Chapter183,Part2: 2 - Trust
Chapter 183 Trust?
Part 2
The key to working behind the scenes is to always remain calm and collected.
This was how the man had handled so many dangerous missions in the past. However, this time’s direction was the first time he ever saw.
He could no longer understand what was going on at all.
They were attacked by a large group of Monsters that didn’t come because of the man. Probably due to the man’s curse, multiple Dragon carcasses were found on the way. Originally, any one of the things that happened was so unexpected that it would have been enough to suspend the escort mission.
But still, the situation was turning out to be extremely favorable for the man.
In a more favorable direction than the direction that the man had assumed would work out.
When something so ununderstandable happens, even the man can’t stay calm.
Until now, Emperor――Radrick Atrum Zebrudia had always been surrounded by his Imperial Guard. That important task had never been entrusted to anyone else.
However, who would have thought...... He was informed that from tomorrow onwards, he would be mixed with the Imperial Guard and would escort the Emperor while being close by.
He first doubted his ears when he heard it from him.
The behavior of 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 was too mysterious. Leaving the escort behind and going away, and not even making a decent excuse, wasn’t something a Hunter would do.
He thought they were going to be pulled out. It was 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 who acted foolishly, but if the Leader of the Party made a mistake, it was only natural that all the Members would be affected.
As he was thinking with a difficult face,? he suddenly heard a small sound from the other side of the door. It was the sound of knockings. Before he could answer, the door opened.
The person who appeared was an old Magi with his back standing straight like a pole.
His gray hair was pulled in an all-back hairstyle, and instead of a wand, he wore a magic bracelet on both of his arms.
He was the Magi with the second-highest Hunters Level in the escort, Term Apokris, the 《Still Water (Shisui)》. He has mastered water magic, magic which tends to be seen as plain, to the utmost limit, and is one of the best magic users in the Imperial Capital. It is said that his ability is almost the same level as that of 《Abyssal Fire Destruction (Shin En Kametsu)》.
However, his expression was steeper than usual. He frowned and checked his surroundings once, then whispered to the man.
“Kecha...... It might be sudden but――――《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 might be... A member of the 『Fox (Kitsune)』.” (Term)
These were words that the man――Kechakchakka Munk had never expected to hear.
He was so shocked that it was as if he had been struck by lightning. He involuntarily opened his eyes and let out a small interrogative voice.
“Keke......?” (Kechakchakka)
“Are you surprised...... Yes, I am aware that I am talking nonsense. However, considering his unusual behavior and circumstances so far, I can only assume so. The man called Kilknight is probably one of 《Infinite Variety’s (Senpen Banka)》 henchmen he had brought with him. I should have noticed it earlier, it was so blatantly suspicious that I didn’t notice it. There is no way a guy who runs into a swarm of Monsters and slashes them while screaming “Kill, kill” is someone decent!” (Term)
Kechakchakka couldn’t say anything in front of Term Apokris who was extremely serious.
This............ Would require a change of plan.
TL notes:
Thanks for reading!
So Kechakchakka is the traitor! How dare you underestimate Cry!
You are so gonna regret that!
And Term what an epic misunderstanding you are having!
Tchao à plus!