Chapter 2928: The Power Of Destiny

Name:Star Odyssey Author:
Chapter 2928: The Power Of Destiny

The more persistent one was, the easier it was to go crazy. This was not only true for people Overcoming Dukkha, but also for ordinary people.

In the eyes of ordinary people, a madman’s behavior was incomprehensible. But in the eyes of a madman, ordinary people were the true madmen.

The Great Sovereign was arrogant and determined. While she certainly had her own emotions and priorities, she also had an aspect of insanity.

Unfortunately, the Lu family just so happened to be in the way of her insanity.

When Lu Yin returned to the Heavens Sect, the event that he had been most eagerly anticipating finally occurred. All of the four ruling powers’ resources had been calculated, and he was given 100 trillion star essence.

100 trillion star essence. It was an unimaginable sum.

Never before had Lu Yin received so many resources at once.

Lu Yin was stunned by what he received.

He had known that the four ruling powers were rich, as the Junior Progenitor Stars which had been arranged for the four ruling powers’ Junior Progenitors’ training had each held trillions of star essence. It was only after seeing those planets that Lu Yin had started to understand just how deep the four ruling powers’ pockets were. They had access to the resources of the entire Perennial World through various means, and they were able to concentrate those resources.

Even so, he had not expected to receive so much at once.

After all, a considerable portion of resources had been taken away from the four ruling powers before they were suppressed by the Lu family, or else Lu Yin would have received much, much more.

Lu Yin's breathing grew a bit ragged as he stood in the place within the Heavens Sect that was used to store star essence. The sight nearly made him lose composure.

Behind him was an old Semi-Progenitor woman from the Lu family. She spoke to him in a respectful tone. "Young Master, these are all the resources from the four ruling powers. We are still in the process of tracking down the criminals who escaped from the four ruling powers, and they must have taken away a great deal of resources. Once they are found, those resources will immediately be given to you, Young Master.”

Lu Yin was surprised. "Will all of it be given to me?"

The old woman smiled. "Young Master has a use for it, so I brought everything to you."

Lu Yin felt a little embarrassed. The resources of the four ruling powers should have belonged to the entire Lu family, or more realistically, to the Perennial World as a whole. He had expected to share the majority of the star essence, not have all of it given to him.

Accepting all the star essence could be regarded as selfish, but it could also be seen as his just rewards. After all that he had accomplished for humanity as a whole, it could be regarded as a reasonable reward.

The old woman stared at Lu Yin's back, admiration filling her gaze. She had watched over Lu Xiaoxuan from birth to adulthood. She had never thought that, one day, the child would rise up to his current position. Time had flown by, and so many of them had grown old.

Lu Yin had a total of 105.5 trillion star essence. On top of that, he also had seven trillion star essence from the Cyclic Universe, but the origin of the star essence did not really matter. His die was not picky about where the resources came from.

At this point in time, it was possible that Lu Yin was even wealthier than the Merchant Exchange.

Having received so much money at once, Lu Yin’s first thought was of his die. More specifically, of Possession and Enhance.

The Books of Destiny. Yôur favorite stories at

Lu Yin took a deep breath. It was finally time to repair the Books of Destiny.

After announcing that he was going into seclusion, Lu Yin raised his hand and started rolling his die.

His luck seemed to be exceptional this time, as his first roll was three pips. Filled with both anticipation and anxiety, he placed the first Book of Destiny on the upper light screen and then started throwing out an absurd amount of star essence.

He already knew that it would take at least six trillion star essences to repair a single Book of Destiny.

He had not been confident that he could repair all three books in the past. But with this recent windfall, he knew that he could do it now.

His only worry was that restoring the books might trigger Destiny, but after analyzing the situation, Lu Yin realized that, even if he delayed repairing the Books of Destiny, he would still do so eventually. On top of that, he wanted to see his future.

He wanted to divine his own future and know if it was really possible to see the future.

The exact same thing happened with Starsibyl.

Xuan Jiu, who was far away in the Sixverse Association, also felt that something was wrong. "Did someone just trigger Destiny again? That person has to be rotten goods!"

Somewhere on the Endless Frontier, Bai Xian'er’s eyes opened. There was an indifference to her eyes that no one had ever seen before. Her expression would give people a sense of distance. While the eyes were the windows to the soul, at this moment, there was no emotion in her eyes.

"Did you trigger it? What did you use to do so? This shouldn't have happened."

In the Heavens Sect, as Xiao Shi and Skymender used Heaven’s Enigma and Inverse Enigma, a strange and mysterious sensation fell upon them. Lu Yin suddenly turned to stare in a particular direction, feeling as though a pair of eyes were staring at him. Was it an illusion, or could Destiny be watching him?

With Heaven’s Enigma and Inverse Enigma being used in tandem, the pages of the merged Book of Destiny started flipping. Lu Yin stared at the book and saw sequence particles appear, which were the power of Destiny. He saw a thread come out, and it started probing into the endless void. He even saw the blurry form of the river of time, and the thread stretched into the river of time and extended in two different directions.

Was this the power of destiny?

Lu Yin stared more intensely. Destiny was not a power like that of time or space, nor was divination an accurate description of this particular power. This was a shortcut, one that could travel along the river of time.

For an ordinary human, from birth to death, their life would last for 100 years at most, and that time could be seen as a thread that stretched across the years of their life. From this thread, it was possible to see a person’s future as well as their past, depending on which direction one looked.

In the river of time, a person's entire life could be seen at once, though it was difficult for most people to probe the river of time. This was something that only these threads could do.

Connecting the past and present, peering into both the past and the future was the power of destiny.

Yes, since time was a river, it made sense that there were things that could cross that river.

It was at this moment that Zhao Ran arrived, carrying tea. She had prepared some herbal tea, and she had wanted to serve it to Lu Yin and his two guests.

However, at the moment that Zhao Ran arrived, another thread appeared from the Book of Destiny, and it extended towards Zhao Ran, where a thread appeared on her wrist. The two threads connected.

Lu Yin's pupils shrank, as this made it clear that Zhao Ran had some connection to Destiny.

Zhao Ran felt quite confused. She was unable to see any of the threads, but she could see the shock on Lu Yin’s face as he stared at her, and his reaction scared the girl.

Just as Lu Yin was about to use the merged Book of Destiny to investigate Zhao Ran, both Skymender and Xiao Shi vomited blood and collapsed to the ground. The three merged Books of Destiny instantly disappeared, and two books fell to the ground. Even stranger, these two Books of Destiny had the exact same appearance that they had possessed after Lu Yin had attempted to divine information about the Immemorial Citadel. They both looked as though they had been nearly consumed by flames.

It was as though Lu Yin had never restored the books with his die.

Lu Yin quickly grabbed the Books of Destiny. How could this have happened? Why had they reverted to their previous state? Also, what about the third Book of Destiny? Where had it gone?

As for Skymender and Xiao Shi, they had both lost consciousness.

Zhao Ran was startled. "Your Highness, what happened to them?"

Lu Yin looked over at Zhao Ran. Confusion filled the girl’s eyes, and she looked exactly the same as ever. Touching the power of Destiny had not changed Zhao Ran. What was happening with the girl?

And what had happened to the Books of Destiny?

When Lu Yin saw that Zhao Ran was quickly putting the tea down, he told her, "Move back for now."

Zhao Ran wanted to try to help, but as she could not, all she could do was retreat.

Master Shan soon arrived, and he saw the unconscious forms of Xiao Shi and Skymender on the ground. "Young Master, what happened?"

"Please ask Senior Brother Mu Xie to come here," Lu Yin ordered.

Master Shan did not ask any further questions, and he quickly traveled to the Perennial World.

As for Lu Yin, he hurried to the Arboreal Realm to ask Senior Brother Mu Ke for help as well.

Both of Lu Yin’s senior brothers were a bit incredulous when they saw the two Books of Destiny in Lu Yin's hands.