Chapter 16 – Rooms and Bar

After shooting the video, we next entered a jewelry store. The women are excited to see the glittering store. I guess even adventurers like jewelry and stuff. …Maybe it’s because they are adventurers, searching for treasures and such.

I’m not particularly interested, so I wander around and see a watch. Watches… are they necessary in this world? I’m sure they could make a lot of money if made into a product, but there’s no need to go out of my way to stand out.

So far, the only one I probably want to meet is Girasole, and I don’t particularly need to keep time with them… Luxury watches are cool, but I didn’t wear a watch in Japan either… If I want one, I want one. If I say I don’t want it, I don’t want it… I’ll put it on hold. The women were satisfied with their purchases, and they gathered around to leave the store.

When we left the store, the sun went down, and the darkened interior was lit up with lights and neon. Oh, the atmosphere is so much cooler at night.

“What is this? It’s so bright even though it’s nighttime. It’s just like the movie Wataru-san showed us. …That’s right, this ship is from Wataru-san’s world, isn’t it?

Everyone looked around with interest.

“Yes, that’s right. The atmosphere in my world is like this.”

Although it has a slightly different atmosphere.

“I’m hungry. Shall we have dinner soon?”

“Oh, come to think of it, yes. I’ve seen so many unusual things I’d forgotten about it.”

“I’m hungry.”

Everyone seemed to be hungry, too, so we headed for the main dining room.

“Wataru-san, something just came down. What is it? What is that?”

Alessia-san told me to look, and I saw a neon-rimmed object slowly descending from above. …Oh, I’ve seen it by accident, but when the neon lights up, it stands out even more. I wonder if the ladies didn’t notice it before.

“Well, that, they say, is the Rising Tide bar. That’s the bar that’s slowly going up and down three floors.”

“A bar! Can I have a drink there?”

“Yes, you can. Well, it’s getting dark now, so let’s have dinner in the main dining room, decide on the room we’ll stay in today, and then have a drink at the Rising Tide Bar. We can go somewhere else tomorrow.”

“Yeah, that sounds like fun. Thank you, Wataru-san.”

Alessia-san was smiling. The group of people who love to drink are also smiling. It seems they are happy that we have decided on a drinking schedule.

When we arrived at the main dining room, the third floor was an atrium, creating a luxurious atmosphere. I’m a poor person, so the atrium seems like a waste of space to me, but I guess it’s luxurious in that way, too.

I wonder how many rooms can be built in this space, but I guess I am still a commoner. I have a lot of money, but my spirit is not yet rich.

Since I have money, I must have become a rich man… How can I become a truly rich man with a high society? Is it too much to think about now? Let’s enjoy dinner. I sat down at the appropriate table.

“Everyone, everything on the menu is free, and you can eat as much as you like. Oh, but you have to pay for the drinks.”

In my words, each of them opened the menu and asked what they wanted to try. The dishes appeared in front of them as if they were moving instantly.

“…Wataru-san, is there any risk in summoning Saporabi-chan? Like magic power problems?”

“Well, for the moment, there is no problem. I didn’t lose any magic power when I summoned them.”

If I summon a large number of Saporabi, and Saporabi doesn’t run out of control or something, it won’t be a problem.

“Then can I ask you to summon Saporabi-chan? I don’t have a problem if the food comes at a moment’s notice, but I think it would be nice if Saporabi-chan carried it for me.”

“I don’t mind. Is there anyone other than Alessia-san who would like me to summon Saporabi? I’ll make it exclusive anyway.”

The first one is Claretta-san, who quickly raises her hand, followed by Dorothea-san. I summoned three Saporabis and asked for the exclusive use of each of them. They nodded their heads, so it should be fine.

Alessia-san, Dorothea-san, and Claretta-san patted their exclusive Saporabi on the head and asked them to prepare the food.

“I will summon the others anytime you need them; just let me know.”

Well, it seems they don’t need them right now, so I go back to my meal.

Now, what shall I eat?

The appetizers are lobster bisque and beef tail soup.

The salad is Caesar salad.

For the main course, beef filet steak and top-quality black beef sirloin with aromatic butter.

The fish dish was seared Norwegian salmon.

Dessert is a strawberry soufflé.

Is it like this? A filet steak and a sirloin steak… two main courses are a little too much, don’t you think? Well, it’s okay; it’s free, after all. But I have to be careful not to eat too much because tonight is Inez and hmm… Mufufu. By the way, Rimu has the same menu.

The food appears as soon as you ask for it, and although it’s not very emotional, I don’t have a problem with it. Carla-san also ordered one dish after another and ate them all.

Alessia-san, Dorothea-san, and Claretta-san are waiting happily for Saporabis to bring them their dishes. When Saporabis bring the food, they pat their heads gently. They look happy, too, so I guess there is no problem.

I ordered a glass of red wine and ate my food with some sense of elegance in mind… I’ve heard that red wine is good for meat, but to be honest, I have no idea about the harmony between food and wine.

But it’s good because it’s delicious. The ladies also seemed to like the food, ordering different dishes and sharing them. Next time, I would like to try Japanese food. But I also want to eat a hamburger. …No, Italian food is also worth trying. I am so happy to be able to worry about the next place to eat.

After everyone has eaten until they are satisfied, we go to check out the room we will be staying in next. We pass through a wide, luxurious hallway and arrive at our destination, the Royal Loft Suite.

“This is the room we will be staying in, the Royal Loft Suite. Would you like to see it?”

“Yes, I would love to see it.”

Alessia-san was curious, too.

“Let’s go in, then.”

Once inside, there is a room that can only be described as luxurious, with a grand piano in the room… What’s the point? Can all rich people play the piano?

…Maybe you can invite a pianist? A pianist dedicated to the room comes to play. A dedicated stage for overnight guests… I don’t know if it’s good or not, but it’s gorgeous.

Big L-shaped sofa and massage table? Big TV. Luxurious interior. It’s amazing.

“Let’s go up the stairs.”

Climbing up to the loft, there is a double bed. Hmm? What’s that? I put it down and see… a screen with a projector to watch movies. Going to the back, there was a toilet, a shower, and a Jacuzzi.

“Wataru-san, these are the bubbling baths on the Hideaway and Seeker, right? It’s amazing that you have one in your private room.”

“Yes, it’s unexpected even for me, Alessia-san. It’s really amazing. I’m looking forward to staying here.”

We went down from the loft and went out onto the balcony. There is a sofa, and if you go to the back of the L-shaped deck, there is a Jacuzzi… 

“Wataru-san, there’s another one, isn’t there?”

“Alessia-san, yes, there’s another one.”

“I wonder if they put another one in there so you can get in with a view?”


“It’s a great room.”

“It’s a great room, isn’t it?”

Two Jacuzzis in the room. This is the kind of place you’d expect on a luxury liner. After taking a look around the rooms, I show them the room where Girasole will be staying.

“This is the Royal Suite, isn’t it?”

I looked around the luxurious room.

“The bath in this room is normal, but the one on the balcony has a Jacuzzi.”

“Yes, I’m looking forward to it. But this one is round. I’ve never seen this type before, so I’m looking forward to it.”

“That’s right. Alessia-san, may I come and join you?”

“Fufu, yes, but remember to wear a bathing suit.”

Oh, I wondered if there was a way to come in without a bathing suit, but I was stopped.

“Let’s go to the next room, then.”

“Wataru-san, we can all stay in this room, can’t we?”

“Well, this room is for five people, and there are too many other rooms left, so let’s just check.”

“Indeed, it’s really a big ship.”

Alessia-san was convinced. There are so many rooms that even one room per person would be too much.

“Yes, it can accommodate 5,400 people. Don’t you think it’s too big?”

“Fufu, you bought the ship knowing that, didn’t you?”

“Well, yes, I did. So let’s see what’s next.”


We walk to the next room. What about the next room? I heard it could accommodate 14 people…

“This is the Presidential Family Suite.”

I take a look around the luxurious room.

“…It’s awesome, but it’s way too big.”

“Alessia-san, maybe it’s luxurious because it’s too big a room for just one person?”

“Hmm, would anyone like to stay here?”

All the ladies shake their heads… Girasole are common people, aren’t they? I guess the very rich are not afraid to use this room. Oh, the very rich don’t stay alone, do they? Wife, mistress, beautiful secretary… It makes me jealous.

After that, we looked around the Skyloft Suite and the Aqua Theater Suite. We decided to stay in the Royal Suite, Skyloft Suite, and Aqua Theater Suite for two people each because it would be lonely if you stayed alone.

For now, we decided to head to the Rising Tide Bar for drinks now that we had a room. Now I’m just worried that Ines will get so caught up in the booze that she’ll forget about the night. She’ll be fine, right?

We arrived at the Rising Tide Bar and got in just as it was coming down. The ladies don’t sit down and wait for it to start moving again. When it starts moving, there are shouts of joy… even though I’ve ridden the elevator and escalator before… well, it’s a different atmosphere.

Finally, they all settle down and sit down and ask for some drinks.

“Wataru-san, what kind of drinks do you have?”

“Hmm, yes, that’s right. There are many kinds, so it might be better to look at the menu and share the drinks. You want to enjoy the variety, don’t you?”

It’s a strange way to drink, but it’s a different world, so it’s okay, right? It’s not fashionable if you get a martini or a capa-capa. I don’t want you to get acute alcohol poisoning or something.

“Fufu, there are so many kinds of drinks? I wonder if I can drink all of them.”

I mean, you won’t be able to get up tomorrow, will you, Alessia-san?

“Cocktails are easy to drink, but be careful; they are made with strong alcohol more often than you think.”

I have a feeling that saying it won’t stop them, but strong, easy-to-drink alcohol, huh…? They’re going to get drunk, and more lucky chances are likely to increase. If I didn’t have a night with Ines, I’d be serving strong drinks all over the place here.

Well, I only know the famous ones. And I like Kahlua milk. Excuse me for the childishness.

“I’ll summon the Saporabi as well.”

I summon two Saporabi for the time being. They are dressed as bartenders. I wonder if they can shake a shaker with that body shape. At any rate, I didn’t want to get drunk today, so I asked for Kahlua milk.

The Kahlua milk appears on the tray and is brought to me by Saporabi… So it’s not the Saporabi who makes the drink…

The ladies each asked for a different cocktail and started sharing. Eight people in a bar mean a lot of different kinds of cocktails are brought in.

Come to think of it; I’ve only been to a proper bar twice. I am more suited to izakaya (Japanese-style pubs), so I had heard of the drinks but had never experienced them before.

Come to think of it, the bar I went to didn’t have a menu, and they asked me what kind of drink I wanted. They just asked the customer. Is it normal for a bar to have no menu? The atmosphere was great, and the drinks were delicious, but…

Oh, Pink Lady is really pink. I had heard that it was pretty strong, but I wonder if it’s okay?

Not only martinis and margaritas, which even I know, but also cocktails I’ve never heard of are ordered and brought to the bar. I wondered if Ines would be okay. I’ll have one more drink and leave early. I’ll have an… Irish coffee.

“Wow, that’s great, Wataru-san. Why is there a tree on the ship?”

Hmm? A tree? Oh, Central Park. Oh, I forgot that this bar is moving up and down. I thought Alessia-san was preoccupied with her drink, but I guess she was watching her surroundings too.

“That is Central Park, isn’t it? It’s a park on the ship. It’s a fun place with good restaurants and cafes. Let’s visit tomorrow.”

“Ufufufu, the Castle is full of fun places, isn’t it? It’s so much fun.”

Alessia-san, your laugh is different from usual. Are you already drunk? I’m finished with my Irish coffee, so I’ll take my leave. The question is whether I can go back naturally… I can’t do that kind of trick. Let’s just go back normally.