Chapter 350: Line up at sea to shoot three

Under the command of the leader Zod, the pirate's V-shaped fleet quickly headed due north.

However, after driving for a certain distance, Nathan, who was in charge of observing the Northwest Fleet, discovered something was wrong.

"Leader Zod, the opponent's actions seem a little strange! They seem to be turning to our north instead of the south port! It seems... seems to be... intercepting us?"

"What?" The pirate leader was taken aback. "Could it be that the other party found us? At such a long distance?"

Nathan lowered his head and fell into deep thought. It seemed that the Northwesterners had discovered them. Could it be that there were also spellcasters on their ship who were good at long-distance detection?

He immediately raised his head and said: "Give up the plan of flanking! Leader Zod, immediately formulate a new tactic!"

Zod raised his fist and waved fiercely: "Hmph! Then let's have a face-to-face duel!"

Under his command, the pirate fleet began to turn left and formed two rows of nine warships in each row.

By the time the pirate fleet has been deployed, the two sides can already see each other with the naked eye.

"Brothers! Kill those cowardly landlubbers! Let them know who is the master of the sea!"

Zod stood at the bow of the ship and shouted to his subordinates on the deck who were eager to fight. The flagship he was riding was in the middle of the first row.

The leader's encouragement made the minions enthusiastic and screamed. When other ships saw the situation on the flagship, they beat drums in response. All kinds of slogans and shouts of killing resounded across the sea.

The oarsmen tried their best to operate the oars, pushing the ship towards the Northwest Fleet.

Zod, Nathan, and a group of leaders stood at the bow of the ship and stared at their opponents intently, and the distance between the two sides was getting closer.

"Inconceivable! Their masts are built so high."

"Yes, if the wind is stronger, won't the ship capsize?"

The chiefs looked at the sailboats of the Northwest Fleet and commented.

"Put all your attention on the battle that is about to begin! Although the opponent is a rookie, have you forgotten the truth that lions must use their full strength to hunt rabbits?"

Zod was quite dissatisfied. It's really embarrassing for these idiots under him to dare to be distracted when the battle is about to start, especially in front of the mage.

Nathan looked at the scene in front of him with a smile.

The pirate leader was about to continue to teach his subordinates a few words, when someone shouted: "Boss, look!"

"What?" The pirate leader who was interrupted was very upset, but he still turned his attention to the Northwest Fleet diagonally opposite.

His mouth turned into an O shape, and an incredible scene was happening—the Northwest Fleet, which was heading towards them in column, turned around, one ship after another, and the new direction was... the south?

The Northwest Fleet is heading south, and the Pirate Fleet is heading west. If you draw a straight line according to their driving directions, they must intersect at a certain point.

At this time, although the direction of the Northwest Fleet has changed, it still maintains the neat column before.

Zod's mind was full of question marks and even shock. Don't these big-minded Gulf fellows know that their vulnerable flanks are completely exposed to the enemy's attack direction?

They didn't seem to want to take evasive action, just like a wild beast opening its weak abdomen to the hunter, the two sides continued to sail like this, the terrible ramming angle on the pirate warships could poke big holes in those warships with big bellies , and then sank to the bottom of the sea.

"Crazy! A bunch of crazy! Oh, maybe it should be called a fool."

Zod couldn't help sighing.

"Captain Zod, what's wrong with that fleet?"

Nathan didn't know much about the situation at sea, so he couldn't help but be curious about Zod's reaction.

The pirate leader explained to Nathan.

Nathan grinned: "Ha, maybe they are planning to escape to the south with the north wind after seeing the reality of our fleet."

"It's possible." Zod suddenly realized, "After all, in terms of numbers, we have 18 ships, while they only have 12. They didn't see clearly before, and they didn't know that the high ground was thick to intercept us. But..."

There was a grin on his face: "The other party's commander is obviously very strong. With their current speed, they can't escape my palm."

The pirate leader roared: "Signal to all ships, speed up!"

The drums on the pirate ships became more and more urgent, the oars moved faster, and the oarsmen's chant even penetrated the deck and ship walls.

The cabin deck of the Unicorn is also where its second row of artillery is deployed. One cannon points to the sea through the square gun port. It was very quiet here, only the beating of the sea was heard, and the sailors on each emplacement held their breath, watching the pirate fleet in the distance.

The gunnery officer silently felt the shaking of the ship, and turned to the tall candidate student beside him: "The wind and waves are not strong today, and we can fire when the opponent is 300 meters away from us. The standard T-shaped advantage, commanded by Tirpitz The officer must love these pirates."

Allen nodded vigorously, trying to engrave the current feeling of bumps in his mind.

To be honest, his situation is a bit complicated now. Nervousness, fear, longing, excitement, all kinds of emotions are mixed together, making his heart beat thumping. Although the chilly sea breeze kept pouring in from the gun port, sweat continued to ooze from his body.

I have never experienced such an exciting scene before. Since joining the navy, Allen has had two experiences related to "war". But he and several other cadets were not allowed to participate, and they were locked in the captain's room for a night of depression. The second time was during the War of the Usher. Liu Ershang was in charge of a frontal feint attack, and the Yuwei garrison only had a few ballistas The navy's artillery directly crushed the opponent.

It was the first time in his military career that he faced the enemy tit-for-tat on the vast sea like today.

The distance between the two fleets was only a few hundred meters, and Nathan sat on the **** of the pirate flagship, quietly waiting for the drama to begin.

"Then, before the main show begins, let me play the prelude!"

He skillfully took out several substances, mixed them together, put them in the palm of his right hand, and then lifted them forward.

At the same time, he sang an unknown sentence in his mouth. This sentence was like poetry but not poetry, like song but not song, but it had an indescribable rhythm.

Accompanied by an unknown chant, a thin flame suddenly ignited on Nathan's right hand, but it didn't kill him in the slightest. Then, the flames grew bigger and bigger, and finally converged into a fireball. At this time, Nathan's right hand still didn't show any signs of damage.

The young spellcaster's eyes lit up slightly, "O fire elf, convey my will!"

The fireball whizzed away from his right hand and flew straight ahead.

Almost at the same moment, the Northwest Fleet on the opposite side was suddenly enveloped in a burst of white smoke!

Steel, guns and the industrial party across the world ww.13168/