Chapter 1159

"Ahahaha, I can breathe again!" Children are like this, simple in their likes and simple in their happiness.

Not to mention, this is the happiness of being able to breathe, have a heartbeat, and move freely again, like being reborn.

Well, of course, hating a shameless and lecherous silver dragon is an unchanging fact for ten thousand years.

The not-so-big starry altar quickly became Passed Princess's playground, and every corner of the altar was filled with her footprints, even though it was only tens of meters in size.

With her excitement, she even fearlessly stepped out of the altar and swayed up into the sky.


"Stars, oh stars!" Like a clumsy child learning to walk, Passed Princess curiously moved through the starry sky, leaving transparent ripples with each step.

Yes, the starry sky here is not far away. The starry sky that exists around the Starchild altar doesn't reject Passed Princess.

They gently accepted this child and granted her the power to enter the starry sky. There were even pieces of stardust surrounding her, emitting a faint glow.

"You can go too." Yun Xi held the restless Pafu in his arms and looked at War Dancer with longing eyes.

"Really... can I?" The dancer had never dreamed that she would one day stroll in a world of stars.

For the girls in Sia's world, this is the ultimate romantic fantasy.

"Consider it a gift from me."

"I'm sorry, it's very barren here, there's nothing." Yun Xi looked at the dancer with some embarrassment.

As it is a soul altar, there is no bread or wine here, apart from the ability to materialize Passed Princess and War Dancer, there doesn't seem to be any other special abilities.

"No... here has everything I want..."Thi/s chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

"Thank you." This time, War Dancer expressed sincere gratitude.

For the soul core that had long been dead, having a world with breathing and heartbeat again was so wonderful.

Not to mention, there was a dream-like starry sky here.

Even Passed Princess, who held deep grudges against Yun Xi, was immersed in the colors of the starry sky. She had always longed for the stars and couldn't resist the sparkling stars.

"Even if we are clumsy, we will tirelessly work hard. We will protect your dreams. You are the sun, you are a flower, you are the most beautiful princess in the world."

"We applaud for you, wishing you eternal happiness and beauty. You are our faith, our light."

"Princess, princess, I protect your past, I protect your present, I protect your future."

"May this love last forever and never fade."

It was a poem written by a poet for the princess he secretly loved, filled with love and blessings for the princess.

Even though he knew he could never get close to the princess, just seeing her from afar made him happy. Catching a glimpse of her every now and then brought joy to the poet.

To the poet, the princess represented all the beauty in the world, like a dream, like a fairytale.

Even though the poet had passed away and the princess had long vanished in the river of time, this poem that witnessed their love remained forever and became a truly eternal legend.

In the song, "princess" no longer represents a specific person, but becomes an idealized fantasy of happiness and beauty in love.

War Dancer danced steps he had long forgotten, and tears filled his eyes without him noticing when.

Truly, I wish the songstress could come to this world once again, to listen to her clear voice and enchanting melodies.

Once again, with the ability to breathe and a beating heart, she had a body that could dance, everything felt like a magical dream.

Even the stars around her seemed to shine in honor of her dance.

It was not an illusion of War Dancer, because Yun Xi, who watched the graceful dance of the ballerina on the altar, was gently applauding.

Some art goes beyond race, nationality, and even the domain of God.

War Dancer's passionate and expressive dance, which completely conveyed her emotions, was the most beautiful and touching dance Yun Xi had ever seen.

Such a dance deserved recognition from the stars, and those scattered starlights were Yun Xi's applause for War Dancer.

One after another, the starlights intertwined on the dancer's body, leaving specks of stardust with every gesture she made, it was truly breathtaking.

At this moment, War Dancer stepped onto the grand stage called "Starry Sky".

The stars would remember her figure and become eternal memories passed down through the stars.

For the dancer, this is a moment worth remembering for a lifetime.