Traversing the void between galaxies took time. With each passing day Destiny was closer and closer to Eden and the super gate that would carry the ship and crew back to the Milky Way. Within the chair room discussing the chair interface stood Eli, Rush, Brody, Volker, and the avatar of Destiny.
"You really think Colonel Young will agree to this? I think not" spat Rush.
"In the past he agreed to yourself and Franklin sitting in the chair" protested Volker.
"Yeah but that was in an emergency. Rush has a point" conceded Brody.
"If we discuss this with him and Destiny explains the safety measures we just might be able to convince him" sighed Eli.
Picking up his radio Rush quickly asked Young to join the team. The scientist quickly began to put together a strategy in his mind that would see him as the one to sit in the chair. Having invested so much he felt strongly that if anyone was to sit in it that it should be him. While continuing to weigh the variables of the conversation to come Rush noticed in the corner of his eye the Colonel entering the chair room.
"What have you got for me" asked Young.
"Colonel Young, the crew has done an admirable job of managing my systems since your arrival, but our journey to Terra is far from complete. In order to bring about maximum efficiency further knowledge is required on everyone's part. To make that possible I must implant the required knowledge via the interface chair" crisply stated Destiny.
"Absolutely not" replied Young.
"We've discussed the matter with Destiny already. After analyzing our physiology certain safeguards have been put in place. Its danger free" responded Eli.
"The answer is still no. Too many times situations like this have gone wrong. I can't risk it. My duty is to get everyone aboard home and I'm not willing to risk it" retorted Young.
"Colonel, it's in Destiny's own interests to keep us alive and well. I doubt Destiny would suggest this unless it were entirely necessary" responded Rush smoothly.
"And who is the volunteer? Let me guess; you" Young said with a certain level of agitation.
"As the one person to interface and walk away from it yes I am the logical choice" answered Rush.
"The answer is still now Rush" replied Young.
"Colonel, if I may interject for a moment. After careful analysis of all under your command I have put together an order of use for the interface. Doctor Rush you are currently number two on that list" informed Destiny.
"Who is your choice Destiny" asked Young.
"In order of precedence I propose Eli be the first, followed by Doctor Rush, TJ, Ronald Greer, Doctor Brody, and yourself" responded Destiny.
"Just why is this needed" asked Young.
"Without a broader knowledge base even simple functions and interactions with my systems are far more difficult. The science staff can put the knowledge to use in countless ways which I'm sure you understand. TJ will be provided a complete understanding of biology, medicine, and the medical equipment I have aboard. Ronald Greer will be provided with a complete understanding of the security systems at his disposal, advanced tactics, and Alterran fighting arts. You Colonel will be given a complete understanding of navigation, tactics, a compendium of Alterran interstellar military history, and the same skills I will provide to Ronald Greer. In addition each who sit in the chair will become fluent in the Alterran written and spoken language which will assist in day to day functions aboard" calmly informed Destiny.
"What are the safeguards to be put in place" asked Young.
"Instead of one massive jolt of information it will be implanted in packets of data over a period of hours. Those packets of information will unfold within the subconscious as the subject sleeps. Since this isn't the repository of ancient knowledge we've run into in the past the problems encountered then shouldn't be an issue" said Brody.
"Eli, are you certain you want to do this knowing what's happened in the past" asked Young.
"I've never been more sure of anything in my life" quickly replied Eli.
"I know I'm going to regret this. Ok, set it up. If anything looks the slightest bit wrong I want to know about it that second" ordered Young before leaving the room.
"That was easier than I thought it would be" muttered Volker.
"Well he has been tired so maybe that explains it" said Brody in his joking way.
Over the course of the next hour the team went over every safety protocol Destiny put in place. When all measures had been examined Eli sat in the chair. Although he wouldn't admit it he was nervous. In his mind he heard Destiny's soothing voice informing him he had nothing to fear. With a metallic click the wrist and ankle restraints snapped into place. Quickly the neural interface bolts made contact with Eli's temples.
Eli found himself standing in a hallway that looked very familiar. It was Kresge Auditorium on the campus if MIT. Looking around he saw that he was the only one in attendance. The lights began to dim and an overhead projection background dropped into place over the stage. On screen a movie began, only this movie was on the design, construction, and history of Destiny. In his field of view in low light Eli could make out ancient letters flashing by. Instead of keeping track of the letters dashing by he decided to intently watch the movie playing out in front of him. They even got the guy with the deep voice from all the commercials on TV to narrate, how cool is that he thought.
"How are his vitals" asked Volker.
"His blood pressure, heart rate, and neural activity are all within safe levels" responded Brody.
"He's got a grin on his face. For being first he bloody well ought to have a smile" said an annoyed Rush.
The film continued to play on. Eli watched as Destiny was constructed. The designer and his family came into view inspecting the fruit of his labor. Watching Destiny's launch to much fanfare Eli couldn't help but think they would have been proud to know how far the ship had traveled. Into the young mans subconscious mind drifted entire systems of mathematics that had not even been conceived yet on Earth, as well as highly advanced systems for engineering, physics and astrophysics.
Three hours later the transfer nodes screwed away from his temples, and the restraints released. Opening his eyes Eli saw the assembled team around him staring at him with wide eyes.
"What did you learn? Out with it" demanded Rush in his brisk way.
"I understand now" answered Eli.
"What do you understand" asked Brody.
"Everything" answered Eli before standing up and heading towards his quarters.