Chapter 2868: Lu Yin’s Determination

Name:Star Odyssey Author:
Chapter 2868: Lu Yin’s Determination

Lu Yin stared out into space. Mr. Daheng had wanted to secretly have Luo Shan deal with Lu Yin and Chen Le. After Lu Yin had humiliated the Liberation Palace, Mr. Daheng had said and done nothing, intending to have Luo Shan go after Lu Yin in the future. The more that time went by, the more that Lu Yin realized that he did not really understand Luo Shan.

The Monarch pretended to be quite weak. Despite having been the ruler of the Three Monarchs Universe, Luo Shan had not been willing to risk offending even Sovereign Shao Yin. However, In fact, Luo Shan’s strength was quite extraordinary.

If not for this, Lu Yin would have already targeted Luo Shan.

When Aetrenus had attacked the Heavens Sect, Old Mo had also tried to attack Lu Bu Zheng, and Luo Shan had reopened the spatial passage that connected Shenwu Continent to the Three Monarchs Universe. Lu Yin had not forgotten about that matter.

Unfortunately, it was not an easy matter to deal with either Old Mo or Luo Shan.

Even so, Lu Yin would one day crush both men with unquestionable strength. He had already killed Sage Yuan, and forced Sovereign Shao Yin to his knees. Old Mo and Luo Shan would nto be any exceptions.

However, those were only matters that could be readily seen. At the moment, Lu Yin needed to be the rather cautious of Mr. Daheng.

Luo Shan was in possession of one of the Peaks and Rivers Rocks, which meant that Mr. Daheng had to be keeping an eye on the Monarch. Mr. Daheng wanted to manipulate events in order to have Luo Shan make trouble for the Heavens Sect for Chen Le. It might not even be necessary for Mr. Daheng to do anything at all, as Luo Shan already had a grudge against the Heavens Sect. If any trouble broke out between Lu Yin and Luo Shan, Mr. Daheng would likely be able to reap the benefits.

It was clear that Mr. Daheng was a cunning individual, and Lu Yin would need to be on guard against him.

In fact, did Wu Hen truly want to leave the Liberation Palace an djoin the Heavens Sect, or had he been sent Mr. Daheng to get close to Lu Yin? Lu Yin could not say.


In the Transcendent Universe, at the top of the stairs, Bai Qian was staring at her communication crystal as though lost in trance.

She had just received a message from someone who wanted to use Bai Qian to send a message to Lord Wei that Cloudflow was in the Heavens Sect.

Bai Qian did not even need to guess who the messenger was, as it was clearly Luo Shan.

When Luo Shan had attacked the Heavens Sect, he had seen Cloudflow, and guessed at everything.

Xuan Qi had been Lu Yin, and Cloudflow was in the Heavens Sect. It was clear that Lu Yin had been the one to rescue Cloudflow from the Transcendent Universe.

Luo Shan wanted to use this matter to try to get Lord Wei to confront the Heavens Sect. Luo Shan was personally unable to become an enemy of the Heavens Sect, as even the Endless Frontier was aware of the Heavens Sect’s power.

Zuo Lao grew worried. "Madam, how should we handle this matter?"

Bai Qian put her communications crystal down. "We visit the Heavens Sect."


Lu Yin had just ended his meeting with Wu Hen when Zuo Lao arrived. Once the massive battle had broken out on the Endless Frontier, and many people throughout the Sixverse Association had started to make their own moves.

"Greetings, Lord Lu," Zuo Lao said respectfully.

Lu Yin smiled at the man. "There’s no need for such courtesy. I'm sorry, but it’s been a long time."

Zuo Lao smiled back. "I feel honored to be remembered by Lord Lu."

"For you to visit me, is something wrong with Bai Qian?"

Zuo Lao shared what had just happened.

As Lu Yin listened, his expression never changed. "I understand. You can return."

Zuo Lao respectfully took his leave.

Lu Yin frowned. Was Luo Shan trying to instigate discord? While acting as Xuan Qi, Lu Yin had managed to form a great number of connections in the Sixverse Association, but he had also managed to offend several people. Also, it was important to note that there were several things that Lu Yin was known to be capable of that were considered impossible for Xuan Qi.

It was undeniable that Lu Yin had taken Cloudflow from the Transcendent Universe. That matter had harmed the Transcendent Universe’s research, and had also revealed Lu Yin’s connection with Zi Jing, which was something the Transcendent Universe could not possibly tolerate.

Lu Yin was shocked at the sight of Ancestor Lu Yuan. "Ancestor, are you injured?"

Ancestor Lu Yuan’s face was pale, and he seemed quite weak.

Even so, the man waved Lu Yin’s concern away. "I’m fine. That crazy woman isn’t in much better condition, and neither are the Aeternals. After our battle, the Aeternals will pull back a great deal, and True God and the Seven Skygods shouldn’t step out for some time. All of us retreated in order to heal our wounds. Little Seven, this is a rare opportunity, so try to press our advantage in the war against the Aeternals during this time."

Lu Yin nodded. "I understand."

"However, you must remember one thing," Ancestor Lu Yuan solemnly warned. "Don't press deep into Aeternus’s territory. No matter how badly you may want to destroy them, do not push forward. While both sides were injured during this battle, no one pushed things to a deathmatch. If you try to invade Aeternus, things will become extremely dangerous."

Needless to say, Ancestor Lu Yuan was telling Lu Yin that pushing into Aeternus’s territory would be courting death.

Lu Yin had a rough understanding of Progenitor Ku's strength, which was undoubtedly similar to the Seven Skygods. Even with that level of strength, Extremes Must Be Reversed had only barely been enough to save Progenitor Ku’s life. If Lu Yin tried to follow in that man’s footsteps, it would be no different from committing suicide.

"Ancestor, were you able to eliminate one or two of the Seven Skygods?" Lu Yin asked eagerly.

Ancestor Lu Yuan rolled his eyes. "What do you think the Seven Skygods are, cabbage? They’re not at all easy to deal with. That guy Gu Yizhi is one of the Seven Skygods. If we were fighting in this universe, I would definitely be able to get rid of him, as they are all shunned from this universe, but on the Endless Frontier, there is nothing restricting their strength, and they are unable to restrict us as well."

"Then how did you end up reaching a draw if True God was there?" Lu Yin was puzzled.

Ancestor Lu Yuan replied, "Humans have accumulated a great deal of knowledge over the years, and those efforts were not in vain. Moreover-"

The man suddenly paused. He cut off abruptly, as though he was worried about saying anything more.

Seeing that his ancestor would not say anything further, Lu Yin did not press the matter, but instead changed the topic, "I'm going to kill Shao Yin."

Ancestor Lu Yuan did not care at all about Shao Yin.

"The Great Sovereign knew long ago that Shao Yin is a spy, even before our family was exiled," Lu Yin continued.

Ancestor Lu Yuan's eyes bulged and he angrily cursed, "I knew that crazy bitch was sick in the head!

“Ahem, when your ancestor recovers, I will definitely settle the score with that woman."

Lu Yin breathed a sigh of relief. His ancestor's attitude revealed that Lu Yin’s assumptions had been accurate. There had not been any sort of conspiracy between Lu Yuan and the Great Sovereign, trying to scheme against the Aeternals at the expense of some members of the Lu family. All that had happened was that the Great Sovereign alone had been scheming against Aeternus, and she did not care at all about what happened to the Lu family.

Ancestor Lu Yuan was truly furious. "Master mentioned long ago that that crazy bitch Tai Hong will do things regardless of the consequences and that she only thinks about herself. While she will consider the overall situation, she has always been short-sighted. It’s true that she cares about humanity as a whole, but she has never been able to truly achieve anything of note, and has even hindered mankind’s progress. When Master told us about this, we all agreed with his assessment. I just never expected such consequences would impact my Lu family. That crazy bitch!


Lu Yin tried to comfort his ancestor, "Don't worry, Ancestor. We will definitely force her to repay this debt."

Ancestor Lu Yuan ground his teeth. "Of course I’ll make her pay us back! A thousand times over!

"Just because of her own plans, that madwoman ignored the lives and deaths of the members of my Lu family! What can some Sovereign Shao Yin accomplish? Can he destroy True God? How absurd! Instead of trying to beat her ass all those years ago, we should have just killed her! Ahem."

It was clear the man was venting, but Lu Yin could clearly see Ancestor Lu Yuan’s rage.

The members of the Lu family who had been sacrificed could never be resurrected, and the price paid by people like Wan Zhi Yi, Tu Qiming, and so many others could never be returned to them. All of this had come to pass because of the Great Sovereign’s selfishness and her own plans to target the Aeternals.

She was too arrogant and refused to see the impact her decisions made on those beneath her. In that aspect, how was she any different from the Aeternals?

No matter what, the Lu family’s debt must be paid back.

Ancestor Lu Yuan's fit of rage caused him to grow even paler, and he gave Lu Yin a fierce glare. "Little Seven, just go ahead and do what you want. Us old people won't be able to come out for a while, and if that crazy bitch really dared to mess with us like that, than you’re welcome to do whatever you want."

Lu Yin took a deep breath. "I understand, Ancestor. Don't worry, when you come out of seclusion, you will find the Sixverse Association completely transformed."

Lu Yin’s words caught Ancestor Lu Yuan off guard, and while he felt that Lu Yin must be exaggerating, Lu Yuan also felt that he should warn Lu Yin not to go too far.

Then, Lu Yuan remembered what the Great Sovereign had done, and the old man’s anger took over. "Good!"