "Someone from the Immemorial Citadel is being sent over to resolve this conflict."

Lu Yin was surprised. "Someone is coming from the Immemorial Citadel? Who?"

Lu Yin did not know how many people were in the Immemorial Citadel. All he knew was that various people had gone to that city throughout the ages, and also, that was where Mister Mu was at the moment.

Lu Yuan replied, "It's an old acquaintance. If I insist on fighting that crazy woman, no one can stop me. However, I owe this person a favor, so I can only wait for now."

Lu Yin wanted to ask more questions about the Immemorial Citadel, but Ancestor Lu Yuan refused to say anything more, and that would not change.

The two remained silent for a moment, and then Lu Yuan suddenly said, "Do not underestimate Nutjob Lu. He is extremely powerful."

Lu Yin’s eyebrows rose. "I’ve already seen that for myself. Nutjob Lu cooperated with the four ruling powers to set a trap in an attempt to kill me, but I took advantage of the situation and nearly killed him with that trap."

Lu Yuan shook his head and gave Lu Yin a very grave stare. "What you saw is Nutjob Lu’s strength in the Fifth Mainland. That is not his true strength."

Lu Yin felt terribly confused, as he did not believe that Nutjob Lu had hidden his strength. When Lu Yin had attacked Nutjob Lu in the Lu Sanctum’s treasury, the man had even used the Corpse King Transformation. If anyone had seen him do so, the four ruling powers, and even the Sixverse Association, would have immediately acted to eliminate the man. It was impossible for him to take such a risk just to keep his true strength hidden.

Lu Yuan seemed to struggle with how to explain the matter. "The title of Dao Monarch is not a mere title, but rather something that represents that one has received the will of a Mainland.

"Little Seven, do you know about this?"

Lu Yin shook his head. If this were nothing more than a spiritual matter, then Lu Yin could indeed understand that the title of Dao Monarch represented the will of the entire Fifth Mainland, but Ancestor Lu Yuan seemed to be hinting at something more.

Additionally, during Lu Yin’s Semi-Progenitor tribulation, he had used Flipping the Sky, which had allowed him to overcome a particular trial. While using the technique, Lu Yin had seen all living creatures on the Fifth Mainland. During the tribulation triggered by the Origin Sutra, Lu Yin had received the Wordless Heavenly Book, which held the names of countless people from the Fifth Mainland. It was an extraordinary item, and Lu Yin felt that there was something special about it.

Lu Yuan stared at Lu Yin intently. "To be the Dao Monarch is to wield the will of the Fifth Mainland. A true Dao Monarch, no matter how far away they might be, is capable of seeing the creatures of their Mainland, feeling their prayers, their joy, their anger, and sorrow. This is not something that is granted by those people themselves, but rather by the Fifth Mainland.”

"The Dao Monarch wields the will of the Fifth Mainland. Once the Dao Monarch shuns someone, that person will never be able to make any further progress in the Fifth Mainland."

Lu Yin did not understand, and his face betrayed his confusion.

Lu Yuan thought for a bit. "Let me put it this way. Ordinary humans need to breathe oxygen in order to live. They take in oxygen from their environment, but if someone can freely control the oxygen in their environment, could a normal human survive in that area, or would they die?"

Lu Yin nodded.

Lu Yuan continued, "The will that the Dao Monarch wields is the Fifth Mainland’s equivalent to oxygen. Once the Dao Monarch shuns a person, they will struggle to even exist in the Fifth Mainland. It is no different from an ordinary human struggling to breathe without oxygen, though it is also completely different, just as cultivators are completely different from ordinary humans.”

Lu Yin finally understood. "You’re saying that Nutjob Lu has been shunned by the Fifth Mainland?"

Lu Yuan nodded, and his voice dropped low. "His mind is too dangerous. My guilt prevented me from outright killing him, but I could not allow him to harm the Fifth Mainland, so I shunned him. As long as he is in the Fifth Mainland, he will struggle greatly. Like an ordinary human who struggles to breathe, it would be good for a shunned person to access even half of their true strength in a battle, but..."

At this point, Lu Yuan's expression turned even more solemn. "As soon as they leave the Fifth Mainland, their strength will completely transform. Each parallel universe has its own laws and will. A person who wields the will of that universe is the ruler of the universe, just like the Great Sovereign you have seen. She has mastered the will of the Cyclic Universe, and that allows her to bestow the seats of the Three Sovereigns and Nine Sages.

"The Origin Progenitor mastered the will of the entire Origin Universe, and because of that, no one in our era was able to reverse the flow of time. The Origin Progenitor’s six swords suppressed all such attempts.

"As long as Nutjob Lu does not become the master of a universe, he will be the same as a normal person. However, if he can wield the will of a universe, his strength will rise precipitously."