Chapter 801: : The devil broke the seal, the gods are in action

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Cooperating with deities?

For this kind of thing, Luoshui only has two words, dreaming!

Of those now sealed gods, which hands have not been contaminated with the blood of human martyrs?

Cooperate with them, where will the human martyrs be placed?

Xuan Zodiac took a deep breath and continued: "Luo Shui, you are burdened with too much of the shackles of the past. If everyone is like you, bound by the past, how will the sky star develop?!"

"That's not a shackle! It's a spur! It is the force that always inspires my human race to never forget the development! Xuan Huang, if even this history can be easily thrown away, that human race really has no future."

Luoshui said in a heavy tone.

"In short, I have decided. If you can agree, it is best to walk with me hand in hand, but if you don't want it, it doesn't matter. Anyway, cooperation with the gods is imperative." Xuan Huang said indifferently.

"Xuan Huang, aren't you afraid of being spurned by the human race?"

"When I lead the firmament stars to prosperity, they will only remember my great achievements, and they will regard me as king!"

Xuan Huangdao said lightly.

"Wang? You want to be king?" The torturer was taken aback on the first day.

"No way?"

"In my heart, there is only one king." On the first day, the tormentor glanced at the Xuan Zodiac Lord, and then sneered, "Compared with the king, you are like a firefly and a bright moon. Only you are worthy of being a king?"

"You have to cooperate with the deity, that's your business, but the deity and my heavenly tormentors are not at odds with each other. If one of them appears, we will kill one. This is the mission the king has given us."

On the first day, the torturer finished speaking, and the figure disappeared into the void.

After he left, the Master of Ten Thousand Fas, Luoshui and others also left one after another.


The entire palace became empty.

There was only one person left by Xuan Zhuang Daozhu. He stood there, silent, and then slammed his palm against the pillar of the palace nearby.

"A bunch of guys who don't know how to praise!"

Xuan Zodiac opened his eyes, extremely cold.

"Tsk, Master Xuan Zodiac, it seems that your position in the human race is not as supreme as you think."

A sudden laughter sounded, and a man wearing a black robe with a golden scale on his forehead suddenly appeared in the void.

This is a Lin family.

It is known that the highest cultivation level among the Lin clan is the emperor.

However, when this Lin clan faced the Xuan Zodiac Lord, he did not show the slightest restraint. Looking at the other party, he showed a playful look.

"Poseidon, shut me up, otherwise I don't mind canceling the cooperation with the god." Xuan Huang Daozhu said with a cold snort.

Poseidon shrugged, "Well, I won't say anything."

"How has your body adapted?"

"Oh, this Lin clan is a race derived from my divine power. This Lin clan has refined my divine personality. Although it is not the main body descending, my combat power has been able to show seven or eight."

"Very well, the Lord God seal will be handed over to you."

Xuan Huangdao said.

Although he has unsealed some deities these days, they all existed under the main god. As for the seal of the main **** level, even he would consume a lot of energy, and he planned to let the sea **** do it.

"It doesn't matter, what are you going to do with the seal of the mountain?"

Poseidon asked.

Speaking of the seal of the mountain, he couldn't help showing a dignified look in his eyes, because it was a seal set by the king himself.

Even the main **** can hardly destroy it.

And it is the Lord of the Gods that is sealed by the sacred mountain!

"The seal of the sacred mountain was set by the king of humans. Of course, it can only be opened by the king of humans. Over the years, I have collected some of the relics of the king of humans. Among them, the power of the human king can be used to break the seal of the sacred mountain. Do it for another person."

"Oh, is that him?"

"Yes, the entire Sky Star, only he can do this."

"Oh, the son of God, the defeated general of the King of Humans, I don't know how far he has progressed after so many years."

Poseidon faintly expected.

the other side.


In an abyss of the demon world, the arrogant devil came here, looking at the abyss in front of him, his eyes showed a crazy color.

This is the forbidden place of the devil world, hell!

According to rumors, the ancestor **** of the demon world is sealed here.

And today, he is here to liberate the other party.

For today, he prepared for several years.

He slammed his palm on the ground, and immediately, blood-colored Dao patterns interweave and circulate, forming a huge formation.

There are countless blood mists rushing around.

In the blood mist, a withered bone emerged.

That is the creature in the devil world.

These are all slaughtered by the arrogant Demon Emperor over the years.

"The devil of hell!"

"I take hundreds of millions of demon world creatures as sacrifices, please come!"

Boom, boom, boom...

In an instant, the entire abyss shook frantically.

As countless blood mist poured into it, some golden Dao patterns were gradually disintegrated, and black mist spurted out from it.

"The seal is broken, it is broken."

"Haha, we are finally free again..."

The laughter echoed throughout the demon world.

With a blast, the golden Dao pattern that covered the entire Hell Abyss shattered, and a jet of black air rushed straight into the sky!

The entire Demon Realm space vibrated, as if to collapse.

In the air column, a stalwart figure with black hair came out, and a breath of monstrous power filled the whole body.

That divine power is similar to demonic energy.

The arrogant demon emperor couldn't help but knelt on the ground, "Worship the devil!"

Devil, the **** of the devil!

The entire demon world is born for this god.

The arrogant emperor once read some ancient records.

The above said that the Demon Race was also a Human Race, but because of the leakage of this Demon God's divine power, it gradually transformed into a Demon Race.

The influence of divine power alone created the entire demons.

The arrogant emperor could not imagine what a terrifying existence it was.

"You did a good job."

The Demon God glanced at the Arrogant Demon Emperor and said lightly.

Next to him, there are seven top gods.

The seven gods are arrogance, laziness, tyranny, gluttony, greed, jealousy, and **** and desire.

The power of the seven devil emperors in the devil world comes from them.

"Thank you Demon God for your praise."

"Let's talk, what do you wish."

Hearing this, the face of the arrogant Demon Emperor showed extreme resentment, and said: "Back to the Demon God, I want to kill someone!!"

"Oh, talk about it."

"It's a human race called Madman Chu..."

Madman Chu left him too much shame.

In order to kill the opponent, he did not hesitate to slaughter more than half of the creatures in the demon world, so as to break the seal of the demon god.


The Poseidon who had just returned to the deep sea felt the powerful fluctuations of divine power from the Hell Demon Realm, and his eyes lit up, "The Demon God was the first to unlock the seal, ha, there really is him."

If the Demon God broke the seal, his pressure would be greatly reduced.

The seal of the main gods can also be broken faster.

"Just waiting for the gods to return, this land will return to our control, no, not only this land, the universe, but also the creatures of this vast universe, we will become their faith!"

Poseidon was extremely excited.

He felt that his previous vision was too narrow.

What is a star in the sky?

They want to become the gods of this universe! !