Chapter 2939: Astral Anura

Name:Star Odyssey Author:
Chapter 2939: Astral Anura

Mr. Daheng saw Lu Yin's obvious surprise, and he instantly regretted saying anything. Clearly, Lu Yin had not known anything before asking the question. It had not been a test, but a genuine question. If Mr. Daheng had known, he would have never admitted anything.

However, the words had already been spoken and could not be taken back.

"I do have access to one, and the flow of time is about thirty times faster than the Arboreal Realm’s. If you need it, Lord Lu, I will take you there." Mr. Daheng's voice sounded slightly helpless.

Lu Yin laughed as he stood up and walked over to Mr. Daheng. His hand rose up as he patted Mr. Daheng on the shoulder. "Thank you very much."

Mr. Daheng forced out a smile. He intended to carefully think about the recent events while he was on the Endless Frontier. He kept feeling that many things were wrong. It felt like he was constantly being manipulated by Luo Shan and Lu Yin.

It had been many years since Mr. Daheng had felt manipulated. The Sixverse Association had changed ever since Lu Yin entered it.

A short time later, Mr. Daheng led Lu Yin to a parallel universe where time passed thirty times faster. The universe was connected to the Arboreal Realm, which meant that it could be entered without a coordinate seal. The connection was even close to the Liberation Palace.


Lu Yin returned to the Heavens Sect.

He found Chen Le sitting in the main hall. When the man saw Lu Yin approach, Chen Le quickly stood and bowed.

Lu Yin raised his hand and helped the Monarch stand back up. "Thank you for your hard work."

Chen Le’s tone was very respectful. "It is my honor to serve you, Dao Monarch."

Lu Yin smiled. "You did very well. Wu Heng told me that, no matter what sort of torture Mr. Daheng subjected you to, you never said anything. I underestimated you."

Chen Le felt a bit excited. "You don’t need to worry, Dao Monarch. Even if I had died, I wouldn’t have said a word."

Lu Yin laughed. "Alright, head on back. I’ve seen your loyalty."

Chen Le was thrilled to hear this acknowledgement. "Yes, Dao Monarch."

At this moment, the Second Nightking arrived to report to Lu Yin. "Dao Monarch, Luo Shan is requesting an audience with you."

Chen Le was stunned. Luo Shan?

Lu Yin had not expected Luo Shan to visit the Heavens Sect. He glanced at Chen Le and said, "Show him in.

"Chen Le, sit back down."

Chen Le did as he was told.

Luo Shan was quickly escorted in. As soon as he entered the main hall, he saw Chen Le. There was no reaction in the Monarch’s eyes as he approached Lu Yin. "Lord Lu, I previously told you that our grudges should have been cleared in the Transcendent Universe. Why are you still coming after me?"

"How dare you speak to Lord Lu that way!" Chen Le scolded angrily.

Luo Shan gave the man a frigid glare.

Chen Le was not the slightest bit intimidated. He had just expressed his loyalty to Lu Yin and was in a good mood. On top of that, they were in the Heavens Sect. No matter how powerful Luo Shan might be, Chen Le could behave arrogantly in the Heavens Sect.

Lu Yin smiled and asked Chen Le to sit back down. He then looked at Luo Shan. "If our past grudges have been erased, then why did you give me that stone in the Three Monarchs Universe?"

"I believe that you were the one who told Chen Le to give that stone to me, Lord Lu," Luo Shan repiled.

Lu Yin nodded. "But that isn’t why you gave me the stone. You did that to divert Daheng's attention."

Luo Shan’s eyes glittered. "Lord Lu, you didn’t have to take the stone."

"Who do you think I am?" Lu Yin gave Luo Shan a pointed look. "You and Daheng are just small fries. How would I ever back down from it?"

Luo Shan clenched his fists while glaring at Lu Yin.

"Don't tell me that it wasn't you who attacked my forces in the Transcendent Universe and tried to capture Chen Le," Lu Yin continued.

Luo Shan took a deep breath. "I just wanted to know exactly why."

Luo Shan was surprised. "How do you know I have access to such a universe?"

As soon as he spoke, his eyes flickered with realization. "The Merchant Exchange told you."

Lu Yin stared at the man. "Do you agree?"

Luo Shan could not see through Lu Yin. Regardless of who may have leaked the information to Lu Yin, Luo Shan needed to pay this price.

"Lord Lu, from now on, our slate is wiped clean." Luo Shan agreed to give Lu Yin access to the parallel universe.

Lu Yin was satisfied. "If you have any other such universe, you can come to me with a price, and I will pay you or owe you a favor."

Luo Shan barked an odd laugh.

Lu Yin frowned. "Why are you laughing?"

Luo Shan exhaled. "I’m laughing at you, Lord Lu, because you and Astral Anura will eventually end up at odds with each other."

"Because of Daheng?"

"No, because of parallel universes with different rates of time flow." Luo Shan grew serious as he looked at Lu Yin. "The commodity that Astral Anura most prefers to use for his trades are the same kinds of parallel universes that you are seeking."

Lu Yin's expression instantly changed.

"Lord Lu, take care." Luo Shan left.

Lu Yin had no idea if this last comment was true or not, but it most likely was. Luo Shan could not be the only one in the Sixverse Association who knew about Astral Anura, so there would be no point in trying to lie to Lu Yin.

Did Astral Anura also need parallel universes with different temporal flow rates?

That might make things really, really tricky!

Lu Yin became lost in his own thoughts. Just how many others were seeking the same thing as him?


Dark-red earth stretched out into the distance. It was the surface of a planet in the parallel universe that Mr. Daheng had given Lu Yin.

It was a tiny universe, and it was about as large as the Astral River and all of its tributaries. Lu Yin had already visited all the planets in this universe, and not a single one of them had any form of life. This was not something that Lu Yin had ever encountered before.

It was as though the universe had only been recently born.

He felt rather confused about the absence of life. How was he supposed to gain this universe’s recognition?

After considering the matter for a long time, Lu Yin ultimately decided that, since there was no life, he would introduce life to the universe.

Of course, he could not create life. Rather, he would bring it in.

It would also have to be a form of life that could adapt to the universe.

For a bit of time, Lu Yin wandered about the Origin Universe, gathering up various lifeforms and introducing them to the parallel universe. Most of the creatures died the moment they entered the universe, completely unable to survive. The fact that there was no life in the universe meant that either no life had yet appeared, or that nothing was capable of surviving in it.

After Lu Yin found the first lifeform that succeeded in surviving in the universe for half a year, he knew that it was possible for creatures to live in the universe. Unique lifeforms would eventually appear in the universe, but what Lu Yin wanted to do next was entirely dependent on luck.

For some time, Lu Yin introduced many different lifeforms from the Origin Universe, hoping that by doing so, he could accelerate the process of being acknowledged by the parallel universe.

OMA's Thoughts

Translated By: OMA

Edited By: Neshi/Nyxnox

TLC'ed By: OMA