Chapter 634: A Sunny Day Is A Good Day To Kill

Name:Stranger Danger Author:
Chapter 634: A Sunny Day Is A Good Day To Kill

“Hahaha... she’s still alive, and you will meet her very soon.”

Suddenly, the burning man looked at the crowd and let out a crazed laugh. As he laughed, his expression slowly turned gentle, attractive and seductive as if he wasn’t a man, but a gorgeous woman whose beauty could topple nations.

The next moment, a feminine voice that didn’t belong to him at all actually came out of his mouth, “Haha... we will meet again.”

“I await you all at the Death Sea...”

The feminine voice was still echoing throughout the Popularity Tower as the man finally burned into a pile of ash. It was gentle, attractive, seductive and melodious, and yet everyone was wearing an ugly look on their faces. ViiSiit novelbi/n(.)c/(o)m for latest novels

It didn’t take much imagination to figure out why. The man’s final act and the unknown woman’s words were spine-chilling to say the least. It left a bad premonition in everyone’s heart.

A moment later, someone finally mustered the courage to stutter out a question, “Mr. Xi... what on earth was that?”

“Ahem... it’s nothing. It’s probably a dying, crazed man’s last words. You don’t need to pay it any heed,” Xi Duoduo assured him while watching the pile of ash that was the man and the hand. He waved his hand, and a cool wind swept the ashes clean.

“Really?” Ancestor Greenwood and more exchanged a suspicious glance with each other. However, they couldn’t really think of a concrete reason to say otherwise.

The Death Sea again?

Ye Qing was the only one who was lifting an eyebrow and wearing a severe expression on his face.

He did not think that the man had faked the woman’s voice in the end, not to mention that she had mentioned the Death Sea. If he combined this clue with everything the man had said earlier, it looked like the hand’s owner was still alive and trapped at the Death Sea!

The hand had been strong enough to overwhelm everyone in the Hill of Services. The only one that wasn’t affected was the artifact spirit. If the hand alone was so powerful, he could hardly imagine how powerful its owner really was. At the very least, they had to be a Grandmaster.

The Death Sea was dangerous, but it was unlikely it could trap a Grandmaster. In that case, could the hand’s owner be trapped at the mysterious land where the Dark Overlord’s inheritance lay?

Ye Qing was fairly certain that he was right.

This would also explain why the man hadn’t shown up until the Death Sea was close to resurfacing. The man was infected by the hand’s power, but because the Death Sea was still submerged, and the hand was cut off from its source, it was much, much weaker than it should’ve been. As a result, the man was able to resist the hand’s influence for a time.

But now that the Death Sea was close to resurfacing, the connection between the hand and its owner must have grown stronger once more. That was why the owner was able to interfere with the world and retake control of the man.

“Finally! My fists have been itching for blood!” Slaughter let out a vicious laugh and clenched his fists so hard that they cracked.

“It’s too bad we couldn’t get our hands on ‘A Celestial Rides A Bull Across A Green Hill’. If Red Calabash Celestial was greedy enough to leave the Hill of Services with the painting, then it would fall into our hands for sure.”

Dancer sighed regretfully. “I’m sure our king would have appreciated it.”

“Greed begets tragedy, and tragedy usually results in death. Who is to say that missing out on ‘A Celestial Rides A Bull Across A Green Hill’ isn’t a blessing in disguise?” Dream Master said with a smile.

“True. The painting’s existence is no longer a secret. It is only a matter of time the True Martial Sect finds out about it. I doubt we’ll be able to safeguard it even if everything had gone as we hoped.”

Earth Walker said in a low tone, “Those bullnoses[2] aren’t exactly small fries, you know?”

“Hmph! Like we’re scared of those hypocrites.” Slaughterer snorted in disdain.

“We’re not, but there is no need to court unnecessary trouble,” Dream Master said.

“Oh right, I almost forgot. If we all left, then what about Nanke?” Dancer suddenly recalled something important. “He’s not leaving the Hill of Services yet. Shouldn’t we leave someone behind to watch him?”

Dream Master shook his head. “There’s no need. I’ve afflicted him with my Ghost Marriage. He cannot escape.”

“Wonderful. Let’s move then!”

Dream Master waved his hand, and a swarm of colorful, fantastical butterflies burst into existence. He said, “Simply follow my Dream Butterflies, and they will lead you to our targets.”

The swarm of butterflies flew out of the window, and the group exchanged one last glance with each other. Then, they left the Hill of Services one after another.

A sunny day too was a good day to kill[3].

1. Meaning that things would be too late. ☜

2. Derogatory nickname for Taoists, but could be used to refer anyone else. ☜

3. Because there’s a Chinese saying that goes, “A moonless, windy night is a good day to kill. ☜