Chapter 18.3: A World Without Exit III

Chapter 18.3: A World Without Exit III

You are dead, you are dead, you are dead, you are dead, you are dead, you are dead, you are dead, you are dead, you are dead, you are dead, you are dead, you are dead, you are dead, you are dead, you are dead.




The doctor sneered and clattered, shaking his head.

Hyuga approached me, extending a broken finger in the wrong direction

Before I knew it, I was rolling on the cold pipe bed, crawling on the floor, and fleeing from the hospital room, leaving the lunatic doctor and Hyuga behind.

Even my bones shrieked as every part of my body ached. I kicked the floor of the corridor with deadly force despite my state; more precisely, I should say that I was driven by the desperation that surfaced under immense pressure. No matter how much it hurt, I was compelled to move my body. To support my staggering legs, but to get as far as possible as well. While putting half of my weight on the wall, I searched for a way out of this world of madness.

Wherever you go, its futile.

Even hearing the doctors voice behind me, rife with laughter, wouldnt deter me from stopping. Because

The footsteps of Hyuga, who was dragging her flesh and blood from the hospital room, were unarguably heading toward me.

No light lay at the end of the corridor, and the blue-green light of an emergency door or the like was flickering suspiciously. I felt no presence of life at all. This was identical to the devastated hospital ward depicted on television.

Although the sound of her footsteps wasnt fast neither was I moving all that swiftly. If this kept up getting caught would eventually be inevitable. That was an ominous situation, that much I knew. Should that happen

In my mind, I pictured BADEND in red letters like a game screen.

What should I do? What could I even do?

I strained to turn my inoperative thoughts around.

Should I go somewhere and hide

Butwhere to where to hide!

Directly next to me was a door similar to the one I had just run out of but in another hospital room.

Mustering up my courage, I turned around The shadow seemingly belonging to Hyuga was still nowhere in sight.

Perhaps I could make it through

With a ray of hope, I put my hand on the door, but as soon as I noticed the nameplate of the hospital room on the wall diagonally over the door, I let go of my hand and almost lost my balance.

W-What the hell

Room 404, Hanging


The text was too disturbing that I dragged my feet to get away from it.

Something was off, what was this?

Then, as if to confirm it, I reached the hospital room a few meters away and looked up diagonally above the door as well.

Like it was a matter of course, there they were, buttons full of 4. As I stared at it, cold sweat trickled down my forehead and onto my chin at an alarming rate.

After stumbling out of the elevator, I fell to the ground in front of the nurse station and sank onto the sofa.

On the other side of the station was a staircase. I couldnt even summon up the energy to go that way anymore. No matter where I went, it would be the same anyway, because there was no access to the upper floor or the lower floor.

There was no way out.

Whatever I struggled to do, escape was futile. I was perfectly trapped. In this world of madness.

Ah I lifted both of my fists to my chest, clenching them.

If this was a dream if it was a bad dream, please wake me up. Awaken me this instant

God, Buddha, or whoever was there. Please awaken me from this nightmare.

Even so, the situation remained unchanged, despite how firmly I clutched my head and prayed. There was no sign of waking up from the dream.

The only pains that were as distinct as everlike a whisper reminding me that this was realitywere the agony in my extremities and the excruciating pain in my right eye that threatened to gouge out.

A sense of hopelessness and danger that I have never felt before. A sense of loneliness beyond the lovely expression of helplessness. When all of them merged and forcefully swelled up inside of me, I feared I would erupt at any second, and that was when it happened.

The nurse station phone rang.

My panic tolerance was at the lowest level. It was probably a good thing I didnt scream, but I had no time to brace myself for the unforeseen events that kept striking one after another, and my beating heart was at its limit. Even if I burst at once, it wouldnt be surprising.

At the counter, though, the phone kept ringing. At this timing It was the kind of production style that was typical in horror films.

In this situation it was inevitably better not to pick up the phone, no matter which way I thought about it.

I didnt want to pick it up. Even though I truly felt so from the bottom of my heart, the phone rang incessantly.

In short, this must be an indication that I should pick it up. Did this mean that it would keep ringing until I picked it up?

The fear I felt was overwhelming, perhaps I was temporarily high on everything. My pulse was throbbing overly and I was enveloped in a strange heat.

Realizing in the corner of my mind that this was the peak of panic, I reached forward with my arm and picked up the phone, drawing my body back slightly.

What was ensuing? What was coming next




[Masa is it]

That voice was
