Chapter 2002: : Raise hands and feet to crush the original, break your spirit of the emperor, only in me...

"I am coming!"

was accompanied by a bold statement.

I saw a white figure, stepping out with its head held high, and an extremely majestic coercion enveloped the entire battlefield in an instant.

The monks of the Pangu Kingdom of God couldn’t help being very happy when they saw the people coming.

"It's the master of the country!"

"Great, the lord of the country is here."

Chu madman, in their minds is like a spiritual belief, as soon as he appeared, countless monks were immediately excited.

Looking back at the original kingdom of God, there is no such good mood.

They looked at Madman Chu with extremely cold eyes.

Especially the **** prince, he even wanted to skin the other party for cramps.

"Madman Chu, what did you do to the original kingdom of God?"

The **** prince said coldly.

"Oh, do you need to ask about such an obvious thing?"

The madman Chu gave a chuckle, then walked to the front of the Devil King, and between raising his hands, a dark golden light flashed across his eyes.

is the magical power of the original candle dragon.

The power of time flows.

I saw that the collapsed road in the Demon King's body was quickly restored, and everything returned to the appearance before it was not damaged.

Even the wing that was cut off by the **** of death grew back.

in a moment.

then rescued a dying master.

This method made the monks of the original kingdom of God feel incredible.

so horrible.

How can you fight this?

"Prince, let's withdraw first!"

The original fire said, already with the intention of shrinking.

But the madman in Chu gave a chuckle when he heard the words.

"Since I am here, where can you go back?"

The words fall.

I saw his figure change, and he disappeared in the same place instantly.

When    appeared again, he was already beside the original fire.


Original Fire's face changed slightly.

Before he could do anything, Madman Chu gently raised his hand and pressed it with a palm towards him, gathering the power of three thousand laws.

is like an uplifting hand!

And the original fire felt like a bird with its wings cut off in front of this palm, unable to dodge it.


The next moment.

This palm blasted on the original fire.

The power of the law is raging.

The original fire turned into countless flames and exploded on the spot.

is just a palm, the original one was blown up on the spot.

This amazing combat power made everyone unable to help their pupils shrink.

"Reaper's sickle!"

At this time, a blade of light mixed with the majestic breath of death slashed towards Madman Chu frantically, but it was Death who shot it.

His sword is very powerful, and it shows the way of death to the fullest. Even if he is the master, he will be killed by this sword.

Ke Chu madman's sword fingers condensed, sword energy gushing out from his fingertips, hitting the blade of the sickle, and easily blocked the blow.


Reaper's pupils shrank sharply, and he couldn't believe what was in front of him.

It's no surprise that Chu Madman blocked his attack.

Can do this with only the fingers of the sword, but it scared him.

"You who master death, have you ever personally experienced the beauty of death?"

The corners of the madman's mouth raised slightly.

The sword finger shook, and the sword qi flew the sickle away.

After that, Kun Wu started.

The sword light flashed, and the Three Thousand Principles gushed out with the sword energy, turning into three thousand sword intents, covering the **** of death, and dividing his body in the blink of an eye.

A brilliance flickered in the void.

The figure of the **** of death condensed again.

At this moment, his face was extremely pale, looking at Madman Chu, his eyes were full of horror, "How can this guy be so strong?"

With the sword just now, Madman Chu made him feel an unprecedented breath of death. The **** mastering death felt the fear of death for the first time.

"Being able to dodge this sword and not die, your life-saving means is stronger than that of the King of Reincarnation." The madman Chu smiled lightly.

Hearing this, Grim Reaper's face changed slightly, "You killed reincarnation?!"

"What do you think?"

The gods of death have gloomy eyes, and the kingdom of God has undergone such a big change, it is impossible for the king of reincarnation to ignore it, but their luck still disappeared.

This shows that the king of reincarnation... has fallen.


Death gave a low cry.

The law of death surged, converging into an amazing edge.

"Reaper is deadly cut!"

He uses his palm as a knife and makes a stroke in the air.

The breath of death whistling, wherever you go, all spirits of heaven and earth are extinguished!

Except for him.

The rest of the monks in the original God's country also took action.

A few originals, it is to urge the strength of a lifetime to issue the strongest blow.

"Brahma God Seal!"

The original ancient Buddha urged the power of the origin of Buddhism in the body.

A huge swastika, exuding infinite sacred aura, was condensed, and with an unstoppable force, it crushed towards the Madman Chu.

There are also guards of the gods and emperors, and they also make great moves.

The turbulent flow of energy destroys the world.

"Useless trick."

The madman of Chu waved his sleeves, and the three thousand rules were like oceans, all kinds of extreme moves, when they blasted in front of him, they burst into pieces.

A strong impact swept out.

The **** of death, the ancient Buddha, etc., were all shaken out.

God weeping blood, the Devil King and others are extremely excited.

"So strong!"

"Is this the real strength of the lord?"

"too strong."

The Madman Chu at this moment has completely swallowed the luck of the original kingdom of God and integrated it into the kingdom of Pangu, and he himself has the infinite power of three thousand great daos, and he is the master of several daos. The blessing of these powers allows him to make every move. They are full of an unmatched power.

A ray of breath can break the earth.

There is an invincible atmosphere.

"Haha, Madman Chu, very good, very good!"

"Within the heavens, now only you can be my opponent!"

The prince of God suddenly laughed.

After seeing Madman Chu's combat power, not only was he not afraid, but on the contrary, he was eager to try, and his words were full of confidence.

The power of the **** emperor made his confidence swell like never before.

He stepped forward and swept towards the madman of Chu.

God prince, let's go!

Reaper, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Gufo and others looked at this scene with expectation in their eyes.

"Now, only the **** prince has the means to compete with the madman of Chu."

"Which is the power of the **** emperor and the madman of Chu stronger?"

Facing the attack of the **** prince, the madman Chu stood still, Kun Wu in his hand cut out, and the opponent's fist blasted together.

In an instant, the divine emperor's aura, sword aura, two forces collided crazily.

set off a strong rule hurricane.

This hurricane tore the void constantly.

One by one, the universe has been severely impacted.

The two great cultivators of the Kingdom of God in the void even flew out one after another.

Some of the ones with insufficient cultivation were swallowed by the law on the spot and vanished in smoke.

After the strong impact.

God prince, Chu Madman each retreated.

"Chu madman, see this, Shenhuang Jue, the emperor is heaven!"

The **** prince gave a long roar, and the spirit of the **** prince raged out.

In the void, endless auras spewed from various universes under the call of the **** prince, condensed into a golden ball of light.

When the madman of Chu saw this, Kun Wu held high in his hand.

"Break your spirit of the emperor, only my sword!"

"Twenty-seven swords, three thousand great swords!"

With a long sip, behind the Madman Chu, roads emerged.

The power of three thousand great avenues, madly gushing out, condensed within one sword.