Chapter 93: First battle(1)

Chapter 93: First battle(1)

The day dawned bright and sunny, though the air carried a crisp chill, reminding all that winter was on its way. Frost tipped the blades of grass, sparkling like tiny jewels in the morning light.

Everywhere, men moved with aim in mind . Soldiers and laborers alike hurried to and fro, their breath visible in the cold air. The clang of hammers and the creak of wooden beams filled the air . Horses whinnied in their enclosures, sensing the heightened tension and excitement around them, as the squires brought them out of there .

The camp, spread across the gentle slope of the hill, was a hive of activity. Tents flapped in the breeze, their colors muted by a layer of frost. Smoke rose from numerous campfires, where cooks prepared hearty meals to sustain the troops.The battle was finally imminent, and a light meal was being prepared for the soldiers. As they readied themselves for the fight, those with armor began to don their protective gear, while those without prayed fervently to the Mother for mercy and the Warrior for strength.

"Please raise your arm, sir," a small voice belonging to a boy spoke as he laced the arm brace to Alpheo's arm.

"Did you ready the breakfast?" Alpheo asked, stretching his neck and rolling his shoulders.

"I have informed the cooks," ratto replied, bringing his face up to stare at the mercenary captain, who was barely older than him. "Are you anxious, sir?"

"Am I that easy to read?" Alpheo responded with a smile and a deep breath. "I would be a fool not to be. Anything could happen at any moment. A man's fortune or fall can come without a second's notice, as swords are blind in the midst of bloodlust and madness"

Seeing his trusted lieutenants, Alpheo nodded silently, acknowledging their presence .

"Take your posts and organize the men to take their positions," he instructed, his voice calm but authoritative.

Jarza gave a sharp nod, his face set with resolve as he turned on his heel and headed towards his assigned area. Clio, his long hair, which he let grew after gaining back his freedom, tied back and his armor gleaming in the sunlight, shot Alpheo a quick smile before striding off to rally the troops. Asag, gave a groan of acknowledgment before marching off to his own command.

As they separated, each going to fulfill their duties, Alpheo watched them for a moment, feeling a surge of pride for the people he had come to rely on so heavily. "Good luck," he called after them, his voice carrying a note of genuine sincerity.

The banners fluttered in the breeze, displaying the colors of their faction with pride. Alpheo's gaze swept over the scene, taking in the disciplined ranks and the determined faces of his soldiers. He could hear the distant sound of commands being issued, the creak of leather and metal, and the muted murmur of prayers.

"This is my lot," Alpheo thought to himself. He felt a mixture of pride and responsibility. The path he had chosen was fraught with danger and uncertainty, but it was also filled with the chance to land higher in that ladder , striving for a future beyond the battlefield—this was his destiny.

The horse whinnied softly as he approached, recognizing its master. Alpheo patted its neck, feeling the powerful muscles beneath the smooth coat, and murmured a few calming words.

With practiced ease, Alpheo placed his foot in the stirrup and swung himself up into the saddle. He settled comfortably, adjusting his sword at his side and taking the reins in his hands,it was time to go.