Several major events have recently taken place in Nissberg, the capital of the Horn Bay League.

First, the visiting wife and sister of the Duke of Eaton, Lady Fanny, was kidnapped, which almost caused various agreements that had been negotiated between the Horn Bay Alliance and the Eaton Mansion to fall through. Fortunately, the gangster who hijacked the baroness was stopped by Eaton's royal guards when he tried to leave Nessberg, and rescued baroness Fanny who had been jailed for several days, and the negotiations between the two countries continued. It's just that the specific identity of the gangster is still a mystery, and Eaton has not disclosed it to the outside world.

Then there was the wolf howling incident that day. The wolves in the forest outside the city suddenly howled collectively in the middle of the night, which reminded many locals of the ancient legend a hundred years ago. If you don't obey, you will be taken away by wolves. Fortunately, the wolf cubs only howled twice and did not attack the human village as described in the legend.

But there are still some unlucky people. Several pedestrians and their horses who were on their way in the middle of the night were killed by wolves, and only a skeleton was left after being torn apart. Judging from their remaining clothes and armor, they should belong to the church. Knight, found traces of large-scale wolf pack activities in the area near them.

In order to appease the panic-stricken people and business travelers, both the city hall and the church issued a reward task, summoning adventurers to hunt wolves outside the city. For a time, adventurers from all over the city gathered in Nessberg, and the wolves outside the city would be in trouble.

Another big event is that the Horn Bay Alliance has sent invitations to many countries in the region, inviting their rulers to hold a multi-country conference in Niceburg. A series of political and economic cooperation will be reached during the conference. The conference is currently being intensively prepared.

Quiller clearly felt that his father's smile was increasing recently.

The Marquis of Foster was of course happy. The wife and sister of the Duke of Eaton had been found. At first, the council was worried that the Duke's family would just leave, but now it seems unnecessary. The Duke of Eaton continued to stay in Nessberg to start various negotiations with the council, and Ping will participate in the multinational conference to be held later.

What is particularly important is that the Duke of Eaton hated the church. He was hesitant and indecisive about the cooperation between the two countries against the church before. However, when the new round of talks between the two sides began, the Duke directly cursed at the church. During the meeting, the Grand Duke revealed two points. What happened to bǎngjià’s wife and sister was exactly what the church did. It seems that the plan of the Jiaowan Alliance to unite countries to prepare to fight against the church has been leaked. However, he was not ready to join the alliance yet, and the church actually used this low-handed method to deal with him.

The young and energetic Archduke Eaton was directly angered, and decided to stand with the alliance without hesitation, and prepared to work with the alliance in the next multinational meeting to urge the rulers of various countries to resist the church.

However, due to various reasons, the principality of Eaton has not revealed the gangster case to the outside world. The church is behind the scenes.

The members of the Alliance Council couldn't help being overjoyed, the church really shot itself in the foot. Plans leaked? Leaks are leaks, anyway, the increasing conflict between the two sides is already a semi-public matter.

The pressure on official affairs has eased, and Marquis Foster began to turn his attention to his own private affairs. He also took time to meet with Quake and several business representatives, and praised all the products in the Northwest. He hoped to further strengthen the Cooperation.

Several business representatives were flattered, it was the first time they saw such a high-status nobleman, although in Jiaowan, as long as they had money, they could get a noble title for themselves, but this time they were interviewed by a member of the Alliance Council , the high level of the country who holds real power.

They enthusiastically fawned over the Marquis, flattered him lamely with the few words they had just learned in Angular, and embarrassed Captain Quick who was accompanying him.

Several business representatives were immersed in the alternate cycle of happiness and loss during these days. They inspected the business industry in Niceburg in detail. The happiness is that the business opportunities here are so huge, and the loss is the business environment in the Northwest Gulf. I don't know how many years behind here.

After staying in Nessburg for five days, Captain Quick decided to return. Everyone hoped to return to the Northwest Bay before the end of the year. Although Jiaowan was prosperous, it was not their hometown after all. It was more comfortable to spend the holidays in their hometown.

"Ladi, are you really unwilling to stay by my side? Jiaowan is also your hometown after all. I heard that the northwest bay..."

In the back garden of the Eaton embassy, ​​Grand Duchess Helen once again persuaded her junior to stay.

Ladi came to say goodbye, and the next day she and her mother would leave Jiaowan on the South.

"I'm already Earl Greyman's advisor. It's really irresponsible to leave after only a few months. And the atmosphere here..."


Helen sighed. She knew that the other party was referring to the oppression of the church. Even if they were her own sisters, they dared to attack, so why would anyone else dare not I won’t force you to stay anymore, Now that you have found your own life, cherish it. "

"Thank you, senpai. Be careful yourself."

"Well, I have my own measure."

"Sister Ladi!"

A pink little girl ran over, calling Ladi in a childish voice.

"Here comes our little Fanny!"

Ladi picked up the little girl, turned around, and kissed her tender little cheek.

Fanny said coquettishly: "My sister said you are leaving. Don't leave, stay with me, okay?"

Helen made a serious face: "Fanny, don't mess around. Sister Ladi has her own things to do."

Seeing the little girl's reluctance, La Di stroked her head and said, "I will come back to see you, you have to obediently listen to my sister."

After the opening of the route between Northwest Bay and Jiaowan, there will be more opportunities to go back and forth between the two places, and taking a boat is safer and faster than taking a land route.

"Yeah." Fanny nodded obediently.

Because she was gangjià this time, she caused a lot of troubles for her sister and brother-in-law, and sacrificed the lives of more than a dozen guards. This left Fanny with a lot of psychological shadow, and she was always blaming herself in her heart.

Although the other party's methods were unexpected, she also had her own reasons: Out of curiosity, she secretly experimented with her strange abilities without telling her sister, but was accidentally found out by someone with a heart.

After playing with Fanny in the back garden for a while, Ladi said goodbye to Helen.

"You still have a group of adventurer friends who want to say goodbye, are they the companions you used to adventure together?"

"Yes, everyone has made an appointment to have dinner tonight."

"Go, I will see you off at the pier tomorrow morning."

Helen reluctantly sent Ladi out of the embassy in person.