Chapter 13 – Ship Summoning Ability and Oasis of the Seas

After receiving all the arranged luggage and Claretta-san’s return from the orphanage, we set sail for the open sea on the Lutto.

“Wataru-san, have you already purchased the ship?”

Alessia-san asked me. She seems interested in what kind of ship I am going to buy.

“No, not yet. I haven’t made up my mind yet.”

“Ara, really? Are you going to decide?”

“Well, at this rate, it won’t be decided no matter how long it takes, so I’m going to buy the favorite one. There is no doubt that this ship is wonderful.”

It’s probably not a good idea to show too much indecision… I’m showing a pretty lame part of myself, so I guess it’s too late. As for other luxury liners I am interested in, I can just buy another one. As long as I don’t end up flooding the whole continent with pepper, I’ll still make money.

If I decide to do it, I’ll just buy it quickly. If I keep putting it off, I’m going to start worrying about it again.

“Then I’ll buy it.”

I summoned the savings ship and put the platinum coins into the coin slot on the ship summoning screen. 1255 coins… It’s also a lot of work; if it were a vending machine, the money would come back due to the time limit.

Forgetting that each platinum coin costs 100 million yen, I just throw in the coins mindlessly—finally, 200 coins. I just need 1055 more coins… It’s so hard.

“I know Wataru-san is making a lot of money because I’ve seen him do it, but it’s amazing to see so many platinum coins right in front of my eyes. I wonder if there will be a shortage of platinum coins?”

“Alessia, of course, it’s going to be fine. Wataru-san’s unique skills were given to him by Creator God-sama. There should be no problem.”

Claretta-san, you sound very confident, but wasn’t that Creator God-sama who was forced to seiza and scolded By the God of Light?

[T/n: Seiza is the formal, traditional way of sitting in Japan. It involves a specific positioning and posture in a kneeled position so as to convey respect, particularly toward elders. It developed among samurai during the Edo period and was later widely adopted by the public.]

“That’s right. It was a skill given by Creator God-sama, wasn’t it? It’s no use worrying about it.”

That’s not true, Alessia-san. He overdid the statue of himself in the cathedral because he thought it looked cool. I have my doubts about believing it’s perfect.

“Isn’t that right, Wataru-san?”

“Y-yes, he is Creator God-sama, after all. Claretta-san is right.”

I can’t say that I have any doubts in the face of the spirited Claretta-san.

I finished putting in 1255 platinum coins and clicked the buy button… It was so quick and easy that I don’t feel like I’ve made a 12.5 billion dollar purchase at all. Now let’s check the screen. Oh, the level of ship summoning has gone up.

“I have completed the purchase of the ship. The level of the ship summoning has been raised, and its ability has increased, so I’ll check it first.”

“I understand. Fufu, I’m so thrilled.”

Alessia-san and the other women were discussing what kind of ship they were imagining. Ines knows some of it from the screen when she signed the slave contract, so she watches on with a smirk. But I think Ines would be surprised, too. It’s bigger than the one I showed her before…

But hey, I don’t want the ladies to have a big imagination. Perhaps their imaginations were stimulated by a large amount of platinum coins, but they imagined that it was as big as a mountain, or that it was a shining ship, or that it looked more impressive than the ship I bought.

I’m in trouble because if I don’t surprise them incredibly, I won’t be able to get them to compliment me on the amazing things I’ve done. Let’s find out what it’s capable of and summon it quickly. If it takes too long, they might say it can fly.

Ship Summoning Level 5 (NEW)

You can summon the purchased ship. +4 (NEW)

You can keep your purchased ship in the best condition and control it at will.

Can purchase a new ship from the purchase screen.


Linked to the mapping system, if a place has been mapped, it is possible to set a destination and automatically reach it, although it is limited to water.


Places you have been to are automatically mapped.

Ship disguise 

You can change the appearance and texture of the ship without changing its performance.

Issue boarding tickets

You can select a ship you own and issue a ticket for a specific period of time. You can board the ship as many times as you like within the time limit. The issuer can cancel the ticket at his/her discretion. If a person is designated, only that person can use the ticket. If a room is designated, only that room can be used except for shared spaces.

Staff Appointment

When a staff member is appointed, he/she will be able to perform tasks in the assigned area.

Summoning Support Staff (NEW)

You can summon a support staff member to the location of the ship you summoned. The support staff can only do the minimum amount of work in their assigned area. This is an auxiliary staff member in case the staff appointment is not sufficient. (I changed it to the one Wataru-kun likes. By Creator God)

Rate setting

Can set room rates. The shipowner can add a fee to the base rate for the ship’s facilities. The room charge and the additional amount will be the shipowner’s property.

Release of special ships (NEW)

A special ship can be purchased. This ability is unlocked by purchasing a luxury liner.

Initial Rowboat (wooden): Capacity limit 2

Characteristics: Unsinkable, indestructible, boarding rejection


Rubber Boat: Capacity limit 2

(Bath boat) x 1 (Food storage ship) x 12 (Trade goods storage ship) x 515 (Ryu material) x 1 

Characteristics: Unsinkable, indestructible, boarding rejection


Big Fishing Rubber Boat: Capacity limit 4-5

(Hut boat) x 3 (Storage boat) x 1

Characteristics: Unsinkable, indestructible, boarding rejection


Japanese-style boat: Capacity limit 12 

Characteristics: Unsinkable, indestructible, boarding rejection


Exult 45 (Lutto): Capacity limit 15            

Characteristics: Unsinkable, indestructible, boarding rejection


Orsos (Hideaway)

Characteristics: Unsinkable, indestructible, boarding rejection


Ferry (Fortress): Capacity limit 632

Characteristics: Unsinkable, indestructible, boarding rejection


Ferry (Stronghold): Capacity limit 777

Characteristics: Unsinkable, indestructible, boarding rejection


Sunseeker 155 yacht (Seeker)

Characteristics: Unsinkable, indestructible, boarding rejection


Oasis of the Seas: Capacity limit 5400

Characteristics: Unsinkable, indestructible, boarding rejection

I see it on the purchase screen. It would indeed be unfashionable if I hadn’t been able to purchase it after paying 1255 platinum coins. The increased ability is… Hmm? I’m pretty sure I got a message from Creator God-sama before the bottom right corner of the screen blinked… Is it the same this time?

I looked at the blinking message and reminded myself strongly, and the message opened.

“How are you doing, Wataru-kun? I am fine.

It must have been hard for you to get used to living in another world.

But I’m having a hard time too.

When I summoned you to the divine realm at the cathedral in Barletta, I accidentally gave out some information, but my incomprehensive subordinates made me, the creator god, seiza, and give a lecture. It’s unbelievable, isn’t it?

After that, I lost count of the number of times I was asked to recite the reasons why I should not interfere in the lower realms, and I went into a mental breakdown. God of Light is scary, isn’t she?

After that, the God of War and the God of Magic attacked me, and for some reason, other gods joined in the fight. It’s like defying the Creator God.

But don’t worry. I’ve already thoroughly beaten up the gods who defied me, and I’ve put the ringleaders, the God of War and the God of Magic, in the asylum, preventing them from recovering. I think they’re probably feeling sorry now.

Useless subordinates are really annoying. I’m a benevolent creator god, so I forgave them just by beating them up, but normally they would be obliterated.

Is it wrong that I am too kind? The other gods who are living idly are complaining about the creator god who is working so hard. I am wondering if I should be stern with them as a boss.

As a gentle person, it is hard for me to be strict. But when I think of my subordinates, I think I should be strict and guide them. It is difficult.

Even the creator god has endless worries. I hope we can meet again. Good luck to you, too.


Congratulations on the purchase of the luxury liner. I have unlocked a special ship for you, so use it well.”

…What about this one? It’s mostly a complaint from Creator God-sama, he’s sending me a message even though he’s not supposed to interfere with the lower world, and the item that is probably the main topic is just a line in the PS.

Is it okay to complain to me about some kind of mental breakdown, or a revolt of the gods, or returning and beating them to a pulp?

…Let’s not think too deeply about it. If not, the God of Light will take care of it.

Let’s see, let’s look at the ship purchase screen…

Rubber Boat 50 copper coins and up

Swan Boat 30 silver coins and up

Motorboat 40 silver coins and up

Fishing Boat 4 gold coins and up

Cruiser 20 gold coins and up

Ferry / Cargo Ship 100 platinum coins and up

Luxury Liner 500 platinum coins and up

Special Ship 4 gold coins and up

Special ships, that’s right. Or rather, this list will increase. So then, as time goes on and new ships are developed, will the ship catalog be updated?

Well, okay, let’s take a look at the contents of special ships. Let’s see… I see, special ships. A lot of exciting ships are being unlocked. I wish I had this list from the beginning.

Amphibious vehicles, amphibious buses, hovercrafts, Jetfoils, glass boats, submersibles, and drift ice sightseeing ships… There are many. There are also a lot of ships that I don’t understand. I’m sure they make getting around easier, but can they be used effectively in this world?

Could it be? I thought and tried to find an airship, but I couldn’t find one… Is the sky indeed impossible? If there are submersibles, it seems like there should be airships.

I am curious about amphibious vehicles. First of all, is this a ship? Not a car? …Oh, I’ve heard that you need a marine license. Is it treated as a ship?

I’d like to have a Quadski and a Gibbs Aquada. The Quadski would be useful to drive around in the woods like a buggy. Five cars for two people? Or five boats? If it’s a 2-seater, I can summon five cars or boats, and we can all move together.

I’d like to have an amphibious car like the Gibbs Aquada that I saw on TV, but in another world, an amphibious car like a Jeep would be more convenient. But I want it.

What about an amphibious bus? It would be convenient for all of us to ride in, but it would be hard to drive on the harsh terrain of another world. If it doesn’t break down, would it be okay if we just endure it? …I’d hold off.

…No, I have to prioritize checking on the luxury liner now. I won’t be able to do it with Ines by the end of the day. I’ll think about the special ship later.

Let’s see, the level of ship summoning has been increased, and the number of ship summoning slots has been increased by one. The rest of the increased ability is… support staff? What’s the minimum amount of work?

Do I really need a support staff in the first place? Even on the ferry, I just appointed a security guard, and the rest of the time, I didn’t need it at all, but on a luxury liner, I wonder if it’s necessary. Then it’s possible I’ll need staff too.

Also, a change to my liking? Creator God-sama changed the support staff to one I like. I wonder what it is? A beautiful woman with big breasts? A slime? It would be great if I could summon big-breasted beauties. Suppose there were cute slimes bouncing all over the place. It would be so cute. I’m starting to look forward to it.

But when I bought a luxury liner, Creator God-sama suddenly started interfering. Is there a reason? …It seems like he’s going to say it’s for some reason or other. Let’s not think about it. If not, the God of Light will just get mad at him again.

And the release of special ships, I guess those are the two that have increased this time… Speaking of which, does the ship summoning go up to level 6? There shouldn’t be any more ships than the luxury liner I bought this time… Well, if there is a level 6, it will go up eventually if I buy a ship.

I guess that’s all the confirmation I need for now. There’s nothing else to check… Now that we’re on the open sea, should I summon it?

But it’s a pretty big ship, so it’s going to be visible from a distance right after we go out to the open sea. I don’t think I can do anything if anyone sees us, but I’ll take precautions if I can.

“Phew, I’m done checking. I’ll summon it when we’ve advanced another hour or so.”

“Advance for another hour? You usually summon it a little after entering the open sea, so why?”

Alessia-san asked curiously.

“Haha, it’s a secret. Well, please look forward to it.”

“Ara, you’re going to tease me, aren’t you? If you keep teasing me, I’m going to have to give you a hard time, you know?” 

I don’t want it to be too severe, but I’m sure it will be fine. I am ready to be complimented.

“No problem. Alessia-sana and the others should be ready to compliment me immensely.”

“Fufu, I understand. We talked about it, and Ilma devised a way to make Wataru-san extremely happy. It’s embarrassing for us, too, so we’ll be very strict in our evaluation.”

“Ilma-san’s idea is something you’d all be embarrassed about? …I am very much looking forward to it.”

I’m thrilled. I’m sure Ilma-san will add some erotic elements. It would probably be soft erotic if Alessia-san and the others are okay with it, but I’d expect a lot.

After chatting for a while and getting out to sea enough, it’s time to summon the luxury liner.

“Well, let’s summon it. Shall we go out on the forward deck?”

The women were excited and gathered on the forward deck. Rimu and Fuu-chan followed happily, bouncing along. How cute!


I stand at the front of the forward deck and summon it, looking a little smug. As soon as I say the word, a huge magic circle appears on the sea.

I was quite surprised at the ferry, but an even bigger magic circle of light appeared.

A luxury liner appears from the magic circle… This is… big. The length, width, and height are overwhelming. The women are also just staring at the luxury liner in front of them in amazement.

The Oasis of the Seas. I knew it was one of the world’s largest luxury liners on the purchase screen, but I didn’t realize how impressive it was when I saw it in person… 220,000 tons is no exaggeration.

Yes, including customers and employees, it can accommodate more than 8,000 people with room to spare. In this world, that’s the same as the population of a city. Since the ship can accommodate that many people, it’s no wonder it’s so big.

While looking at the Oasis of the Seas, I desperately think about the name of this ship with a head that can’t get it together for some reason…

Funds on Hand: 47 gold coins, 12 silver coins, 32 copper coins.

Guild account: 0 platinum coins, 70 gold coins.

Savings ship: 190 platinum coins.

Pepper ship: 285 ships.