Chapter 23 – Idle Talk: Creator God’s Plans and Revelations

“Hey, how are you? It’s me, Creator God.”


“Hmm, you’re not doing so well, it seems. Well, I’ve got some good news for you. I’ll tell you about Wataru-kun.”


“Creator God-sama. Did you come to see the God of War and the God of Magic to talk about Wataru-san?”

“Yes. What else would I do? God of Light.”

“…Right in front of you are the God of War and God of Magic who are lying in bed because Creator God-sama is preventing them from recovering, isn’t that right?”


“If Creator God-sama stops interfering with their recovery, they will get well soon, won’t they?”

“That’s right.”

“But you just want to talk to them?”


“You don’t want them to recover.”


“Creator God-sama. Will you please stop it? The burden of the God of War and the God of Magic is falling on me as well.”

“That’s punishment for the God of Light. You’ve been silently watching the gods rebel against me, haven’t you? And the ringleader of the rebellion can’t be forgiven so easily.”

(Should I have joined the rebellion?)

“Did you say something?”

“Yes, but it’s all right because it’s useless to say it.”

“Really? Then I’ll tell you a lot about Wataru-kun activities. You must be very happy, aren’t you, God of War, God of Magic?”


“Is he finally back? Is the creator god free? God of Light.”

“God of Magic, please don’t be sarcastic about something you know is wrong.”

“Sorry. He seems to be irritated by the constant displeasure he hears. How can he talk endlessly to us when we never respond?”

“God of Magic, do you think Creator God-sama would care that he was ignored?”

“…If he had such normal nerves, we wouldn’t have any trouble at all.”

“That’s what it is. So, God of War, God of Magic, have you recovered at all?”

“For me, not at all. The amount of rest and recovery is also exactly inhibited. It’s just the details in these places.”

“I am the same as the God of War. It’s like saying, don’t let him live, but don’t let him die.”

“Well, then, it seems that recovery will not be possible until you apologize or the whim of Creator God-sama occurs.”

“I have nothing to apologize for.”

“Yeah, it’s just as God of Magic says.”

“You have defied Creator God-sama. It is unquestionably the mercy of Creator God-sama that you are here today.”

“Mercy, huh…? Do you really think he’s merciful, God of Light?”

“…Let’s end this conversation.”

“Yes, you’re right. No need to bother being obnoxious. So, is it true that that otherworlder was a great success? I heard that he protected the dark elf villagers while cleaving off the monsters of the Demon Forest and that he succeeded in their emigration.”

“…It is true that the migration was a success.”

“Yeah, I got the gist of it. You don’t have to say anything else.”

“God of Magic… thank you.”

“Never mind. Speaking of which, the God of Entertainment hasn’t been here for a while. What is he doing?”

“Ah, as I recall, he and the God of Gastronomy were very enthusiastic about researching a diet for the sick. It is unheard of for a deity to be unable to recover. I think they are thinking of experimenting with you guys. Well, now that Wataru-kun has bought a luxury liner, he is absorbed in food, drink, and entertainment. It will be a while before he comes to visit you. Do you miss them?”

“I don’t miss him, but I do find the information from the God of Entertainment useful. As for the food, if the God of Gastronomy is with him, there won’t be any funny things. So what’s really going on with the luxury liner? He protects a persecuted race and establishes a maritime nation. He insinuated that he would eventually be king.”

“For now, I’m more interested in checking out the ship’s facilities. It’s a very interesting ship, and the gods are taking notice.”

“I see. Do they have any books?”

“Yes, quite a few books about the other world.”

“Hey, hey. Screw the books. God of Light, have there been any more new booze?”

“God of war, you should at least read books. There is only a sad future for a God of War with muscle brains.”

“Shut up, God of Magic. God of light, what about booze?”

“There were many stores on the luxury liner that served alcohol. There are more and more varieties.”

“I see. I hope the God of Gastronomy and the God of Liquor can help with that.”

“Even if the God of Gastronomy and the God of Liquor answered our expectations, we still wouldn’t be able to drink as we are now.”

“…God of Magic, can’t you do something to interfere with the Creator God?”

I would do it if I could.”

“…I see. I wonder if there’s anything we can do about that guy?”

“…Then, I’ll take my leave now. See you later.”

“Yeah, see you.”

“Next time, it would be great if you could bring me a book or something.”

“Oh, and booze, please.”

“Both are prohibited, aren’t they? I’ll bring them when I get permission from the God of Healing.”

“I don’t understand why you forbid books. Can’t you see that I can talk like this, and there is nothing wrong with reading a book?”

“Those words don’t seem to come from someone who was so interested in a book borrowed from the God of Healing that he used his power and almost disappeared. See you later.”



“You finally came back, God of Light. Were the God of War and the God of Magic impressed by my story?”

“Ah, maybe they were. They were probably moved to tears.”

“Really? I’m kind of worried about the flatness of your voice, God of Light, but… maybe they understood my awesomeness a little bit.”

“I think so. Maybe it’s time for you to heal them?”

“Well, I think it’s a problem to forgive rebellion against the Creator God so easily… Well, maybe it would be good to forgive them a little later?”

“Yes, that would be…”

“God of Light, there’s trouble.”

“…God of Entertainment, what’s going on all of a sudden?”

“You know, Creator God-sama did something bad!”

“Wait, God of Entertainment, you come in here out of the blue and say what? Moreover, you have the nerve to speak out about the Creator God right in front of him.”

“Oh, Creator God-sama was here, too. It would be easier for the God of Light to get angry immediately if you were nearby.”

“Hold on, God of Entertainment. I have done nothing to make anyone angry. Besides, you should first realize that you are using a strange word, such as “angry” at the Creator God.”

“Really? But wasn’t Creator God-sama scolded?”

“…No, it’s not, okay?”

“Why the question mark? Well, it doesn’t matter. You know, God of Light, Creator God-sama was…”

“God of Entertainment, come over here for a minute. …What are you going to say to the God of Light?”

“What is it that you have so much to say? Creator God-sama, don’t bother the God of Light too much.”

“…God of Entertainment, in order not to cause trouble, let’s not tell the God of Light.”

“Eh, but the God of Light will definitely find out. The sooner we take action, the less anger the God of Light will have, don’t you think?”

“You know, God of Entertainment. Nothing is absolute in this world. Therefore, there is a possibility that she will never find out about it.”

“…If Creator God-sama who made this world says so, then so be it, but… I’m not convinced.”

“Are you done talking? So, God of Entertainment, what was Creator God-sama doing?”

“Oh, God of Light, it was a mistake of the God of Entertainment. There was no problem. There was no trouble.”

“Creator God-sama, the God of Entertainment is looking at you with a pouty face in the back.”

“Eh? …Oh, I think he was embarrassed by the misunderstanding.”

“I see. Well, then, God of Entertainment, tell me the story about your misunderstanding.”

“Yeah, you know, Creator God-sama was…”

“Hey, God of Entertainment.”

“Creator God-sama, please shut up.”


“God of Entertainment, please continue.”

“Yeah, you know, Creator God-sama has been secretly building a sanctuary on the luxury liner of the otherworlder. And he also modified his own appearance to make himself look cool again. What makes him think we won’t notice when we’re looking at the otherworlder, too?”

“…Creator God-sama?”

“No, God of Light, I wasn’t hiding anything. Wataru-kun’s ship is a ship based on the skill I gave him, so it’s not like I’m interfering directly with the lower world, right?”

“Do you think such an excuse will be accepted?”

“It’s not an excuse. It’s a fact. I didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Creator God-sama, the cathedral of Palermo is the only sanctuary on the continent where Wataru-san is operating. Although it is a skill, it is because it is a skill that a mobile sanctuary was created. The unique skill given by Creator God-sama, which can be said to be extraordinary, and the divine approval of the sanctuary would have a tremendous impact if Wataru-san were to open up his ship. It will also add useful abilities for business, won’t it?”

“The effect of giving a ship summoning would be tremendous. Isn’t it a little late for that? And I can’t imagine Wataru-kun opening up his ship. He might as well be holed up on the luxury liner.”

“Creator God-sama, since you seem to have forgotten, let me explain that the decision to give abilities to people from other worlds was made by Creator God-sama to stimulate a world that had stagnated. But sanctuary is a different matter. The people will think that there is divine permission for everything Wataru-san does. In the first place, it was Creator God-sama who decided not to increase the number of sanctuaries and not to interfere in the lower world. What are you going to do if you give God’s will in full force?”

“No problem. There is no way that Wataru-kun would do something reckless. He has the character of not crossing a stone bridge.”

“If you had seen him, you would know that, wouldn’t you? He himself is harmless, but he is very weak against women. He will level up and live a long time. In the meantime, how can you say he won’t fall for a woman who wants to mess with him? If he puts the sanctuary up front and says it’s God’s ship, it will cause chaos.”

“That’s then and there, and all we have to do is retrieve the sanctuary, right?”

“Yes, that’s right. It would have been a good thing if we retrieved it now. It was not in my mind to retrieve the sanctuary because there was almost no need to retrieve it. Creator God-sama, please retrieve the sanctuary immediately.”


“Why are you silent? Wouldn’t that make the whole matter go away?”


“Creator God-sama, what do you have in mind?”

“Ah! I understand. Creator God-sama, I’m going to play on the luxury liner. That’s not fair, Creator God-sama.”

“…What do you mean? God of Entertainment, please tell me.”

“You know, you said it before. We can hardly go to the Earth to play, and if we reproduce things from the Earth in the divine realm as they are, the Gods of the Earth will be angry with us. So, I know you deceived it by saying that it’s a unique skill. And you’re leaving the sanctuary to go play on the luxury liner, aren’t you? That’s unfair, Creator God-sama; I’m coming with you.”

“…Creator God-sama?”


“‘Is any of what the God of Entertainment said true? …Don’t avert your eyes from me. Can you look me in the eye and give me a serious answer?”

“…It’s scary, God of Light. Let’s calm down a little.”

“Is that so? …I understand. Now that I have calmed down, please speak.”

“Let’s not do that, okay?”

“Creator God-sama, please be honest with me. That’s okay. I mean, honestly.”

“…T-that’s not true, it’s not for me, it’s for all of us! You see, everyone is interested in the luxury liner, right? So, as the Creator God, I thought I would give everyone a chance to enjoy themselves on a luxury liner. Yes, it’s for everyone. It’s called welfare, I guess.”

“Hmm, Creator God-sama. Let’s talk over there. I thought I had engraved the reason why we should not interfere with the lower world into your soul, but I guess I didn’t do enough. Shall I inscribe it on both your body and your soul?”

“Y-you can’t. It is an unforgivable act to harm my body.”

“I see. …Then, shall I engrave it even deeper into your soul?”

“No! That’s not good! I thought I was going to die last time. And even if we interfere with the lower world, it’s in the middle of the ocean, so there’s no problem.”

“Dialogue is useless.”

“Oh no, Creator God-sama has been taken away. But did they plan to go on a luxury liner for fun, or should I have kept quiet? …Well, they’ll find out soon enough. Oh, Otherworlder-kun came to pray. That was bad timing. Sorry, Creator God-sama, Otherworlder-kun.”


“Whew, I’m finally cured. But why did he suddenly stop interfering? Even if he healed us, he’d be doing us a favor, wouldn’t he? What do you think, God of Magic?”

“Probably, something is definitely wrong. Let’s go ask the God of Light.”

“Yeah, right.”

“…I can’t find her. Where do you think she is?”

“I don’t know. If she’s following the Creator God, I have no idea.”


“Huh? God of War and God of Magic, you are recovered. That’s good.”

“Oh, God of Entertainment. Suddenly, the interference stopped, and we immediately recovered. So we’re looking for the God of Light to find out why the interference stopped. Do you know something?”

“Oh, so that’s how it is. You know, I think Creator God-sama is being preached to by the God of Light, so he’s so cornered that he can’t afford to interfere.”

“Hmm? Preaching? Did he do something wrong again?”

“Yeah, ……………….That’s what happened.”

“Oh, he wants to go on the luxury liner. That’s an interesting story.”

“Oh, so that’s what God of Magic thinks, too. I thought I was a little bit premature in telling you, too.”

“Oh, here comes the God of Light.”

“Ara, God of War and God of Magic, you have recovered. Congratulations.”

“Oh, well, thanks to the God of Light, I guess. How is the Creator God doing?”

“He’s mumbling some crazy stuff, so I decided to take a break. He won’t retrieve the sanctuary of the luxury liner no matter how hard I try to persuade him, so I guess he intends to go play on the luxury liner at will.”

“Haha, the Creator God is greedy for fun. But if the sanctuary can prevent interference, I, too, would like to go on the luxury liner. Hey, God of Light, can’t you do something about that?”

“… I suppose so. If I can get Creator God-sama to summon Wataru-san and ask him to lend us an unmanned luxury liner, there might not be a problem.”

“Yay! Then I can play on the luxury liner. Otherworlder-kun comes to the church occasionally, so we can contact him. Huh? Then, Creator God-sama will not be offended, will he?”

“No, God of Entertainment, that’s another story. We must be very careful about bad things.”

“Oh, yes, well, I suppose so. Let’s say that the luxury liner is only after Creator God-sama gets well. First, let’s observe the luxury liner and make a plan. I’m looking forward to it.”