Chapter 732: Did I Say You Could Leave?

Name:Stranger Danger Author:
Chapter 732: Did I Say You Could Leave?

“Hehe, women never say what they mean. If they say yes, they usually mean no. If they say don’t, they usually mean please do!”

Zhang Lingyang chuckled. “You said you don’t need me, but you really want me around, don’t you? Well, I’m a feminist. I especially support beautiful women. I’ll happily give up my chance to teach that boy a lesson if that is your wish!”

Yun Qingxiao: “...” I should’ve known better than to underestimate the depths of his shamelessness.

“I’m a hot-tempered man. If I’m forced to repeat myself, then someone is going to pay for it.”

It was at this moment Ye Qing spoke up again. At the same time, a terrible pressure locked on to them from afar.

Clearly, the threat was directly at them.

“Haha... it looks like I’m not welcomed here, so I’m going to take my leave. Let us meet again in the future, everyone!” Greenlake Bai said. Ne/w novel chapters are p/u/blished on no/vel(/bin(.)c/o/m

“Wait, what? Don’t leave yet! At least tell me your name!” Zhang Lingyang cried out in a hurry. Unfortunately for him, Greenlake Bai was already nowhere to be found.

“Well, the man has issued the threat. I shall be taking my leave as well.”

Yun Qingxiao also saluted them and said, “Take care, Miss Mo, Brother Zhang.”

With that, Yun Qingxiao took his leave no matter what Zhang Lingyang said. He too disappeared in just the blink of an eye.

“So rude!”

Zhang Lingyang complained before turning around to grin at Mo Beqiu. “It’s just the two of us now, Beiqiu. What do you want to do?”

“There are no two of us. Whatever I do is none of your business,” Mo Beiqiu said coldly and turned to leave.

“No need to be shy, Beiqiu! I’ll always be there for you!”

Shameless, Zhang Lingyang caught up to her in a flash. “So, where are you going, Beiqiu? I’ll join you!”

“Don’t, unless you want me to beat you to death.”

“Harsh words are affection, beating is love. You can beat me up all you want, Beiqiu!”

“Get lost!”


In response, Ye Qing smiled and threw a punch at the descending seal. His fist was strong enough to cut open the sky, much less smash apart a Buddhist seal. The Holy Son of Maitreya turned as pale as a ghost and threw up a mouthful of light gold blood when his seal was destroyed.

Ye Qing did not press the attack despite his success. He thought back to the time he first met the Holy Son of Maitreya at the Demon's Tomb. At the time, the monk’s ability to conjure great power just by talking had both astounded and impressed him. But now, the monk was unable to withstand a single punch from him. If he wanted to, he could snuff out his life with a single thought.

Life was unfair like that.

Despite his thoughts, Ye Qing did not allow any of it to appear on his face. While staring at Defeated in his pit—the stoic man was currently clutching his chest and glaring at Ye Qing with uncharacteristic ferocity—he said indifferently, “You know, I really resent the fact that you’re acting like you’re the victims here. Have you forgotten that you’re the ones who tried to take advantage of me first? If I wasn’t as lucky as I was, I might not be alive to speak to you right now.”

“If I choose to kill you, then you are simply reaping what you’ve sown.”

Defeated and the Holy Son of Maitreya kept quiet, hearts sinking with every word Ye Qing spoke. Just when they thought they would die, Ye Qing furrowed his brow and said, “However, I’m a merciful, blood-fearing man. I especially dislike killing others. So what should I do with you?”

You’re a merciful, blood-fearing man? Did you feed your brains or your eyes to the dogs or something? How can you say that when the pools of blood and gore on the ground are still steaming, you bald-faced liar!

Mrs. Basket and Mountain Tunneling King exchanged a glance with each other while recalling how Ye Qing had killed the Herald of Fortuity, the Harbinger of Doom, the blind Taoist, the sword-eating man and more. If this guy was merciful, then they were the kindest souls in the entire fucking world!

“What do you want, senior? Please give it to us straight,” Defeated said.

Defeated was obsessed with martial arts, but that didn’t mean he was stupid. He immediately figured out what Ye Qing was trying to say.

“Good man.”

Ye Qing’s smile widened. As expected, no one who was called a genius could actually be an idiot. They might look stupid, but they could never truly be stupid.

“An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. You guys tried to kill me, so it would’ve been perfectly within my right to kill you. That said, the heavens decree it a virtue to avoid taking lives whenever possible, so I shall obey the will of the heavens. You just have to pay the price.”

“The price?” Neither Defeated nor the Holy Son of Maitreya were foolish. They understood that Ye Qing was telling them to cough up if they wished to live.

“You are right, senior.”

Defeated said before producing two items from his Nature’s Shell and handing it to Ye Qing respectfully.

The items were a book and a curved saber. The book felt like it was made from some sort of leather instead of silk or wood. It was also chilly and brimming with yin qi. The title of the book was, “Book of Lu Ban”.

The curved saber was delicate and exquisitely crafted. Its blade reminded him of autumn water, pure and clean.

It didn’t take a keen eye to know that they were extraordinary items.