For the first time since construction, the lead ship of the Copernicus class orbited Earth. Her mission was simple; beam aboard the Ark and await orders to activate the device. Having already beamed the Ark aboard, and emplaced it in the appointed position, all was ready. All that was left was a waiting game in anticipation of a signal that might never come.
The Ark now sat in the jumper bay, angled out towards space. Once activated, the shaft of light that carried the devices message would exit the protective energy field of the jumper bay and streak towards the first of the constellation of eighty two parabolic reflector satellites. This system, if needed, would carry the failsafe message towards the planet below and enlighten the population as to the truth.
United Nations General Assembly Building, New York
Four hours earlier, the Presidential motorcade had arrived in the ultra secure underground parking structure of the United Nations Complex. Despite the secure location, the President's secret service detail had quickly whisked their charge to a VIP suite to wait for the appointed time for his address to the General Assembly. This address would be the largest single address any President had ever given.
With what was to be discussed, Hayes felt it best to make this address before the assembled delegates of the nations of the world. After intense pressure from the Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, this address would be broadcast around the world. With the assistance of the National Security Agency, the speech would make it to citizens of nations lacking in open access to events in the west via intense video streaming.
Standing at the panoramic window, Hayes looked out over the East River. Part of him wished he was in a suite on the other side of the building, so he could take in the sights of the Manhattan skyline. Disclosure had seemed like such a good idea, when it was a purely theoretical exercise. Now that it was here and now, Hayes wasn't so sure. Watching the water of the East River flow, he reassured himself that following through on what he started was the way, the only way.
"Mr. President, the delegates are seated in the General Assembly. They are ready for you" said the Secret Service agent.
"Ok Pete lets not keep the people waiting" replied Hayes.
Adjusting his tie and buttoning his suit coat, Hayes followed his Secret Service detail to the elevator. Entering the elevator car, his nerves began to cool. As a career politician, he had been speaking to large groups of people all of his a.d.u.l.t life. This speech would be different though. Not only would he be addressing a large portion of the world, the message he was delivering would change the course of man.
Exiting the elevator and stepping into the gray marble atrium, Hayes took a very deep breath. His statesman like air reasserted itself as he and his security detail approached the large doors of the General Assembly Hall. Stepping over the threshold into the Hall, a booming voice rang out.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States"
As the United Nations Delegates of the member nations of the world stood and applauded, Hayes shook hands as they were offered. Certain delegates with a less than pleasant opinion of Hayes did no such thing. The Iranian Ambassador was one such example. With a smile on his face Hayes chuckled to himself about the shock that was in store for all present.
Reaching the raised podium, Hayes strode up the steps towards the lectern. With resounding applause, the President took his place to begin his speech. With a smile on his face he thanked those present for the overwhelming welcome. As the applause tapered off, he continued to smile and wave at those in the crowd. Quickly, the crowd silenced the applause so that the new arrival could begin his all important address. Wanting to capture the moment, Hayes opted to jump in head first. Might as well strike while the iron is hot he thought.
"Two hundred and thirty five years ago, a group of men gathered together in the city of Philadelphia, to launch the grand experiment of Democracy. Frontiersmen and academics; visionaries and dreamers came together in a distant land to make real the affirmation of each mans right to liberty and freedom.
My fellow Americans, people of the world, today we set forth on a journey into a new era. One age, the childhood of mankind, is ending and another age is about to begin.
The journey of which I speak is full of unknowable challenges, but I believe that all our yesterdays, all the struggle of the past, have uniquely prepared our generation to prevail.
That is the true genius of this nation. What we have already achieved gives us hope – the audacity to hope – for what we can and must achieve tomorrow.
This press conference has been called at my direction to bring to light something of great significance to every individual of this world. I wish to inform you of the worlds and this nation's most heavily classified program. For the last two decades, the United States Air Force has conducted an above Top Secret program we call the Stargate Program. This program falls under the direction of the unified service command of Star Gate Command" said Hayes, seeing that he had everyone's attention.
The mention of a classified program of the US military had the assembled delegate's rapt attention. Some of them moving to the edge of their seats as they gave the President their undivided attention, and waiting for more.
"In the year 1928, the immensely capable archeologist Doctor Paul Langford, during a dig in Giza Egypt, uncovered a device of unknown origin. Scientists soon came to realize that this device was far outside of the breadth and width of knowledge of any dynasty of ancient Egyptian culture. Since that time, under the direction of the United States Air Force, the true nature of this device and the race behind its manufacture have been uncovered.
For the last seventeen years, with use of this device, which we call a stargate, special operations teams have visited several hundred planets in this galaxy and others. The stargate allows for the artificial creation of a stable wormhole to a point in space having a receiving gate. Using this system, instantaneous transport to point's light years away is possible in seconds. Along the way we have encountered many cultures and races. Many of these benevolent races we call our allies.
With the assistance of our allies, we have brought about the spread of the ideals of liberty and equality throughout this galaxy. Much has been learned during this time. Mankind, at the behest of several alien races, can be found in the far corners of the Milky Way. It was discovered that we are not the first iteration of man. A race we call the ancients populated this galaxy and others with man in their image. This race, who called Earth home many millions of years ago, also built the stargate network.
With the cooperation of the nations of the Antarctic Treaty and the United Nations Security Council, we have ventured to other galaxies. A fleet of vessels for this purpose has been constructed, utilizing knowledge gained from our allies and others encountered along the path. The recently declassified F-302 is a small component of this fleet. Atlantis, one time capital of the ancients now resides in our control.
In the coming days, medical advancements that have been realized will be released to the world. An end to disease, genetic fault, and infirmity is at hand. Clean energy, elimination of world hunger, and advancement of scientific understanding are also in our possession. The world as you know it has been silently changing, in preparation for a new reality. That reality is here. Though this news may sound fantastic - and indeed, terrifying - I ask that you not greet it with undue fear or pessimism. I assure you, as President, these changes will bring about a new dawn for humanity" continued Hayes.
Most notably, the Iranian delegate rose from his seat, uttering profanities before stomping out of the hall. Close behind him, in a movement of solidarity was the North Korean Delegate. The actions of these two men were not a surprise to Hayes in the least.
"With the assistance of our allies we will overcome the common enemies of all mankind - tyranny, poverty, disease, war. Together with them we can create a better world. I cannot tell you that there will be no stumbling or missteps on the road ahead. But I believe that we have found the true destiny of the people of this great land: To lead the world into a glorious future.
In the coming days, weeks and months, you will learn more about these visitors, why they are here and why your leaders have kept their presence a secret from you for so long.
I ask you to look to the future not with timidity but with courage, because we can achieve in our time the ancient vision of peace on Earth and prosperity for all humankind. Make no mistake; this is an effort that will require the combined cooperation of every nation of this world.
The world is a very different place now, than it was in years gone by. For man holds in his hands now, for the very first time in his existence, the means to end all forms of poverty and suffering. Yet, the same beliefs that our forefathers fought for, are still playing out across the globe; the sacrosanct belief that basic human rights come not from a benevolent government, but are a component of an ordained privilege all mankind is born into.
Let us not forget, that today we stand as the heirs to that privilege. Let these beliefs flow forth from this time and place, to friend and foe, that the burden to protect these freedoms has been passed to a new generation of mankind; born in an age tempered by war, forged under the cloud of a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage, and unwilling to witness or allow the slow undoing of those rights born unto us that this nation was founded upon.
Let every person know, whether they wish us good tidings or ill will, that we are willing to pay any price, bear every burden, meet all hardsh.i.p.s, support any friend in need, and oppose any foe before us to ensure the survival of a thriving and vibrant brand of liberty.
To those allies throughout the stars, whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of a faithful friend. United, there is nothing we cannot do in cooperative venture. Divided, we find ourselves incapable of meeting a powerful challenge. To those new states whom we welcome within the warm embrace of the ranks of the free, we pledge our unwavering resolve to assure your continued freedom.
To the people of villages around the globe struggling to achieve parody with the developed nations of this world, we pledge our best efforts to help them achieve this goal. We do this not because we seek something in return, but because it is right and just. If we, as the most powerful nation on this Earth, cannot help the poor and in need, how can we expect to save the few who are with plenty?
To our brothers and sisters, in republics to our south, east, and west, we pledge to turn our good words into good deeds in an alliance of progress for all. We vow to assist in the casting away of the chains of poverty. Let those who stand in the way of this goal know, we will oppose subversion and aggression with vigorous enthusiasm.
To the united assembly of the United Nations, our last best hope in an age of discord, we renew our pledge of support. This nation shall always strive to prevent this humble body from becoming a forum for invective, and to strengthen its shield for the new and weak.
Speaking on behalf of the American people, I beseech the people of the world, to join together in creating a new endeavor. Not a new shift in the balance of power as we know it, but a new world founded upon freedom and law, where the strong are just, the weak are safe and liberty may flourish.
This goal will not be finished in a month, or a year. It's very possible that this work will remain unfinished after this Administration has faded into history, but let us begin. In the hands of the people of this world rests the final success of this course.
As the trumpet sounds, not as a call to arms or battle, but a call to bear the burden of a twilight struggle against the common enemies of liberty: tyranny, poverty, and war we must answer that call.
It is our duty to forge a grand and global alliance, which can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind. To the people of the world I ask, will you join me in this historic effort? In the history of mankind, only a few generations have been granted the opportunity to defend freedom in its hour of need. We must not shrink from this responsibility, and instead welcome it. The creativity, energy, and devotion we can bring to this endeavor will light a path for all to follow. It is the glow upon that path that will light our world.
On this day, we gather in support of freedom over tyranny and unity over isolationism. Together, we stand shoulder to shoulder and announce far and wide, an end to petty grievances of the past, recriminations and slander that for too long have divided mankind.
While America is a young nation, the time has come to set aside childish endeavors. We pledge our enduring spirit, and carry forward a precious gift. That gift is in the form of a noble idea, passed from generation to generation, that all men are created equal, and deserve the opportunity to pursue happiness in its full measure.
In reaffirming our greatness as a race, we understand that greatness is never given, it must be earned. Our journey is one of never settling for less. It is not a path for the faint of heart. Rather, it is a path for the doers, the creators, the risk takers who have carried the many along the rugged path towards prosperity and freedom.
There are some who question the scope of our ambitions, who suggest that the grandest of plans may simply be too large to handle. To those people I say their memories are short. They have forgotten what mankind has already done; what free men and women can bring about when imagination and courage are joined into common purpose. Cynics fail to realize the ground has shifted beneath their feet and that the arguments which have consumed us for so long no longer apply.
Our Founding Fathers, faced with dangers we can barely imagine, drafted a doc.u.ment to safeguard the rule of law and the rights of the individual. This doc.u.ment is one that has time and time again been secured by the blood of generations past and present. The ideals of that doc.u.ment illuminate the world to this day. To all the peoples and governments watching today, know that America is a friend to every man, woman, and child who seeks peace, dignity, and equality. To this end we will lead the way once more. This power grows with prudent use; security is bred from the justness of our cause, along with the qualities of humility and restraint.
Mankind's patchwork heritage is our strength. We are a people of many colors, many beliefs, and many ideals. Every culture and language from the dawn of time has played a role in our shaping. As a race, we have tasted war and peace, victory and defeat, justice and injustice. Each time, we have emerged stronger than before. It is the duty of all to lend their hand in ushering in a new ear of peace and prosperity.
As the road before us is shown, we must remember the hero's that have allowed us to come so far. We honor them, not only because of their great sacrifice, but because of their willingness to find truth and meaning in something larger than all of us. At this moment, a moment that may very well come to define mankind, that is the spirit we must all embrace.
The challenges we face may be ones we've never encountered before. The tools we meet these challenges with may be new. The values upon which our failure or success hinges are old; duty, dedication, tolerance, loyalty, and the drive to prevail. These values have been the driving force in mankind's journey throughout history. What is required now is a return to these values, and recognition by all mankind that we have a duty to ourselves, our nation, and our world, duties that we seize gladly, with the knowledge that nothing is as defining as is giving our all to such a herculean task.
In America's darkest hour, a small band of men huddled on the icy banks of a frozen river. The capital was abandoned and aflame, with an advancing enemy. At that moment, with the outcome of our revolution was at it bleakest, George Washington read aloud these words to those at his side; Let it be told to the future world, that in the depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue could survive, that the city and the county, armed for one common purpose, came forth to meet it.
In this winter of new certainties, let us remember these timeless words. With hope, virtue, and fortitude we will brave the currents in our path, and weather any storm that finds us. Let future generations say that when we were tested we refused to fail and bring an end to our journey, and instead stood strong and did not falter" finished Hayes.
Throughout the hall reactions differed from nation to nation. While an overwhelming majority of those present applauded with gross enthusiasm, others sat stunned. Others still began to shout amongst themselves, in clear displeasure to the revelations made. Seeing this expected reaction, Hayes adjusted the knot of his tie with his left hand and smiled widely.
Home World Command
General O'Neill, along with many of the Home World staff had watched the President's speech. The angst displayed by several of the members came as no surprise to the General, nor did the speechless shock of other delegates in the crowd. Finally, the world would know of the sacrifices of so many during the course of the Stargate program.
With his eyes on the screen, O'Neill noted the President grabbing the knot of his tie. Looking over at Walter, he motioned the man over.
"That's the signal. Walter, message Copernicus, they have a go for activation" ordered the General.
Quickly exiting the room, Walter hurried towards the communications center. This was one order that needed to be carried out in a timely manner.
Upon receipt of the signal from Home World Command things began to happen. The massive science vessel rolled on its axis, exposing the jumper bay opening to the ground below. Climbing into geostationary orbit, the vessel established its appointed firing position.
While this transpired, the eighty two satellites in orbit around Earth began to unfurl. As telescoping arms began to extend, the arms opened up much like the petals of a flower. Mounted on these arms was a thin screen of mica treated reflective Mylar fabric. The eighty two parabolic reflectors were positioned for total coverage of the ground surface of the planet.
As the Ark was activated, an intense shaft of white light sprang from the jumper bay of Copernicus. Making contact with the first reflector, the shaft of white light bounced from parabolic dish to parabolic dish. Less than a second later the Earth was bathed in artificial white light. Suddenly night turned to day on the ground below.
On the ground below, seeing the unearthly light raining down, people began to look up. For the Ark to fulfill its function, one not need look at the light or even be awake. Bursting forth into each and all's consciousness were images of the stargate, the Alliance of Five Races, Atlantis, and how mankind came to be. Within each person a sudden desire for free will began to blossom, along with a love of mankind and a desire to set aside past differences.
On sidewalks, and in cafes people looked up at each other. With smiles on their face and hope in their eyes, they looked upon the world around them as if for the very first time.