Chapter 2892: The Truth

Name:Star Odyssey Author:
Chapter 2892: The Truth

"Your attacks have no effect on him, he can also control your thoughts," Luo Shan said.

Lord Wei stared at Luo Shan. "Do you want to be tricked by him yet again?"

Lu Yin had already known that Lord Wei was very powerful, to the point that Shao Yin could not compare to Lord Wei at all. Even so, Lu Yin had not expected to be so thoroughly suppressed.

Lord Wei was able to alter Lu Yin’s thoughts, and even trigger bloodlust. This was not anything that Lu Yin could protect himself from.

Lu Yin was able to use his die’s Possession to take over others’ bodies. That innate gift relied on consciousness, which was the mind’s awareness of the outside world. Thoughts were the mind’s response to the presence of consciousness.

It was impossible for Lord Wei to manipulate Lu Yin’s consciousness, but what was altered were Lu Yin’s thoughts, which were his brain’s responses to the outside world. Thoughts occurred incredibly quickly, and due to the fact that the manipulation was being done with sequence particles, there was absolutely nothing Lu Yin could do to stop it.

If the ruler of the Transcendent Universe had also mastered sequence particles related to consciousness, Lu Yin might not be able to defend against that, either.

This was the gap between sequence powerhouses and all who had not yet reached that level.

What could Lu Yin do? Wrap his Wordless Heavenly Book around his own head in order to defeat Lord Wei?

Such people did not usually have very strong defenses. Sovereign Shao Yin had once rotted Lord Wei’s body, so as long as Lu Yin could block Lord Wei's sequence particles that manipulated thoughts, he was confident that he could defeat Lord Wei with a single palm strike.

The invisible killing intent returned. Lord Wei was showing no mercy at all towards Lu Yin, and was genuinely trying to kill him.

It was utterly impossible to hide from such a killing intent.

The Investiture of the Gods appeared above Lu Yin's head, and his summoned gods emerged and charged at Lord Wei. Of the figures, Xia Shenji's attack was the most intense. A blade slashed through the void, and the Divine Martial Armor that appeared caused even Luo Shan to glance sideways. He had fought with Xia Shenji before, and thus Luo Shan was very familiar with the Progenitor’s abilities.

While Xia Shenji was not a Sequence Progenitor, his strength essentially touched upon the limits of what was possible beneath that level. This was precisely why Luo Shan had not killed Xia Shenji when they had fought. Well, that and the fact that Luo Shan had been keeping his own strength hidden.

Regardless, Xia Shenji’s attack power was far from weak.

Even so, regardless of how powerful an attack might be, it first had to be able to strike Lord Wei.

The reason Shao Yin had attacked in secret had not only been because of the rules of the Sixverse Association, but also because he had not been confident that he could injure Lord Wei. Lord Wei’s control over opponents’ thoughts was too strong.

The golden light of the Investiture of the Gods was brilliant, and the summoned gods that included Xia Shenji, Leng Qing, and more charged at Lord Wei. However, they all abruptly disappeared.

Lord Wei had instantly altered Lu Yin's thoughts, which had caused the Investiture of the Gods to disappear.Discover new chapters at

The Lu family had relied on their Investiture of the Gods and Champions’ Stage to retain control over the Fifth Mainland. One person as strong as a nation, one person lording over all. The power to summon both living and dead powerhouses was extremely powerful, but it still had certain weaknesses. If a person’s own strength was unable to keep up, it did not matter how many gods they conferred or champions they annointed, as they would be useless. If this were not the case, the Lu family would have become invincible.

Forgotten Ruins God was able to counter the Investiture of the Gods by making a person forget, while Lord Wei could achieve the same result by affecting a person’s thoughts.

Lu Yin was helpless against such opponents. He looked over at Luo Shan and said, "If you deal with Lord Wei, the Transcendent Universe is yours. I and my Lu family will fully support you. Even if the Great Sovereign opposes this change, it will mean nothing. You should already know about my relationship with the Voidforce Universe, as well as my relationship with the Lost Clan. On top of that, Mu Ke, one of the strongest experts in the Arboreal Realm, is my senior disciple brother."

Luo Shan sneered. This was the precise moment he had been waiting for. "Free Monarch Mu and Monarch Xing and bring me Chen Le. Agree to that, and I will help you deal with Lord Wei. Additionally, any past grudges between you and I will be forgotten."

Lu Yin hesitated.

Lord Wei shouted, "Luo Shan, you are a fool!"

The ruler of the Transcendent Universe hurried to attack Lu Yin, and the endless manifested thought formed an impressive valley that was so deep it looked like an inverted mountain as it filled the universe. Lord Wei was wanting to completely destroy Lu Yin's thoughts, reducing the young man to an idiot.

Lu Yin was startled, and the pressure he felt from the attack intimidated him. With Heaven’s Sight, he was able to see the countless sequence particles that had merged together to form the bottomless abyss of manifested thought. This was an attack that could overwhelm everything, and Lu Yin could not handle it at all. Not even his Wordless Heavenly Book could withstand such an endless amount of sequence particles. He quickly shouted, "Alright, I promise! So long as Monarch Xing is willing to go with you, I won’t stop her."

"Release Monarch Mu!" Luo Shan's expression was solemn as he looked upwards. He was pointedly ignoring Lord Wei’s frantic shouts.

Lu Yin took out a Zenith Mountain and placed Zi Jing in it before he released Monarch Mu. At this moment, Lu Yin really had no other choice.

The moment that Monarch Mu appeared, the first thing she saw was the abyss of manifested thought before her. The sight caused her to go pale. What was this?

Any powerful cultivator could influence time and space after reaching a certain level of strength, but that did not mean that they actually controlled those powers. During the last exchange, Lord Wei had used the power of space to push Luo Shan back. This was due to his overpowering strength.

Luo Shan was quite strong, and yet he was unable to compare to Lord Wei’s palm strike?

Monarch Mu could not believe her eyes, and Luo Shan found the situation even harder to believe. He had never heard any hint of Lord Wei possessing such power. This was impossible.

"You are not Lord Wei!" Luo Shan suddenly shouted.

Lord Wei let out a breath and then raised his head. His eyes were completely from before. They took on a playful glint, sparkling with cruelty. They were eyes that Lu Yin was very familiar with. Is that...?

"Everything was going so well. Child of the Lu family, why did you come looking to make trouble for me? You were clearly a pawn in my own conspiracy, and yet, ultimately, I need to put you down myself. What a pity."

Lu Yin's expression changed drastically. "Shaman God!"

Luo Shan and Monarch Mu were both startled. Neither of them had ever imagined that the ruler of one of the six member universes of the Sixverse Association would actually be Shaman God. How was such a ridiculous thing even possible?

Even so, the truth was right before their eyes.

Lu Yin's scalp went numb. The carving etched on the rear battlefield that spelled out "Transcendent Universe" had to have been referring to this. Someone had been trying to warn Lu Yin that Lord Wei was actually Shaman God. If the sequence particle research was taken by the Aeternals, it would be a massive problem for humanity. Such a thing could not be allowed to happen.

Still, how was this possible? How could Shaman God have become Lord Wei? No one could have suspected a thing, as both had been present during the battle at the Tea Ceremony.

No wonder Lord Wei had constantly been in seclusion and had skipped out on several of the Great Sovereign's Tea Ceremonies. Additionally, the greatest cover for posing as Lord Wei was the fact that Lord Wei had multiple bodies. Even if a stranger appeared, it would not have exposed Shaman God. The biggest problem was how could multiple bodies be controlled simultaneously? How had both Shaman God and Lord Wei appeared at the same time?

Lord Wei’s power was manifested thought, while Shaman God could confound the five senses.

"Why did you come out just now?" Lord Wei suddenly said to herself.

"Kakaka, it takes time to arrange things."

"My manifested thought is nearly consumed. Do you really want them to destroy me?”

"You’re overthinking. Keeping you around is still useful. You initially wanted to control me, but you underestimated me! How could I be controlled by you? You can forget about escaping after entering my body. At best, you can send your thoughts out so that no one detects anything odd.”

"I believe the Great Sovereign and a few others have started to doubt me. During the battle on the Endless Frontier, the power I revealed was different from before."

"You were fighting me during that battle! No one noticed a thing. Beside, it doesn't matter. The sequence particle research is completed, so there’s no reason to wait around in the Sixverse Association."

"You nearly died as well..."

Seeing Lord Wei talking to himself, Lu Yin and Luo Shan glanced at each other. They understood that the body they were fighting belonged to Shaman God, but that Lord Wei's consciousness had infiltrated Shaman God's body, only to become trapped by Shaman God. Lord Wei was unable to escape.

Lord Wei was a mind, and that mind could separate from the host’s brain. In the past, Lord Wei’s mind had manipulated other bodies to prevent anyone from noticing Shaman God’s presence, but Lord Wei’s mind was under Shaman God’s control.

The best way to understand the current situation was that the body was Shaman God’s, and Lord Wei was an alternate personality.

"Lord Wei, you actually cooperated with Shaman God? You have betrayed humanity!" Luo Shan asked.

Shaman God responded with an odd smile. "Is Lord Wei really still human?"

The question left Luo Shan speechless. Lord Wei really was no longer human. It was possible for such a being to be human, a corpse king, or even an astral beast. It all depended on the current choice.

OMA's Thoughts

Translated By: OMA

Edited By: Neshi/Nyxnox

TLC'ed By: OMA