Chapter 1120 Too late

Name:Stealing Spree Author:
Chapter 1120 Too late

From what Nakanishi-senpai said, I realized that I was looking at all of this from a different angle. Rather than the whole conflict from meddling with Ichihara Jun’s business of picking up girls, Enomoto’s interest in me was birthed by Shizu’s favorable treatment of me.

Either he’s like Inugaki, chasing her skirt but failing to even touch the hem of it or someone who just found it interesting that she could favor someone else. He’s probably aware of that cold, unbending mask of hers that she’s using to play pretty and amiable in public while immovable and unfeeling in private.

Well, more than an assumption, I could confidently say that this was really the case…

It just so happened that the encounter with Ichihara Jun pretty much coincided with the reveal of my role as the Disciplinary Officer. Although not on the same day, the interval wasn’t that long.

And that’s why I assumed it was about him rather than some other reasons. In a way, dodging conflict was really an option had I realized this earlier.

I could’ve fed Enomoto with some lies which would make him lose interest. But that’s too late now…

Upon seeing me not arguing back, Nakanishi-senpai chuckled once more to the point that the whites of her teeth became visible. She found that too amusing.

“I got you, huh? But you’re still too serious, Onoda-kun. Is that your default expression?”

“Yes. Does senpai want me to laugh along with you?”

“No. There’s no need for that. I’m just glad you didn’t continue denying it. Your admittance saved us a lot of unproductive time.”

“I have a reputation of being honest, after all. Besides, you sounded too confident that there’s no more chance of rebuttal.”

“Good choice. Now, let’s move to the main reason why I looked for you…”

All of a sudden, her tone turned solemn. The curves of her lips straightened and the previous jolly mood she was exuding became something like an illusion.

Nakanishi-senpai nudged her glasses to fix it before focusing her eyes on me, her eyelids narrowing ever-so-slightly.

As the serious air started to permeate around her, I couldn’t help but raise an inquiry.

“What’s wrong, senpai? You looked like you’re looking at a dead man.”

“That attitude is what’s wrong, Onoda-kun. You’re aware of what’s about to come yet, here you are, confidently chatting up with someone connected to the possible mastermind of it.”

This girl… She just confirmed Izumi-senpai’s information. Moreover, she also revealed that they’re aware of me being fed with information.

That means, my connection to Izumi-senpai wasn’t a secret anymore. The connection they perceived most likely didn’t point at Izumi-senpai as my girlfriend. A close friend perhaps. And that’s the same for my connection to Shizu…

If I had to guess, being seen with different girls was bringing out its effect. They couldn’t pinpoint who among them was my girlfriend. They still hadn’t arrived with the possibility that it could be all of them…

“I see. Senpai is here to check on me if I am already cowering in fear.”

“You can say that. And judging from you can still joke with me… You’re not feeling threatened.”

“What can that do? If it’s going to happen, then so be it.” I shrugged. After saying that, I turned around and started walking away.

Nakanishi-senpai didn’t call out to me. However, I could hear her rushing footsteps as she chased after me.

When I paused, she also did the same.

Whatever she wanted to do, it was probably hearing something else from me.

I contemplated for a few moments before turning around. There she was, standing too close to me. Compared to how serious she looked earlier, I could now see a hint of concern in her eyes… Her breathing also seemed irregular as though she was holding her breath longer than she should.

“Is senpai worried about me? I recall we’re not that close for me to have that privilege.” I asked.

She took half a minute before responding. And within that time, the girl probably experienced some kind of turbulent surge of emotion on how she should answer that.

“You’re correct. I’m not worried. Who will be when you’re looking this confident? I’m just going to remind you again, Onoda-kun. Steer clear of all this trouble.”

“That’s already too late, isn’t it? Oh, right. Please tell Enomoto-senpai to show his face next time. I’d rather not trouble you, senpai. Who knows? I might make you fall for me if we continue meeting like this.”

“This junior. That’s some otherworldly confidence you have there. Unfortunately, I’m not the one who has the final say. It’s either you’ll see me again or you’ll get to meet him.” Nakanishi-senpai was taken aback at how confident I delivered that one but as always, she reverted to her almost monotonous tone as someone else’s messenger.

Without responding to that, I turned around again and resumed leaving that place. This time, Nakanishi-senpai didn’t follow me but I heard her saying, “Run if you can’t win.”

Really… She said she was not worried but her words contradicted it.

I wonder… I’m kind of getting curious about her whole story.



As luck would have it, Itou’s message arrive as soon as I stepped inside the Club Building. With my tail gone, I easily traversed the few steps toward the room I designated.

Without knocking on the door, I pushed it open and two pairs of eyes instantly focused on me.

One instantly shone brighter than the stars in the night sky while the other simply looked on and focused on me.

“Ruki!” Misaki called my name and immediately ran up to me.

Even before I could close the door I opened, I had to make a move to catch her, otherwise, she’d hit the wall or the floor, depending on when she was going to trip herself up.

“Careful. I won’t be running away.”

As I helped the girl up, Misaki put her hand on my shoulders as support. And while laughing cutely, the girl brought up her paper fan to cover her mouth.

“Hehe… I just missed my friend. You’re hard to catch even if you’re only two classes away. Shall I give you the nickname Elusive Ruki?”

“No. Anything but a nickname that sounds like a special ability.”

“What about Sneaky? That’s a great nickname if I must say so…”

This girl should be stopped with nicknames. Where did she pick that up anyway?

“Misaki… Just call me Ruki. I like it best if you call me by name.” I put on a smile which made the girl’s mood instantly soar.

And with the same glittering eyes, she nodded her head multiple times as she fanned herself which blew away the fringes covering her wide forehead.

“Oh! Agreed. Using your name is the best… It shows how close we are.”

To keep her mood lifted, I agreed to it before placing my hand on top of her head and caressing it endearingly.

The girl instantly found herself comfortable with it. She also stepped forward, her arm on my shoulder hooking to the back of my neck as she pressed herself closer for a hug. However, she had to tiptoe for doing that.

I was about to slightly lower my body for her convenience when the other girl in the room walked toward us. “Onoda, do you still remember what you said earlier?