Chapter 651: Secret Lady

Name:Stranger Danger Author:

The woman in red shook violently as she spat out a mouthful of blood. The attack was such that her energies plummeted in an instant.

“Mercy, third senior sister...”

“Naughty girls... should be punished...” Ah Su landed on the ground and stared at the woman in red.

“I know I made a mistake. I swear I won’t do it again, so please, have mercy and forgive me, third senior sister!” The woman in red begged.

“Ah Xiu... decides...” said Ah Su while looking over her back.

“I made a mistake, first senior brother.” The woman in red looked at Su Xiu, “I know you cherish me the most. You will forgive me, right?”

“I told you not to overestimate yourself, but you just won’t listen. Now you’re suffering the consequences, and for what?” Su Xiu asked gently.

“Sigh. I know. It’s all because of second senior brother. If he hadn’t bewitched me with his silver tongue, I would never dare to defy first senior brother and third senior sister, would I?” The woman in red said pitifully.

“You’re blaming Second? But Second said you’re the one who bewitched him!” Su Xiu smiled.

“Surely you are aware that second senior brother is an expert liar who’s most proficient at sowing dissension and slandering others, first senior brother?” the woman in red argued. “If you don’t believe me, I’m willing to confront him directly.”

When Su Xiu didn’t answer her, the woman in red asked, “You believe me, right first senior brother?”

“Of course I do, junior sister,” Su Xiu replied. “In fact, I already taught him a lesson on your behalf.”

“You’re such a good person, first senior brother.” The woman in red looked very happy. “May I know how?”

“It’s nothing big. I cut off his hands for you, and Ah Su sewed his mouth because he was too noisy,” Su Xiu replied in an indifferent tone. “Also, he kept trying to run away, so I broke his legs after a few escape attempts. You wouldn’t be as disobedient as him, right junior sister?”

“Of course not! Out of all of our brothers and sisters, you and third senior sister are the two people I listen to the most!” the woman in red giggled.

“Good.” Su Xiu nodded before voicing his disappointment, “A shame that the wheelchair I made for you is going to go to waste though. It was such an exquisite work of art too.”

“Thank you very much for the gift, first senior brother,” the woman in red said, “but my legs are perfectly fine unlike yours. You should save that wheelchair for yourself.”

“I sincerely hope you’ll remain a good girl then,” Su Xiu replied.

“On that note, do try your best to be a good girl, okay? If you anger Ah Su, she might dig out your eyes, sew your mouth, cut off your arms, and break your legs. When that happens, not even I can save you, understand?”

“Of course I will! I’m third senior sister’s goodest girl.” The woman in red giggled. “I shall lead you two to the Demon Controlling Jade Manual right now.”

“Good. Ah Su, you can release her now. I don’t think she’ll try to escape any longer,” Su Xiu looked at Ah Su and ordered gently.

Ah Su did as he requested and released her grip.

“No sense in wasting time. Let’s go, junior sister.”


“Greenlake Bai?!”

Hidden in the shadows, Ye Qing was watching the departing trio with an odd expression. The barefooted woman in red was none other than Greenlake Bai, the woman who screwed him over back at Fengdu. He had always wanted to meet her again and repay the “favor”, but this was the last place he expected to see her.

“Hehehe. Karmic retribution really does exist in this world. If you hadn’t tricked me back at Fengdu, then you probably wouldn’t be in this situation, would you?” said Ye Qing while barely stopping himself from laughing out loud.

Although the trio kept bringing up their relationship and emphasizing their shared bond, it was clear that they were hostile toward each other.

Assuming he hadn’t misinterpreted their words, the reason Su Xiu was chasing after Greenlake Bai was to obtain something called a “Demon Controlling Jade Manual”.

He could also sense Su Xiu was brimming with killing intent from the start until the end. If Greenlake Bai actually gave up the Demon Controlling Jade Manual to him, he would have killed her immediately after the fact.

Of course, Greenlake Bai was no fool. She was a shrewd woman who had tricked even him before, so of course she knew what Su Xiu was plotting. That was why she had hidden the Demon Controlling Jade Manual beforehand. As a result, Su Xiu couldn’t just kill her and be done with her, not unless he gave up on the Demon Controlling Jade Manual completely.

It was also why Greenlake Bai never showed any fear from the start until the end.

Of course, this stalemate was temporary. Su Xiu was still going to kill her as soon as he obtained the Demon Controlling Jade Manual. That was why the woman was definitely going to stir up shit on the way and make life difficult for Su Xiu as much as possible. In fact, she was definitely going to try and kill him somehow. It was the only way she could survive after all.

For now though, Ye Qing was absolutely enjoying Greenlake Bai’s misery.

“Wait a second. Su Xiu, Greenlake Bai and that Ah Su are all pretty strong. Maybe I could...”

A light bulb suddenly appeared on top of Ye Qing’s head. An idea to kill three birds with one stone just occurred to him.