Chapter 102: contract

When this sentence was asked, Bai Zishi was startled at first, and suddenly turned to look at Vincent. His lover's black eyes were full of tolerance and tenderness. Bai Zishi just looked at him, his eyes full of inexplicable things, Vincent Te didn't move, just hugged him gently, and let him look at him like this.

After a long time, Bai Zishi suddenly let out a long sigh of relief, as if he had removed a big rock that was pressing on his heart. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he rested his head on Vincent's arm, and recognized it easily: "Yes, as long as I touch the wool, I can sense whether there is jade in it, and even estimate the quality of jade. The surprise in Vincent's eyes flashed past, and he heard his lover sigh with a smile: "It feels so much more comfortable to be able to say it."

The exclamation in the words made Vincent couldn't help rubbing a lot of pity in his eyes. Bai must have been under a lot of pressure. If this ability is known in the Boya Continent, what a storm it will cause, and how much Bai will be punished. People plunder and squeeze. He asked himself, if he had known about this from the very beginning, he might not be able to bear the great attraction of Bai Lili.

Thinking of this, Vincent couldn't help but solemnly warned: "Bai, don't tell anyone about this matter again, no one is allowed."

Bai Zishi was very shocked. In fact, he had already made preparations long before he said it. Vincent is the younger brother of the lord of Yacheng. In Yacheng, the Karen family's status is completely equivalent to the royal family in ancient China. Besides, Yacheng has reached this point, even if he told Kuroro about his ability, Bai Zishi felt that he could understand it. Of course, it's another story to say what you feel in your heart. But now, Vincent's first reaction was to let him hide it.

Sensing his emotional fluctuations, Vincent showed a slightly bitter expression for the first time: "I know your ability is very useful for the current Yacheng, but... Bai, I can't tell you about your ability. I can’t do it for Kuroro. Kuroro was educated to focus on Asian cities since he was a child. This is his entire outlook on life. He puts Asian cities first in almost everything he does. I can imagine If my sister finds out about this, the first thing he will do is to send you to the emerald mining area, and let you appraise the wool every day. You can’t even cheat—no matter what method you use— ---Even if I beg him."

"Bai, promise me, don't let anyone notice your ability, don't let anyone use this to hurt you." Vincent's tone was very sincere, and Bai Zishi could understand his concerns. Lolo, on the other hand, is himself. Vincent is responsible for both aspects. If there is a conflict between the two, then Vincent, who is in the middle, will definitely be embarrassed and painful.

Holding his lover's face and kissing his lips, Bai Zishi smiled: "I have never been a kind and selfless person. I just want to enjoy life and be with you in my limited life. You Don't worry, no one will know about this except you."

"Yeah." Vincent smiled. Speaking of it, his partner has such abilities, which is really a good thing for him. After looking at it, he is still a serious partner. The orc gave Bai a deep and lingering kiss, "However, now I'm going to squeeze you hard. The advancement of the ninth-level hunter requires a lot of emeralds!"

Bai Zishi gave him a sideways look: "Don't talk nonsense." Vincent smiled, and rubbed the bridge of his nose affectionately at the other party, finally Bai Zishi couldn't help but smile too. No matter how much you worry, you have to live your life day by day. Don't miss the scenery around you because of things that haven't happened yet.

Bai Zishi rented a set of stone analysis tools outside, and untied a few pieces of wool found in the small yard where the hotel where they complained. I have to say that the quality of these unmined jadeites is really good. , a total of six pieces of wool, the worst is a piece of water-type jadeite, and two of them are glass-type. Of course, they are all just the floating green of the glass kind, which is far less precious than full green. However, the unraveled jade still made Vincent very obsessed for a while, and then thought that it was an energyless jade, and felt very sorry in his heart. It would be great if the evolved jade could last for a long time.

However, the law does not allow this situation. Sighing, Vincent turned sideways and wrapped Bai Zishi into his arms, not thinking about it anymore.

Because he found an emerald mine, Vincent felt that there was no need to search any more. One year was not a long time, and it was already a great thing to find one. If you find more, it will be conspicuous. Therefore, the rest of the time was used by the orcs for private purposes and used as travel time for the two of them.

As a rare flying-type orc, Vincent's speed can be described as fast. They went to many famous cities, saw the customs there, and experienced different styles of life. Bai Zishi felt very happy. The reason why he was willing to come out of Maca City was because he wanted to see the appearance of this different world. He didn't get it from books, but experienced it himself. Now, because of Vincent, this wish can be easily realized.

The shadow of premature death has faded by half, and experts say that his body is gradually changing. Sooner or later, he will become like other sub-orcs on this road----except weaker. Bai Zishi couldn't say how he felt when he heard such words. He was being assimilated, and the essence of the precious body given to him by his mother planet and his parents was changed.

But... Bai Zishi smiled: I will never forget where my roots are. Even if one day I completely become a person from another planet, my thoughts and concerns will always be on that blue planet called Earth. There is a red country called 'China' there.

A year later, Bai Zishi and Vincent returned to Yacheng as agreed, and gave Kuroro a satisfactory answer. To be honest, Kuroro never thought that the two of them could even play together to create an emerald mine. . Moreover, looking at the geographical location of this emerald mine, although it is not close to Yacheng, it is not in the territory of any tribe. Yacheng is in the middle of Boya. Although there is only one city, the ten tribes dare not openly invade many places around Yacheng. As a result, there have been many autonomous areas that don't matter. Generally, as long as there is no eleventh tribe, the finances of these areas are also completely autonomous. Of course, there are many places that depend on Yacheng for survival. And the place where they found the emerald mine was just such a city that relied on Yacheng in many places.

Of course, this answer sheet did not let Ku Luoluo let Bai Zishi go, and the jadeite jewelry industry has to be put on the agenda. Of course, this is what Bai Zishi likes to do the most. Touching the tools made from the blueprints in his memory, a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Guys, long time no see." Fading in his mind, but the gap between his body now and before is not even a star. He didn't rush to carve right away, but practiced some basic knife skills on some scrap materials.

Of course, this is not purely his own work, Bai Zishi also undertakes the function of a professor. All the people are selected from the Stone Gamblers Federation, which is very reliable. They also knew about the crisis in the emerald mine. After signing the non-disclosure agreement, they came to practice carving with Bai Zishi, starting from the most basic.

In addition to familiarizing himself with his skills, Bai Zishi also made other preparations—design drawings. Of course, the emerald design also needs to incorporate local elements. If you copy and paste, the meanings represented by some patterns simply don’t exist in the Boya Continent. Therefore, recently he drew on many myths and legends about Boya, customs and habits, and finally designed 24 basic graphics. Then I started to practice continuously.

Emerald carving is not an easy task. But calm down and watch the beautiful carvings being carved out of your own beauty one by one in your own hands, it is really a very, very pleasant enjoyment. The satisfaction and happiness of creation are deposited in jadeite, endowing him with a true soul and releasing the unique charm of jadeite. This is the work of a sculptor, which is very romantic and beautiful.

The apprentices were repeating the monotonous and dry basic skills training every day, and they didn't see Bai Zishi making any achievements, so some gossips naturally arose. They were originally respected stone gamblers of the Stone Gambler Association But now he can only use a knife in a confined space to paint on the scraps in a boring way.

Bai Zishi noticed this situation, and then he only did one thing. An emerald tag engraved with the figure of "dove flowers with fairy birds" was given to Kendi who was the most willing to work hard and the most talented among the apprentices. The dove flower cluster is the flower that represents "loyal and unswerving love" in the legend of Boya Continent. It is not aggressive and very beautiful. It has the companion animal "Spirit Bird", which is small and compact, but very aggressive. He will never leave the dove flower bush in his life. When the dove flower dies, he will die with him. Similarly, when the elf bird dies, the dove flower will all wither at the same time as his death.

It is a very, very beautiful jadeite pendant, without any traces of carving with a knife, as if the jadeite was born like this, the dove flower and the elf bird are lifelike, the bird stands on the dove flower branch, slightly crooked With his head open and his mouth open, his eyes are bright and joyful, and he seems to be making crisp calls. The flowers seem to be swaying in the wind, echoing the beautiful birdsong. It is as beautiful as a picture scroll in front of him. The whole body of the emerald is light green, only the bird's eye is dark green, and the whole emerald seems to be alive. This is exactly the natural carving method that Bai Zishi is good at.

As soon as the pendant was taken out, the apprentices who saw it were almost stunned. They never thought that these boring and useless knife-handling methods they were practicing now could make such beautiful and delicate things after they learned it. After the good jade comes out of the original, the dazzling brilliance is enough to attract people, but now, after careful carving, the jade is even more beautiful. The most important thing is that jade has always been exclusive to orcs. It is not that no sub-orcs like the cold and noble appearance of jade. However, everyone knows what is more important. Many people even collect some low-grade jadeite as collectibles at home. When jadeite products come out, I believe that countless sub-orcs will be tempted.

Bai Zishi was very satisfied with this deterrent, these apprentices no longer had any doubts, they studied earnestly and focused every day, and made rapid progress. Half a year later, Bai Zishi was able to hand over some very simple small pendants to them for carving.

They are all rushing to work, and the jade store is about to open. In half a year, Bai Zishi has carved a lot of pendants. As for large bracelets and ornaments, there are none. This is in consideration of people's acceptance-many of the pendants here are high-quality jadeites, all of them have certificates issued by the Stone Gambler Association-these jadeites are discarded jadeites (that is, quality Good, but there are cracks in the jadeite after unraveling, which leads to the loss of energy), and the discarded jadeite is usually damaged by cracks, and it is difficult to have a large piece of jadeite completed. From a certain point of view, it is also a good thing, at least those jadeites that were originally thrown away or sold at low prices for other people's collections have come into use again.

After the finished jade jewelry came out, Ku Luoluo also liked it very much. Bai Zishi simply asked him to choose the one he liked, and then carved a set specially for him. Because he has long hair, Bai Zishi also carved it specially for him. I bought a hairpin to help him shape his hair into the shape of an ancient Chinese scholar's head. The effect of this way is very obvious.

Bai Zishi was stunned by Ku Luoluo's free advertisement. While hanging around to inquire about people's appetites, he bought up discarded jadeites. When people's appetites were adjusted to the highest level, he said lightly that Yacheng would open soon A jewelry store that specializes in emeralds as raw materials also accepts orders. Then there is the grand site selection and store decoration.

The early-made albums about jadeite jewelry styles have also begun to be widely publicized, and Bai Zishi's store has been known to many people before it even opened. Because Yacheng has really produced a lot of good things during this period, fashionable young people are particularly yearning for Yacheng when they mention it. New entertainment methods, greatly improved network facilities, gradually emerging diversified movies and TV dramas... More and more colorful and beautiful clothes... In short, Yacheng has led the global fashion trend.

Kuroro's plan was launched step by step, and now it seems that the effect achieved is amazing. Not to mention anything else, just say that the powerful orcs attracted by Yacheng's generous living conditions and rewards have greatly increased Yacheng's defense and attack power.

And at this urgent moment, Bai Zishi's 30th birthday is getting closer.

It was at this time that Bai Zishi felt that something was wrong with Vincent recently, as if something was hiding from him. They are old couples, and they already know each other's schedule very well. Bai Zishi easily sensed the mystery of his lover, but he didn't come back when he was supposed to come back. Gradually, not only Vincent, but also the people around him began to become strange. Many people would smile at him inexplicably brightly, and say something about working hard in the future.

What's the meaning? Hmm... But it doesn't seem like a bad thing. Bai Zishi wondered, could it be his birthday? No, what are you trying to do on your birthday? Besides, this birthday refers to the day when he came to Boya, and he never showed any expectations for this birthday. Vincent usually followed him and gave gifts. not like...

These doubts flashed in Bai Zishi's head several times, but he didn't get too deep into it after all, because he was busy with one thing now - the ring. Carving a pair of rings is the most important thing for Bai Zishi now. It took him a long time to carefully select a piece of imperial green jade from the non-evolution jade wool sent by Kuroro. The texture of the real jade is delicate and elegant. With Guan Ze, which is as transparent as glass, in the palm of your hand, the whole hand can be reflected in a beautiful green color.

No matter how much this planet admires and likes Mo Fei, in his heart, the Laokeng glass type emperor green jade always occupies the most sacred position. He and Vincent have been together for a long time, but due to their age, they have always had the status of 'fiancée'. And half a month later it will be my 30th birthday in Boya, that is to say, they can become official partners.

When the time comes, take this and propose to Vincent. This pair of rings was Bai Zishi's wish. Although Vincent may not understand this custom, it is a very important ceremony for him. Bai Zishi evoked a smile: Anyway, from the beginning, he proposed marriage in a daze.

Speaking of which, Vincent doesn't seem to have brought up the topic of formally concluding a contract once? Bai Zishi raised his brows slightly, a thought flashed through his head, and his eyes suddenly widened--could this be what he was busy with during this time? Bai Zishi knew his lover well. As he got older, Vincent became more and more possessive. He had long wanted to bind himself, but now that the time was almost up, he didn't respond, obviously not very much. normal.

After thinking about it for a while, Bai Zishi knew what Vincent was up to. surprise! He smiled with crooked eyes, looking at the two emerald rings, one big and one small, engraved with Vincent's beast-shaped figure in the box--Isn't it the same? Let's see who comes first! It must be fun to propose before being proposed. How would Vincent react?

Thinking of the fun, Bai Zishi couldn't help giggling himself.

It's really interesting. On the morning of his thirtieth birthday, Bai Zishi, who was awakened by Vincent's gentle kiss, saw his lover's uncontrollable joy at a glance, and was manipulated by Vincent like a doll. After that, Bai Zishi was taken by him to the place where the family banquet was held in Yacheng Castle on the grounds of celebrating his birthday. Pushing the door open, there were already a lot of people coming. Seeing a pair of Bi people coming in, even Kuroro, who always looked extremely majestic, smiled softly.

Walking along the way, everyone said 'congratulations' to the two of them. The whole hall was decorated in a warm and festive manner. Vincent knew what Bai Zishi liked, and the arrangement inside made Bai Zishi couldn't be more satisfied. Looking at the nervous lovers beside him, Bai Zishi smiled, his eyes full of cunning.

Vincent took a deep breath, held Bai Zishi's hand and stood in the center, with an extremely gentle smile on his handsome face, the kind of gentleness that can warm people's hearts makes people unbelievable. It will appear on Vincent who has always been cold: "Bai, today is your 30th birthday...I am very happy, sincerely happy!" At last, seven years is not a long time for them, However, he thought about it all his life.

"I'm also very happy." Bai Zishi easily interrupted Vincent. He took out the two rings in his palm and presented one of them to the other party. "I'm an adult, Vincent. From today onwards, I can say that you are my partner, and I can unceremoniously let those sub-orcs who are always drooling at you leave without listening to the words 'you are only temporary, not yet a professional partner' Already! So I'm glad...Vincent..."

Wait, isn't that right? The orc suddenly murmured in his heart.

"Marry me." Spreading his hands flat, Bai Zishi held up the ring and looked at Vincent tenderly and expectantly. He wanted to say this sentence a long time ago, although Vincent didn't know what it meant. And this line, "Let's make a partnership contract."

Sure enough... Vincent looked at his lover helplessly, was it on purpose? It was intentional! From the beginning to the present, no matter whether it is intentional or not, the one who proposes is Bai. This should be his own business, right?

However, looking at the narrow smile on his lover's face, all his helplessness turned into a doting sigh: "Really... This is obviously my line."

Although I'm not a beastman, I'm a man, so naturally I want to chase my wife, Bai Zishixin said, and then urged: "The answer, the answer!"

Vincent lowered his head and rubbed his nose bridge: "Is there a second one? My little friend."

Hey hey hey... why do you want to add a word 'small'? Bai Zishi was very dissatisfied, and the consequences were serious. He stretched out his mouth and bit Vincent's lip.

Shocking applause immediately rang out. Everyone looked at the group of lovers standing in the middle of the hall and kissing each other. A kind of heartfelt warmth arose spontaneously. Just looking at such a scene would make people feel infinite happiness.

Ten fingers intertwined, two emerald green jadeite rings radiate with each other -- life and death are in harmony with each other, and they are said to Zicheng. Hold your hand and grow old with you.

The author has something to say: the text is over~~~