Chapter 2004: : The God of War, the Supreme Treasure series blew up, repelled the God of War

Within the Pangu Kingdom of God.

The **** emperor appeared, shaking the heavens and all realms.

Chu madman's swords and tripods come out together, want to fight the **** emperor!

The God Emperor looked at the Madman Chu in front of him, with apathy in his eyes, "Human Ancestor’s sword, is there a sword spirit? There is also the cauldron and the cauldron of good fortune. It seems that those guys have spent a lot of time in order to prevent me from laying out forever. Mindful."

"Do you dare to fight?"

The madman Chu shook Kunwu in his hand and said lightly.

"Then, I will give you a defeat."

The Emperor said lightly.

He gently raised his hand, and a burst of the emperor's air, like turbulent turbulence, flew out, just raising his hand, and the power shattered the world.

while facing this kind of attack.

Chu madman did not dare to be careless.

Kun Wu cut out from his hand.

The latest insight, Jian27 has moved to the extreme.

A shocking sword shadow, cut out in the air.

Three Thousand Avenue, surround it.


The sword shadow and the spirit of the emperor collided extremely.

In an instant.

The shock of terrifying energy turned into a halo and spread out.

Countless monks were thrown away directly under the impact.

This battle reflects the heavens.

Countless strong men in the universe have all seen this earth-shattering battle.

"This will be the first battle in ancient and modern times!"

"Yes, it's horrible."

in the crowd.

Tongtian Sect Master swallowed his saliva, "It's terrible, isn't this God Emperor just waking up? How could there be such a combat power?"

God Weeping Blood gaze solemnly: "Yes, according to common sense, an ancient existence like the God Emperor just awakened. It takes a certain amount of time to adapt to the changes in the rules of heaven and earth, so that it can exert its power."

"However, the emperor cannot be measured by common sense!"


Sword Qi and Divine Emperor’s Qi impacted.

I saw the emperor standing volley in the air, never retreating.

The air flow of the **** emperor all around, cut off the sword aura.

The Chu Madman went back three thousand miles, his eyes were solemn, "His spirit of the emperor and the emperor are completely at two levels!"

"If the spirit of the **** prince is iron wire, then the power of the **** prince is a steel column that has been tempered!"

His sword energy can't break it at all.

Not only that.

Some ancient beings just awakened and it took a certain amount of time to adapt to the rules of heaven and earth, but he discovered that the emperor did not need this process.

Because he is too strong.

is so strong, it is not for him to adapt to the rules of heaven and earth.

But, the rules of heaven and earth must adapt to his existence in turn!

This is... the heaven and the earth!

The most terrifying catastrophe of the heavens.

"Your power, is this the only way?"

God Emperor looked at Chu Madman and said lightly.

"Oh, this battle is really exciting!"

The madman Chu's eyes burned with the intent to fight. There is no doubt that this battle is the most thrilling battle in his life.

In the past, he has always been a crushing posture, singing and advancing.

Available now.

He turned it around, feeling like he was going to be crushed by the emperor.

But he has no fear.

The opposite of.

Every cell in his body was trembling with excitement.

"Citizens of the Kingdom of God! Give me your power!"

The madman of Chu gave a soft drink.

In an instant.

The cultivators of the Pangu Kingdom of God, the power in their bodies poured out one after another, injected into the Mad Man Chu's body, allowing his aura to rise steadily.

soon almost broke through the limit of dominance.

"The power of the kingdom of God that has never been seen before."

There was a strange color in the eyes of the **** emperor.

As he raised his hand, the flow of the **** emperor turned, condensed in the palm of his palm and turned into a golden ball of light, slamming it directly at Madman Chu.

This trick is unremarkable.

But the power of the divine emperor's aura condensed by the light ball is unusually strong. If the light ball bursts open, its power is enough to destroy dozens of universes.

Faced with such a mighty force.

The madman of Chu took a deep breath, and the Three Thousand Dao Principles flowed.

"The eye of the candle dragon, the silence of heaven and earth!"

In his eyes, a dark golden light flashed by.

The power of the candle dragon erupts, and the magical power of time reappears!

The powerful force of time spread out, covering the world.

The golden ball of light stagnated for a moment under the power of time.

"Good luck trip, come out!"

Chu madman's heart moved.

The good fortune cauldron flew out and smashed into the golden ball of light, originating the power of the supreme treasure, bombarding the power of the emperor, and the burst of power instantly collapsed this world, and even the origin of good fortune connected to the cauldron was trembling.

After the loud noise.

The sky is full of energy and divine light.

The madman Chu looked at the divine emperor who was still unscathed on the opposite side, and was not disappointed. With a heartbeat, the sword ding came out and attacked again.

at the same time.

He changed the method of freedom, and he used it to the fullest.

Various magical powers were displayed in his hands. Among them, there are ancient magical powers, as well as the magical methods of the new era, which are emerging in endlessly.

But what kind of attack is innocence.

is difficult to break the defense of the **** emperor's body and spirit of the emperor.

With this defense alone, the Emperor is almost invincible.

is extremely scary.

Chu Madman has encountered such an opponent for the first time.

However, he had already anticipated the power of the emperor, and he was not surprised.


I saw Chu Madman's heart move.

Pieces of Hongmeng Treasures flew out from his body.

There are hundreds of thousands!

The madman of Chu manipulated thousands of treasures with the heart of ten thousand weapons, and attacked madly towards the emperor. The splendor of the treasures exploded, illuminating the universe.

"Damn, where did he get so many treasures."

"This guy has this hand."

Everyone exclaimed.

You need to know that a piece of Hongmeng Supreme Treasure is a top treasure in the heavens, but the madman of Chu has used thousands of pieces to explode!

This kind of handwriting is too exaggerated.

And in the splendid brilliance of the Thousands of Treasures, the **** emperor stood in the air, and the flow of the **** emperor around him turned, only a slight ripple appeared.

But Chu Madman's attack is not over yet.

Hongmeng Zhibao blew himself up.

is the ultimate treasure!

Chu Madman took out a scarlet long blade, and UU reading threw it out.

That is, Dragon Blade.

In addition to the Dragon Slashing Blade, dozens of treasures of the same extreme level were also plundered, and the breath of these treasures resonated.

faintly formed a formation.

The Emperor of God was trapped in this formation. Before he could break the formation, those dozens of extreme treasures exploded endlessly and blew themselves again!

Boom, boom...

The whole heavens roared for it.

seems to be shaking because of this force.

"Extreme Dao Supreme Treasure, if you say self-destruction, you will explode, and there are still so many Extreme Dao Supreme Treasures that explode, how many treasures are there in Madman Chu?"

"This guy's handwriting is too exaggerated."

Everyone was stunned secretly.

Even the emperor can't help but look sideways.

In the explosion of the formation composed of dozens of extremely treasures, his defense formed by the spirit of the emperor, ripples violently.

He couldn't help it, and took two steps back.

This scene made Chu Kuangren's eyes shine brightly, "His spirit of the emperor is not indestructible, not an absolute defense!"

But the **** prince and others found it incredible.

"The God Emperor was actually repelled!"

"Oh my god, is the spirit of the **** emperor broken away?!"

"This, how is this possible?"

"The Madman Chu can actually do this!"