Chapter 10.2: It Appeared II

Bothiof usiwere confronting each other withia terrific expression oniour faces as if time hadibeen suspended.

Theisilence was suddenly shattered by a rattling sound emanating from near the front door. Footsteps rushing up theiiron staircase approached and gave the impression that they had halted in front of my room when the door was slammed powerfully.

Hakamadaaa!? Heyyyy! What time do you think it is now!?

Theilandlord from downstairs hurled an enraged yell at me.

Youreimaking such a racket that I cant sleep! The neighbors are being disturbed! If you want to scream, do it outside! Hey!?

Theilandlords shout was so loud that even though we were far from the front door, it nevertheless resonated in my ears. I cried out Excuse me in response, propelled by the intensity of the yell.

Theilandlord reacted byireturning to the lower level and shouting, For gods sake! as they stomped down the iron staircase.

Atithat point, the flickering lights reverted to their former state and the whole room brightened up. Even the TV and the fan, which hadibeen turned off, started operating simultaneously. Although everything seemed to be back to normal, the subject of my fear wasistill seated in front of me, looking as blood-soaked asiever.

W-Well forithe time being, calm down. Sonny?

Perhapsianticipating the arrival of the second wave, they lifted their hands up to their shoulders and smiled awkwardly, as if to appease me, who was all perturbed. It didnt put me at rest, though, when they grinned due to the blood stains on their face. Moreover, Iicould see the kitchen that was supposed to be behind that figure, though only faintly.

Thaticould only imply one thing. This guy, they were a human

Eveniif you told me to calm down, how could I remain calm? Having a figure like this in front of you, wouldnt it be terrifying?

Damn, I couldnt pull myself up. Translator: MadHatter

Withimy breathing erratic and my nose rasping like a cow, I fearfully looked at thatiguys face.

Iistruggled to jog my memory. Indeed they looked familiar toime.

Youiare! Enough! Youre standing on peoples bedsides! And youreicausing bizarre phenomena!

Iiwas in tears, and in desperation, I was losing my temper with the specter. In such a state, that guy scratched his head and gave me an ingratiating smile.

Ohino, Iifigured I should put on a show for you.

Whatia talkative specter. I mean

Whatido you mean by put on a show!? Does a specter even think about staging? Get out! Immediately! I begiyou, disappear! Nothing good will evericome from you hauntingime!!

Timidnessiwas no good, I had to push through with strength.

Whileirecalling Takenakas advice, I rushed to the kitchen, letting my agitation get the better of me. I opened the refrigerator roughly and microwaved the frozen rice I hadileft.

Aipair of disposable chopsticks were inserted vertically into the top of the steaming white rice after I had dumped the rice into a bowl and heavily saltediit. The chopsticks were placed in the center of the tabletop vigorously.

UmSonny? This is

Comeion, attain Buddhahood! Now! Immediately! Doiit right away!!

Orirather, pleaseirest in peace!

Despiteimy lack of confidence in my ability to exorcise aispirit, Iiwas determined to somehow make that guy attain Buddhahood. Theioutcome was obvious, though.

Hey Sonny, Iiam troubled even if you suddenly serve me a heaping pile of rice.

Theibloodiediman made no reaction to the steaming white riceion the table but looked at me again with a stunned expression on hisiface.

Iiknow, right?