Chapter 2850: Attitude

Name:Star Odyssey Author:
Chapter 2850: Attitude

After the Lu family returned, both Ancestor Lu Yuan and Ancestor Lu Tianyi had told Lu Yin that they would give him something that could save his life. He had been waiting, but he had not received anything yet. Mu Ke was unquestionably powerful, and his eighty-one slashes were a deadly combination attack that could threaten even someone with Sovereign Shao Yin’s strength. It was an attack as strong as Old Mo’s most powerful blow, which was far better than nothing.

"I'm going to start," Mu Ke stated.

Lu Yin's eye twitched, and he felt the strange sensation of waiting for death.

"By the way, you can block the slashes." With that, Mu Ke vanished. All that remained was the flash of his saber, which shot towards Lu Yin.

Lu Yin's eyes flickered, and he immediately used his inner world, Infinity. Lines of light merged into his body, one after another. At the same time, a purplish-black substance spread across his skin, and in his heart, the Withered Bark shifted as Lu Yin confined his attacks.

The first slash was about to fall.

When Lu Yin had previously faced these eighty-one slashes during the Lost Clan’s Shangsan Festival, he had been completely powerless to resist. He had been unable to move his body at all and could only watch on until the eighty first attack finished.

This time, Lu Yin wanted to try to resist.

The light of the saber was getting closer.

Lu Yin confined hundreds of his attacks, while also boosting his strength with Infinity. Everything was released in an instant, and at that moment, Lu Yin tried to evade the attack.

He managed to move.

There was a bang, and the tree trunk was destroyed. Lu Yin's body had merely swayed to the side, allowing him to narrowly avoid the first slash.

After that, more and more slashes appeared.

Lu Yin gasped. While he was capable of using the same method to evade the second, third, and even the eighty first attack, was there any point in doing so?

These eighty-one slashes were not Mu Ke’s killing move, but merely a technique that stored the eighty-one slashes. Lu Yin had done his best to avoid the first attack, but even if he dodged them all, what was the point? If Mu Ke truly wanted to fight, his blade would also contain sequence particles, which would force Lu Yin to take out the Wordless Heavenly Book, rely on Lightstream, and use everything else he was capable of. Even all of that combined would only allow Lu Yin to stay alive for a time, but it would be impossible for him to defeat Mu Ke, and nearly as difficult to just escape.

This was Mu Ke’s power.

At the Tea Ceremony, Lu Yin had used everything he had to survive against Sovereign Shao Yin, but the Sovereign was not nearly as powerful as Mu Ke.

At the moment, Lu Yin lacked the confidence to defeat such a powerful individual.

However, Lu Yin was only a Semi-Progenitor. It was not easy for a Semi-Progenitor to cross realms to fight against Progenitors. This was similarly true of Lu Yin’s Senior Brother Qing Ping. As for sequence powerhouses, they were not at all on the same level as other peak powerhouses.

Once Lu Yin ascended to the Progenitor realm, with his various conferred gods, four Progenitor’s worlds, and the universe within him, he could only imagine how powerful he would become.

The attacks rained down one after another. Lu Yin was slashed horizontally, vertically, diagonally, and from every other angle possible. He was attacked a total of eighty-one times, and every slash fell on his body.

Once the eighty first slash finished, a miniature saber appeared before Lu Yin.

Lu Yin coughed. He was covered with sweat and breathing heavily as he stretched out his hand to grab the small saber and hung it around his neck. He had faced death eighty times for this thing.

Mu Ke stepped out, and while Lu Yin still could not see the man’s eyes, Mu Ke’s surprise was evident.

"You could have avoided all eighty-one slashes," Mu Ke said with clear admiration.

Lu Yin felt frustrated, and wiped the sweat from his brow. "There was no point in doing so."

Mu Ke held his saber. "You’re a Semi-Progenitor, only a Semi-Progenitor. Master's evaluation of you was not the slightest bit exaggerated. Junior Brother, you may be the only one who has any hope of surpassing Master."

Lu Yin felt puzzled. "Senior Brother, are you already certain that you won’t ever be able to surpass Master? You don't even know Master’s strength. It’s possible that he might not be much stronger than you."

Mu Ke sat back down and placed his saber across his legs. "Master's cultivation is as vast as the abyss. We are not on the same level at all. You will understand that once you become a Progenitor.

Great Elder Shan Gu averted his gaze and sighed. "If possible, I hope for you to find a way to live in peace with the Great Sovereign. While she has her selfish side, she also has a selfless side.

"You also attended the Tea Ceremony. The Great Sovereign holds great respect for the human heroes who died to protect humanity. Those who are allowed to attend her Tea Ceremonies are not just peak powerhouses, but also those who have performed acts of great merit."

Lu Yin considered the matter. During the Tea Ceremony, the Great Sovereign's behavior had not been merely for show. She genuinely cared for those who had sacrificed their lives, and she was also truly fighting for mankind to stand united against the Aeternals. She did indeed possess traits that deserved to be respected by everyone.

If not, it was impossible for the Sixverse Association to have ever united.

Additionally, once the Lu family was exiled, the Great Sovereign had forbidden all Sixverse Association members from entering the Origin universe. Despite her hatred for the Origin Universe, she had not acted against it. In fact, if not for Sovereign Shao Yin’s provocation, many things would not have happened.

Lu Yin had a headache. Just what was going on in that crazy woman’s mind?

Great Elder Shan Gu saw Lu Yin's struggle and laughed. "Dao Monarch Lu, there’s no need for you to worry about such things. Just leave matters regarding the Great Sovereign to Ancestor Lu Yuan."

Lu Yin smiled, as this was good advice. How his family would deal with the Great Sovereign was not something that Lu Yin could consider. Only Ancestor Lu Yuan was qualified to deal with that.

While Lu Yin was the ruler of the Origin Universe, the person whom the Great Sovereign acknowledged from the Origin Universe was absolutely not Lu Yin, but rather Ancestor Lu Yuan.

It was imperative that they find a way to convince the Great Sovereign to hand Nutjob Lu over to Ancestor Lu Yuan.

After leaving the Lost Clan, Lu Yin returned straight to the Heavens Sect, where he found Wei Rong waiting in the main hall.

"Greetings, Dao Monarch." When he saw Lu Yin, Wei Rong bowed low.

As a part of Lu Yin's think tank, Wei Rong demonstrated a much more respectful attitude than Wang Wen.

Lu Yin nodded and gestured for the man to have a seat. "Thank you for your hard work with the four ruling powers. I haven't had the time to go over things with you in detail."

Wei Rong smiled. "It wasn’t much work, and there’s simply no comparison between the four ruling powers and my Heavens Sect. What I’ve done cannot compare with what you’ve accomplished, Dao Monarch. Your subordinate has merely slightly accelerated the rate of their downfall."

Lu Yin stared at the man. "You mentioned that you wanted to give me a surprise. What sort of surprise?"

Wei Rong’s smile turned bitter. "I wanted to surprise the Dao Monarch with the Wang family’s Yellow Springs, but before my plans could be implemented, Dao Monarch returned the Lu family, and everything in the Wang family’s possession was taken by my Heavens Sect. There was no longer any need for my schemes."

"How did you learn about the Wang family's Yellow Spring?" Lu Yin wondered. He had only learned about that matter after taking a huge risk and sneaking into the Celestial Frost Sect.

Once Wei Rong explained and Lu Yin learned what had happened, he gave Wei Rong a strange look.

It had been a honey trap!

A woman from a branch of the Wang family named Wang Man had taken a liking to Wei Rong soon after he arrived in the Perennial World. Once Wei Rong learned of the woman’s identity, the two had hit it off. Once, after getting drunk, the woman had accidentally revealed a few of the Wang family’s secrets, including their Yellow Springs.

"Wang Man didn't know that it was called the Yellow Springs, and she simply mentioned that the Wang family’s floating continent produces a liquid that is regarded as the Wang family’s greatest secret. I only learned the name of ‘Yellow Springs’ after I joined the Wang family branch," Wei Rong explained.

Lu Yin nodded. "So, you wanted to give me their Yellow Springs as a surprise?"

Wei Rong smiled. "With Dao Monarch's ability, how could he not know about the Yellow Springs? I want to gather all that the Wang family has produced and deliver it to Dao Monarch as a surprise."

OMA's Thoughts

Translated By: OMA

Edited By: Neshi/Nyxnox

TLC'ed By: OMA