Chapter 226: Pension turmoil

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The detailed report of the First World War in Shanhaiguan was soon sent to the Earth Presidential Palace.

President Lin Zhen, Vice President Ed, Starfleet Commander-in-Chief Sanders, and a group of staff once again gathered in the highest conference room of the Presidential Palace.

"In fact, Lin Fan has done well enough, speaking of it, there is still a shortage of troops!"

"Yes, even the battleship in his hand that is less than a million, really embarrassing him!"

"This result, even if it is changed to Liang Xingchen, it is not necessarily better than Lin Fan's!"

"Indeed, the minimum loss we estimated at the time would be as high as 100,000 warships, and about 200 million Union soldiers were killed!"

The death of more than 50 million Union soldiers was definitely a heavy blow to the Union.

It can even be said that since the re-emergence of the Federation, it has not experienced such a big damage.

However, in the entire conference room, no one said that Lin Fan had misdirected and had to take responsibility.

Everyone knows that Lin Fan has done well enough, even better than the best result they had previously expected!

"Well, the death of 50 million Union soldiers is not a trivial matter. The follow-up work must be done well! Sanders, there must be no problems in this regard!"

In fact, Lin Zhen took special care of Sanders, and that there should be no problems in the aftermath. He did not distrust Sanders, but actually reminded Sanders to do a good job of supervision.

After all, the aftermath of the Federal Servicemen's death has always been handled by the Star Fleet, not the Presidential Palace. However, even if all seniors have been eliminated in the Star Fleet headquarters, it cannot be said that there are no moths at all.

Since the formation of the Federation, there have been problems with the compensation work for soldiers killed in battle. After all, greed is the nature of human beings. It is not surprising that people will always take risks under huge interests.

In fact, there are very few people who did this kind of thing in the previous seniority group. After all, most of the seniority group pursued power, status, not money!

Although this phenomenon has been suppressed to the greatest extent through the efforts of high-level federal officials over the years, there are very few people who have the courage to make bad ideas on pensions.

But the problem is that this time, 50 million people were killed!

Coupled with the fact that the Federation is now rich, richer than ever before! The benefits of the Union soldiers have been directly doubled several times before. The most important thing is that the Union soldiers' current pensions are ten times what they used to be!

With such a large number of deaths, coupled with a huge amount of pensions, some people will definitely take the risk.

If no one was thinking about this, Lin Zhen would definitely not believe it.

Therefore, Lin Zhen specially reminded Sanders here.

"President, I understand!"

And Sanders, as an old marshal for decades, how could he not understand what Lin Zhen meant, and how could he not understand the innate greed of some people.

Even Sanders has already thought about setting up multiple supervision teams, either overtly or secretly, to strictly supervise every penny in every link, so that no one will be able to take advantage of it!

However, Sanders at this moment does not know that some people are even more courageous than he can imagine!

A day later, the Federal Presidential Palace held a press conference to inform the relevant details of the Shanhaiguan battle.

When Lin Zhen said that the number of humans killed in this battle was 50 million, the atmosphere in the entire hall instantly became depressed.

The number of 50 million people is like a boulder, pressing on everyone's heart in the hall.

Maybe it's because they are used to fighting against low-level civilizations. Human beings have become accustomed to extremely low casualties, but they have forgotten that it is only low-level civilization!

Today, the battle of Shanhaiguan is facing the same level of civilization as the Federation, and its military strength is more than three times that of the Federation.

Subsequently, Lin Fan also announced that the pension will be paid out in three days, and all federal citizens are asked to supervise it together to ensure that every pension can reach the right person.

After the press conference was over, the Internet naturally boiled over, and the deaths of 50 million people directly became a topic of discussion for everyone, and even sounded a wake-up call for some people.

Don't look at the current state of the Federal Fleet's remuneration list, just want to come in, but understand that in the Federal Fleet, you really have to work hard, not so messy.

At the same time, there will always be discordant voices, and this world has never lacked brain damage.

There were even several voices on the Internet asking Lin Fan to be responsible for the 50 million deaths, but they were quickly sprayed into scum by others. After all, the current federal people are not federal people with decades of money. , It’s not so easy to bring rhythm to people.

More than 800,000 battleships have completely wiped out 3 million battleships of the same level. You still have to be rhythmic. If you don't spray whoever you spray!

Soon, one month passed. What Lin Zhen and Sanders didn't expect was that they didn't detect any hands or feet, which was obviously very different from their expectations.

To say that facing such a huge amount of wealth, there really is no one who should not use their brains, UU reading Lin Zhen absolutely does not believe it.

Then there is only one possibility, and that is that some people's methods are too clever, and they have perfectly avoided their supervision.

But if this is the case, what method was used?

In the president's office, Lin Zhen was watching the payment of this pension at the moment, frowning because he found something abnormal.

Just now, when he was screening and retrieving the pension payment situation, he found an unnatural data.

Normally speaking, there is definitely a problem with the payment of pensions, that is, if the killed Union soldier has no immediate family members, then the pension will be given to the second heirs of the non-immediate family members, and each Union soldier's pension The proportion of people in this category is between 2-3%.

However, Lin Zhen discovered that the entire 50 million people received the pension payments this time were all received by his immediate family members. This is obviously very abnormal.

But unfortunately, all pensioners have certificates to check, and no loopholes can be found.

If you want to do this...

Lin Zhen thought of a possibility, a possibility of accomplishing this kind of thing. If that were the case, I am afraid that too many people will be involved this time!

However, no matter how much it is involved, Lin Zhen decided to uproot them.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhen immediately called Ed and talked to him about the problems he had discovered. Ed was also very surprised after hearing this!

Then the two had a close conversation in the president's office for two full hours before Ed left.


Three days later, Ed came to Lin Zhen's presidential office again.

"It has been confirmed, just as you guessed it!"

Ed, who entered the office, looked at Lin Zhen with an ugly expression and said.