Chapter 24: This is definitely not a confession

"Is there no school in Maca City?" Although Bai Zishi wanted to see the appearance of Yacheng, which is called the dream city in this world, he was still hesitant, and he has been staying in Maca City since he woke up. In this strange world, he finally found a slightly familiar place. To be honest, he still has some fears about leaving here and does not know where the future lies.

"Yes." Vincent lowered his eyes, "However, the school I recommend to you is a very special school - Olivier College."

"Olivan?" Bai Zishi thought of the tooth orc in the sub-city that was established, "Is this school established by Olivan David?"

"Yes, he established this school when he was old. After his death, Oliwen's descendants opened courses on stone gambling in the academy. Up to now, the relationship between Olivan College and the Stone Gambler Guild Good, ten graduates can be recommended to join the club every year. Stone Gambler is a very honorable profession in this world. Every Asian orc who wins the title of Stone Gambler is not only accurate in the vision of stone gamblers, but also must be of high moral character People. Stone Gamblers have the priority to buy wool in the Stone Gambler Guild. When you have made enough contributions to the guild, you can even go to the mining area to choose, or even buy at a discount. Not only these, the identity of the Stone Gambler comes with There are more potential benefits for the sub-orcs. Therefore, Olivier College is basically the academy that every sub-orc wants to enter."

"Is he a professional school that teaches stone gambling?" Bai Zishi was really surprised.

"No, not only, Olivier College is very big, with ten branches in total, Gambling Stone College is one, and others include School of Management, School of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, School of Economics, School of Medicine, School of Letters, School of Performance, School of Education, School of Wenzhou Langyuan. Olivier College ranks No. 1 in comprehensive strength among higher education institutions in mainland China."

Other colleges are fine, but... "What does Wenlang College teach?" Bai Zishi was a little curious.

Vincent glanced at him, and explained calmly: "The name of Wenlangyuan is the Companion Academy. There are many things taught in it, but there is only one purpose, which is to make the sub-orcs in the academy become the dream companions of the orcs on the road."

what…? There is such a branch? ! Bai Zishi choked a little.

Vincent looked at Bai Zishi's wide-eyed, round-eyed clothes in astonishment, raised the corners of his mouth in a happy mood, and jokingly said, "Do you want Bai Zishi to enter Wenlangyuan?"

Into partner school? No, never! Bai Zishi shook his head vigorously: "I don't want to enter that friend academy!" He is a man! real man!

"Hehe..." Vincent laughed lightly at his reaction, and the low, purely masculine laughter that vibrated from his chest made Bai Zishi's face inexplicably hot.

"Well...Since Olivier College is so famous, it is impossible for me to get in. I didn't even go to elementary school or secondary college, so how could I directly enter Olivan College! Impossible."

"Since I recommended it to you, you just need to consider whether to go or not." Vincent looked at Bai Zishi softly, "I hope you can think about it in these five days, Bai...I want you Come with me."

Is this... what does it mean? Confession? Yay... Pooh... It can't be a confession, Bai Zishi, don't forget your age in people's hearts! Also, don't think that when you come to a world where all the people are gay, you will understand everything other people say! Bai Zishi, who warned himself fiercely in his heart, had no idea that the tips of his ears were quietly turning red.

Vincent stared at Bai Zishi's pink ears involuntarily. He seemed calm on the surface, but only Vincent knew how much he wanted to pull the little orc man across from him and hug him tightly. Then he would hold that small and white ear and tease wantonly. At that time, Bai's face must be full of a faint blush, maybe there will be a little resistance like wanting to tickle, and he will send out a weak, like A voice like pleading...

Gudong... Vincent's Adam's apple slipped, and then he forced himself to look away, and the face of the little thing on the opposite side became more and more red.

Bai Zishi only felt that the eyes of the orc on the opposite side were too deep. When he looked at him, the darkness inside made people unable to see through at all. A deep danger made him break the increasingly weird atmosphere: "That ...Vincent, I am very grateful that you have thought so much about me. However, I cannot go to Olivier College. I can't find a reason for myself to accept such a precious gift from you." Besides, such a college can make people feel uncomfortable. Although Bai Zishi doesn't know the specifics about the status of a person who can go to school after passing the exam, in Yacheng or even on this continent, he also knows that it must be unusual. Vincent, I know almost nothing about you, and I don't know where your great affection for me came from from the very beginning. You like this make me feel grateful and wary.

Vincent seemed to see through his anxiety, the orc lowered his eyes, supported his head with one arm, and stared at Bai Zishi with his deep eyes: "Bai, you don't need to think so much, because I don't care too much. Not for nothing."

Want something? Bai Zishi looked at Vincent in astonishment. Apart from the sensory ability that only he knows, does he have any other specialties that are helpful to others?

"Bai, I hope you can participate in a competition in three years' time. It's about the emerald rough." Vincent continued.

Bai Zishi was startled: "Why me? I'm just a rookie!" Why did Vincent choose me? Did he know my sensitivity to jade? Impossible, there is only one day, and I am not the only one who has been lucky enough to bet on stones for the first time in such a long time. what is it?

"Bai, although you are just a newcomer, you have advantages that many people don't have." Vincent raised his eyes and looked at the stone-dissolving machine where Bai Zishi was dumbfounded just now, and the noise over there was mixed with regret. Passed it over: "Hey~~ I didn't expect it to be a vicious crack, and it has penetrated the entire emerald. The seed of this emerald is almost reaching the glass seed. What a pity... these cracks!"

The corners of Vincent's lips curled up, and he still remembered the regretful expression in Bai's eyes: "Bai, tell me, why don't you like that piece of wool?"

that piece? which one? ! Bai followed Vincent's line of sight, and he immediately realized that it was the piece of wool with cracks on the surface. He was shocked, but he didn't expect it to be a look, but what did Vincent think? What about? Also, how did Vincent see it by such a coincidence... Could it be that he has been...

Bai Zishi considered his tone and said, "I can't say it well, I just think that if it were me, I would definitely not buy it."

Vincent smiled: "That's why I chose you. Bai, all stone gamblers believe that there is such a thing as luck in this world. I think you are the one who has this kind of good luck. The eyesight experience of stone gamblers are all It can be increased slowly, good luck alone is invisible and intangible, it all depends on nature.”

What Vincent said, on the contrary, made Bai Zishi heave a sigh of relief. It turned out that he attributed all this to the path of good luck: "But Vincent, you also know that the path of luck can be seen but not touched. If I am in a competition What should I do when my luck just runs out?"

"Always try." Vincent said calmly, "If this is really the case, then I won't just make this plan."

Hey, hey, you might as well plan that one from the beginning! Bai Zishi still felt that he was weak: "This competition should be very important to you. I'm afraid I can't do it well. I still feel that I can't agree." He shook his head, always feeling that he was still honest in the city of Maca. It is more cost-effective to stay.

Vincent's eyes showed helplessness and sighs. This little orc man is really special. If someone else heard that he could enter Olivier College, he would definitely accept it eagerly. Nothing to do with the competition. But it is precisely because of this that whiteness is whiteness, and one can keep one's heart in the face of great temptations and choose the life one wants independently.

It's a pity, Bai, I can't let you get further and further away from me. Vincent reached out to hold Bai Zishi's hand, his expression softened, mixed with a touch of affection and a little regret: "Bai, can't you go to Yacheng with me for such a reason?"

Bai Zishi is in a dilemma. To be honest, the attraction of Yacheng is not so great. If he can come to this planet, why doesn’t Bai Zishi want to take over the scenery of this planet? Besides, entering Oliwen’s gambling stone courtyard can also cover up his love for jadeite. Sensitivity, this is what he cares most about and is most afraid of others knowing. However, this planet is too strange and too dangerous for him, so that he feels that living alone is the most comfortable and safe. There was also the kind of restlessness and unknown future from Vincent that made Bai Zishi afraid to step forward, always feeling that once he agreed, some huge changes would happen in the future.

"If you say that I don't want to be separated from you except for the competition, I want to see you from time to time, so can you consider going with me?"

Vincent's voice was mellow and magnetic, but Bai Zishi froze on the spot for an instant——

Vincent, does this mean god-horse-? ! This is not a confession, not a confession, not a confession, definitely not a confession! !